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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. At least from what I heard from my alliance doc, it actually sounded like Sunflower was doing all the work in the Kingdom doc
  2. "Cool dragon things" probably involved winning the game
  3. I vote we continue the game, because we don't know what the future holds and things could change. We could skip to the end of the phase though. For that, I will ##Vote Irish
  4. No matter how I respond to that people will think what they want, so thanks for planting the seed
  5. I'm pretty sure a rebellion of 1 wouldn't be allowed to happen. If it would, then I'll join in with the rest of you at being more outraged.
  6. As long as there's a rebel to vote it's fine. If there's no rebel to vote, I assume the mechanics change and we enter a new phase. Same for if WIN gets triggered first, which is likely.
  7. I have a very good reason for being loyalist: It buys me time to build my religion abilities and turtle. I've said this from the start
  8. TBH I'm just going to keep voting rebels, but I've not done so yet cause I don't want to rain on everyone's sourpuss parade
  9. It's true, I could have sent 2500 more troops than I did. Maybe that would have made the difference
  10. I sent troops to Sunflower thinking we'd actually win
  11. I mean, if the rebels wanted us to vote Jeod, you guys should have went all in on it yesterday, instead of letting Shade solo the argument. We might have been more receptive when you guys actually had a position of power, plus not being annoyed my alliance buddy is dead.
  12. You've yet to explain how a new king solves any problem.
  13. The thing is the King gives us stuff. The rebels do not. I'd make an argument about that's how rulership works, but nobody would listen or care
  14. Maybe if the rebels are so concerned they could just stop being rebels, hmmm?
  15. It's not *that* bad, though Sunflower dying is bad. I'm pretty sure some asshole would have found a way to do that regardless though given all that Daenerys hate going on
  16. If you have an answer in mind why do you ask a question?
  17. Irish would be my lead candidate. I'd elaborate but I'm multitasking and tired. I can explain more in a bit.
  18. Well judging by Shade, maybe the rebels are not the smartest
  19. Yeah, she was pretty clearly going to be a target.
  20. I sent 5000 troops to Sunflower last night cause I figured the rebels would attack her.
  21. It's not 5k each or no troops would join the wall, it's just 5k total stay with rebels, otherwise they'd not go down at all if we assume Shade has 10k. I've already communicated to Jeod my preferences via Sunflower, but I think option 1 we can find out who's who via math especially with shade's troops being redistributed if we wall him!
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