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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. I meant voting no lynch looks bad on you, but since you're new I think we might understand, but yes, you should pick a side. Even if you're wrong it progresses the game.
  2. For the record, yes or no, are you lynch proof?
  3. Part of figuring out the game is seeing where people put their vote when under pressure. Trying to stay out of it and let others do the lynch is generally a bad sign for that particular person.
  4. No lynch generally just gives scum more time to work at this stage of the game.
  5. Is that another unlynchable claim, because I'd find that dubious at best
  6. My only solace in being ninja'd is that Shade got ninja'd as well.
  7. Just consistent with what I expected, being agro on Irish early. Though I guess maybe I might be giving it too much weight. About an hour and 45 minutes.
  8. If I'm watching video it's because my brain is already too tired to read, so I'm not reading while I'm watching tv.
  9. That's all he's saying for now. He says he doesn't fully trust me. He also has to leave for work and may have left already, though the doc is open until D3 start. Way I see it though, whoever I pass the stone to can verify these things.
  10. I'm suspicious of him. He's been "trigger happy", which is bad, but then again, he's usually trigger happy... (Not as trigger happy as Shade )
  11. Update: I *do* have to pass it... mildly unfortunate....
  12. But this is why I've been so agro on you for your fishing. You straight up guessed I had the soul stone and I do not appreciate that.
  13. I don't think so... oddly enough... I didn't "use" it, it just activated on it's own.
  14. I have the soul stone. I was going to use it tonight to contact Cat 5. However, he appears to have contacted ME first.
  15. Good news! My plan happened early apparently!
  16. Spiderman was always my least favorite comic book character ever, because the neighbor kid on the school bus was obsessed with him and never shut up about him.
  17. It's probably not where my vote will end up, I'll explain probably before the end of the day.
  18. I think there's actually value in this right now... ##Vote Chopbam
  19. Shade, when this year's MU hyrda event comes around, we ARE playing it together.
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