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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. Squatter's rights generally take a decade to establish.
  2. (Also I'm multi gaming on MU so I appreciate not having to pay to much attention )
  3. Errr.. actually... didn't it go to rebels with Shade.... wait....
  4. It is right, but I don't know if the holding is actually in tact after eliminate as opposed to walling him.
  5. Even if that's the case, not knowing when there's 0 rebels is so absurd I refuse to entertain that notion. I wouldn't necessarily say *that*, I'm just saying, he's pulling for team rebel regardless of what he's actually *supposed* to be doing.
  6. If Irish really was the last rebel, I'd suspect we'd PUBLICLY get a chance to start the next rebellion rather than skipping right to RNG is the thing. We'd definitely be told if we got the last rebel. I furthermore wouldn't trust Shade further than I can throw him. He's very clearly still pulling for team rebel.
  7. No there were still rebels, we had three at one point pretty sure, and they converted someone else.
  8. Looks like we'll hit WIN soon anyway so it'll be moot ##Vote Voe
  9. Is there a reason for the Voe vote? I mean, I'm not opposed, I'd just like to hear your reason Jeod.
  10. How exactly do you define first-party vs third party. Developer or Publisher? Because, like, I'd consider a lot of things Rare made to be "Nintendo Games". They made Donkey Kong and Banjo-Kazooie for crying out loud which are definitely classic Nintendo, but at the same time they also made Goldeneye and Perfect Dark, which are a bit more questionable (I'd see reason for excluding Goldeneye, but I'd argue Perfect Dark could be included). And that's just one example.
  11. It's the least he could do after I tried to do his job of protecting the hand for him
  12. Jeod you better send the army to defend me after I depleted my army defending Sunflower.
  13. Characters can have a non-item ability too, right? Like, for example, a doctor.
  14. Nah, if Jeod was going down, she'd throw him under the bus.
  15. The king can just step down when overthrown, and while we don't know what happens if they're voted instead of overthrown the traditional way, I assume the hand would still have had the chance to escape
  16. Nah I'm staying here. For the record, if you guys had gone all in on this yesterday instead of afking, you might have swayed us, as I've said, but you've missed your chance I'm out for Revenge of the Sunflower now :P
  17. I'll sign up. Will take awhile to decide a char though.
  18. Actually I preferred the Great Fox and getting the Landmaster to keep it themed
  19. I can work with Nintendo, Smash Bro might be too limiting, as I'm not really even sure who's on the rosters these days, and if I had to pick from a menu it's not really "CYOR" anymore.... though I'd probably just be Fox, that's all I ever played
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