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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. That was a bold strategy Shade as an actual Rebel
  2. Anywho, I have to go take care of some things in town, so I'll miss hammer, sadly.
  3. Shade now that you're outed you should change your avatar to something more fitting
  4. I promise if sent to the wall I'll be even more annoying that I am already
  5. I mean, I'd prefer if Jeod was a little more forceful, I've said it a lot, but it's not gotten us very far, now has it? That line of thinking doesn't really apply to the King as he's in the hot seat.
  6. Considering up until now Jeod has been bandwagoning what everyone else wanted to do, saying Jeod has majority is kinda reaching.
  7. If he doesn't go after rebels his power base will eventually crumble on it's own.
  8. If Jeod wants to vote me up I'm pretty sure he could do it without rubeci's support
  9. I mean, even if Jeod were nefarious, that's like getting mad at a hurricane for blowing over a palm tree... that's just what it does. As it stands, I see no problem with reaching out to rubeci, even if it is a little unconventional...
  10. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/l'%C3%A9tat,%20c'est%20moi
  11. Eventually the rebels will win or the rebellion will be over, that's what happens.
  12. It's not like we're going to stop at two I feel like this whole site needs a "how to act townie" guide (myself included), cause I totally get that. I mean, all I have to do over at MU is enter the room before someone accuses me of making a scum slip, lol. One time it was simply because I used the word "too" when describing someone's past game as being town, assuming that meant I had TMI for the present game.
  13. In general I'd actually agree with this statement, though in some circumstances I do have advantages.
  14. Did that actually happen in the books or TV show? You may be a tad biased
  15. It's like two sides of a coin, it does both, to preserve balance, like the force or some mystic BS
  16. I mean, theoretically, if enough people are at the wall, everything might be fine anyway.
  17. Unfortunately, I know enough about Lore to know that you might not entirely be talking out of your ass. The problem is, still, it's you. It's like there's a zombie invasion and there's only one gun, and the gun is super glued to the 4 year old's hand. Sure would be useful to use the gun against the zombies, but the 4 year old has it....
  18. ##Vote Shade Shade probably has more utility at the wall that endlessly disrupting the Kingdom, too, in addition to whatever's been said, though I await his efforts to try to disprove that too.
  19. Just because something doesn't happen doesn't mean it's not possible. Otherwise casinos wouldn't exist.
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