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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. Your magic pain glove has a lot less charisma than I do, so that doesn't have the same ring as my argument did
  2. I mean, if I was a rebel, I wouldn't cry over voting a royalist, true, but I'd not shy away from no lynch. That just means there's more targets to convert and more resources for the kingdom once the revolution succeeds.
  3. I'd argue 1) We don't know what indies want, and 2) any good rebel wants to consume the royalists rather than destroy them. That's revolution 101. You seize the apparatus of the state, not destroy it. They'll want to take us alive.
  4. Actual case against Retal (before I get too tired tonight and go to bed): He was a pretender to the throne (if we're using actual terminology). For reasons already stated, I'm hesitant on Voe. I also hesitate on Shade, because I don't think Shade actually wanted to be King, despite the surge of support for him. That said, I'd rate Shade more likely than Voe, and he's a feisty one. These are all tenuous cases though, and the day needs to develop.
  5. Some of her other questions were fishing earlier (RE Cersei) but that one was a legitimate question. I appreciate you're becoming self aware though, heh.
  6. You're making me laugh, which makes it hard that you're my top suspect
  7. No, I don't think they'd have that option N1 when people were still sorting out who themselves were rebels. I'd like to keep my info ambiguous for now as revealing more won't help at present time and keeping rebels in the dark about what I know could lead them into a trap later.
  8. It wouldn't, and nobody is volunteering. What happened was I made the point that we should try to nail a rebel with the vote, Shade asked if I was volunteering, and I basically asked "Why would I do that as Loyalist, given my last point?" except with a more scathing tone while being factious, but apparently some people can't handle it.
  9. Normally I use that argument all the time against ChopBam, however there's simply no other way to describe the high quality of my arguments in use against Shade's tinfoil theories this game so far
  10. It might not have a 100% success rate or something, sure, and other factors might be at play, but I do think they have stronger tools than you're accounting for. I believe we have strong incentive to actually try and nail them. If there's some kind of uncertainty, it might involve the armies actually fighting, which could go either way. Rebels might have the advantage to make up for their smaller factional size (we already know they can attack while royals can only defend). Whereas we know for sure that voting is a sure fire 100% way to remove someone. That's our counter. It would be foolish not to use it.
  11. How do you know the Hand can cop people hmmm? And how many times do we have to tell you, mafia is not a game of proof Also I have info to suggest it is a cult like mechanic, if you want to put it that way.
  12. Well the alternative is no lynch buddy, so if that's what you want, make your case Which considering we know the rebels have ways of turning people to the rebellion, is arguing for the rebellion to win in the end.
  13. The thing about Voe that gives me pause is the fact that he tried to throw shade at me *before* the night was over. If he was going to rebel, he wouldn't yet know who was rebel with him and if I was going to be a potential teammate. That's reckless for someone who's planning to rebel. Then again, he's not the most coherent strategist...
  14. It's probably taking our actual forces into consideration, so not everyone counts for the same amount perhaps. Jeod probably gets counted for Royal twice as his own house forces and then the royal army, so yeah, figuring out the pie exactly is probably hard. 2-3 sounds about right regardless though.
  15. Personally I don't particularly care about having to repeat right away, but I'd be annoyed at how whiny the rest of you would be Despite proposing "vote someone unpopular then everyone rebel", I always planned on remaining loyal cycle 1 anyway and just seeing what happened.
  16. Yeah that's less rebel than I predicted actually.
  17. I really wish I could be here for this latest session of Shade going off the rails, but I have an engagement at 7.... I'll be back around 9... assuming this game doesn't get lightning delayed like the one on Saturday did.
  18. I'd wager this is more like paradox games, where additional territory/holdings has to be *constructed*.
  19. That possibility did occur to me too, perhaps the night watch has some forces to begin with or something, or maybe there's something we just don't know about. Or maybe we actually do have a third party, who knows.
  20. I expected those bonus houses to be unlocked though and what they did to be explained to people that inquired about them though
  21. (Lol, forgot that existed. I have the other two games in the series. Probably top notch either way as they're pretty good, might have to pick that up) (Verti my first post was a meta post don't smite me )
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