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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. You're going to have to expand on this. On the iLTS situation: I agree, it looks bad, but it's nothing Shade doesn't do all the time.
  2. I mean, linking those two things is a bit of a stretch...
  3. How do you know 3, when we've had just 2 nights?
  4. I gotta go make dinner.... but I will say I actually am pretty interested to see what Irish has to say now, if he's actually been unblocked. I guess as neutral/TP we have to take it with a grain of WIFOM, but still...
  5. I mean, undoing him helps Irish... which would actually point towards Irish having a partner, maybe... or scum wanting to woo him to their side...
  6. Cat 5 seemed to be under the impression he passed successfully... but maybe it's unknown. I can't go back and check exactly what was said. He seemed to imply the stone he had was NOT the time stone, despite it being fitting for Dr. Strange to have it.
  7. No.... but I wonder what kind of shenanigans the time stone can cause. Cat 5 and I were speculating about that.
  8. Eh, if it distracted the thief from actual targets, it might not have been a bad play.
  9. With all these protection abilities going around the kill count is actually quite a bit lower than it could be.
  10. I hadn't considered that possibility exactly. I did consider the possibility that there's 2 scum 2 TP and Irish has a partner though, but that might be pushing it. It's just we assume that the ability Shade found, which mentions "partner", is scum, when maybe it's TP. That's a stretch, but it's a possibility. I'd consider 2 scum 1 TP/neutral or 2 scum 1 neutral 1 TP more likely, but I can't give exact odds.
  11. It's all moot because I've been completely truthful about my contact with Cat 5.
  12. TBH it was a joke combined with egotistical bragging about my own charisma
  13. Well two things. 1) I'd argue even if I was lying and that was proven the argument could then be made I'm third party or neutral 2) The stone blocked me from any other action last night as well. That can be confirmed right now, even, if we decided not to care about stone security and out where it is.
  14. So any clear statements I make you'll just take at face value? Do you know why you are blocked?
  15. I assume pass would happen before kill. He could have been attempting to keep the stone a mystery, which is a concept SOME people seem to have trouble with
  16. Though since he was town, I don't know why he was so uncooperative.
  17. He did. I have a theory his lynchproof was actually a stone, and that pulse or whatever was it activating and then he was required to pass it last night.
  18. Oh, and something else: The soul stone blocks your own night actions. This is one reason why I didn't do anything N1. This too should be able to be verified later as well. Cat 5 had a stone D1 and safely passed it before he was killed. He said the stone he had does NOT block any of your actions. He didn't tell me what stone it was though.
  19. I can say for sure that the soul stone is safe right now, so verification should come, eventually.
  20. He didn't want to give me more details, in part because he doesn't fully trust me, which is fair enough. I have a feeling he didn't know the contact would be with me and would have preferred with someone else. At first I thought maybe he copped him, but from further conversation I don't think that's the case. He only told me his read "wasn't 100%" AFTER the day phase was over, and we were in night. To be fair, during the day phase it appears he caught me literally as he was on his way out the door to work.
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