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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. I presume that's why so many people target me first then generally
  2. It's hard to say really without knowing which ones are which. It's like having a rubix cube with 1/3 of the stickers removed. I'm actually most confident of Retal being Rebel now. 75%. Voe maybe 65%. Irish I'll say 65% too but I need him to come back to be sure. Shade, I don't know anymore, but I'll put him on the back burner to resolve this push first.
  3. Eh, there's at least a small chance of it continuing at the wall but still. I'm like 90% sure Sunflower is loyalist. Between the sunflower pushers, there's at least 1, maybe 2 rebels. Maybe they aren't all rebels, but mathematically, there's at least some there.
  4. The alliance hasn't kicked in yet, so I don't even know what the bonus is yet
  5. Am I wrong though? And I've laid out a case that's decently strong, Jeod even agreed with it, so it must have been convincing. This comes across as a "no u"
  6. "Suspicious person acts suspicious! More at five!"
  7. So the fact that everybody's pushing this angle so hard is HIGHLY suspicious.
  8. The thing is, Voe, the only source for Sunflower being Daenerys is Irish just making stuff up. It's true Sunflower likes the character, and admits as such, but that's it. Irish's chart is fabricated.
  9. I don't think this game is quite as expansive as past Verti games. It's true that house is probably linked with that religion, but at the same time, Sunflower never confirmed being that character. All we have is an allegation from Irish which he pulled out of his ass.
  10. I'll keep that in mind next time you claim Dr. Frankenstein.
  11. Leading an invasion from essos would necessitate a third party.
  12. We found the third party with our vote yesterday. Rubeci was third party. We're pretty sure sending him to the wall failed. The point is, we already have a third party. There's probably not another specific one, other than indies when the king gets in trouble at the end of a rebellion.
  13. Notice anything... strange about him? (Hint: There's more than one answer)
  14. Some of us have brains that we can use to decide if things are true or not and if not what they might be hiding Voe: Go back and look at who we nabbed last night.
  15. Even so, for nobody to even talk to him about it is weird. You could get info that way
  16. I mean, we already found the third party, I think any talk of Sunflower being some kind of super-dangerous character is just crazy paranoia. I mean, the KNOWN third party offered us a deal, and everyone kinda just stuck their head in the sand like an emu and shrugged it off. There's been no discussion of it, at all, what's up with that.
  17. I know I was quite forceful earlier, but I'm hesitant on any course of action now because we really need to get this one right for our ratios to be good tomorrow. We really need to be sure.
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