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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. Alignments being fluid does not mean the whole thing isn't going to be calculated. And let's be realistic. Somebody WILL rebel. Also, was going to call out my 7000th post, but missed it
  2. I'm not saying there's no contingency but I don't think it'd be randed.
  3. I don't think all these house passives automatically translate to king/realm bonuses, though as king that might mean you have more power to do certain actions if it takes personal resources. Did he actually say this or is this you making things up?
  4. This isn't really the emoji I wanted, but just the closest I could find on short notice.
  5. That said, Shade was supposed to be the economy candidate, which is why I'm disappointed he's waffling now. If nobody takes up that mantle I'd put forth my own name but it's almost too late at this juncture and as I said I don't particularly want to, but I'm firmly in the economy first camp.
  6. Weren't you the one complaining more people needed to want to be king rather than people wanting to not be king? Do you not follow your own advice?
  7. I think that's only an action that can happen to people that get voted as outed rebels/overthrown kings, at least from the early description if it hasn't changed.
  8. Soldiers want to be paid regardless of conversion rate
  9. Given how likely rebellion is I'm surprised how eager some people are to be King
  10. I assume by D3 or D4 most of us will at least have had the opportunity to have more gold than we know what to do with. Not saying we WILL, but we'll have had the CHANCE.
  11. Yeah but if you're going to argue with verti I don't think you're going to win.
  12. I don't want to spill too many beans, but that's innocent enough. That is indeed the cost for me.
  13. That's not really what we're talking about though. But on top of that, even if it was, I'm not exactly sure we'd just up and trust your word on it
  14. You don't have to pick the religion you are it sounds like. I'd actually wager very few of us actually do a boost just by being king, and actually wouldn't put much stock in said boosts at this stage. That's not why I'm voting Voe.
  15. I actually thought Greyjoy would be the least popular pick.
  16. Sunflower is awfully concerned with finding Cersei.
  17. Attack, or defense? There may be a difference. And that might be personal allies as opposed to *everyone* if you're king.
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