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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. I mean, the statement applies to any alignment really. Believe it or not, I do see your point, but I think you're being too inflexible. Rather than alignments being reductive, they're fluid.
  2. Yeah TBH town that tries to survive themselves as #1 goal is generally bad town. In my champs game this year we had to yell at somebody for that, though they turned out okay in the end.
  3. https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TotalPartyKill
  4. Well fortunately, Jeod seems to have made some kind of deal with rubeci. Unfortunately, if 3 rebels vote in a bloc, Jeod might be easily swayed, so who knows There are certainly worse options than Shade, though.
  5. Retal can't vote though? Only Rubeci can because he wasn't actually sent to the wall?
  6. If you pardon my use of werewolf terms instead of mafia, there's a term "Too Wolfy to be a Wolf" or TWtbaW", which is kinda how I feel about Shade, but if that's the direction we want to go I won't argue.
  7. Going to bed for tonight. I might not be around for hammer tomorrow, don't know yet, but advanced warning. Unfortunately that will likely make me an easy target
  8. Was the info not publicly posted back then? Kinda hard to keep track with Verti edits, though I know that might not help my case. I mean, I'm a loyalist still, so the truth is on my side, but just saying. But yeah, I was partially trying to draw a conversion attempt onto me, hoping rebels would think I had a booster for their conversion or something.
  9. In the interests of maybe being productive, I'll unvote for now too. We're just creating a big mess, regardless of which one of us may have the more salient points, and there are other things to discuss (hopefully at a more reasonable hour of the day). ##unvote
  10. For the first paragraph: No, literally that's the reason. If you don't like it, tough. More discussion is good for solving, and throwing those possibilities out there is pro-discussion. That's good for rebel-hunting. Everything I put forward against you has not crumbled. I'll admit my eyeball of the chart was wrong, but you've still acted shady because I don't buy your BS role claim, especially as it has the exact same flaw people attack mine over. It's almost hilarious. Indeed, your role as claimed might be even *more* specialized. My role told me what I got as both loyalist and rebel even before the decision had to be made (and before Verti edits), so I don't know what to tell you, if you're missing something that just seems like a bad claim to me. If this winds up loyalist on loyalist then maybe Verti's design has been underestimated I guess, but I just really don't buy it.
  11. I didn't necessarily suggest those were the likely outcomes, merely that they were possibilities, there's a difference. Part of putting those forward was reaction fishing, seeing who'd respond and how. Seeing who has TMI. Regarding yesterday's calculus, it was more of a "there's 2 rebels between Irish/Voe/Retal" and I went in on that argument, pre-hammer I was leaning Retal-Irish and now with Retal confirmed loyalist it's you-Irish.
  12. I think they hit Sunflower, but it was someone else other than me who made the decision, a group that didn't know it was the hand.
  13. You're the one pulling a case out of your ass. Anyone can see with the info Verti provided that it's near certain the hand can't be converted. Technically speculation yes, but it's speculation you yourself are adhering to.
  14. If I'm a rebel the hand wouldn't have been hit, because I already knew who the hand was.
  15. Not like rebels appear to want to assault anything Anywho, as entertaining as Shade is, I need to take care of some things, be back in like 30 minutes.
  16. Only if I'm voted. No matter who's voted it's Jeod's fate.
  17. At the end of the day, Jeod, I'll go with what you want to do (except voting myself, for obvious reasons). I'm simply trying to help, but if you want to do something else, it's your Kingdom, and your fate, not mine. My questions have a specific purpose: Judging the viability of gameplay post-wall. Given the number of religions (and therefore how we're likely spread out and each religion has few followers), sending people to the wall could make some extinct, effectively removing content from the game, and I'm wondering if Verti would actually do that.
  18. Even if Shade is a rebel I doubt he's in chaoots with anyone but himself
  19. Can you tell us anything about the desertion mechanic? Though I understand if you don't want to.
  20. It was good to obfuscate the hand, at the time. Have you confirmed that you can still religion or not?
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