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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. Who's Happy Hogan? *looks at previous comments*
  2. While it's not the same concept, it's similar to why you should never claim vanilla townie. That wouldn't apply to this game as we're all special, but I treat "when should I reveal info" the same way basically.
  3. This is directed at ILTS as well, but sometimes it's best to just say nothing, lest the pressure gets removed from scum, and or helps them narrow down the people who CAN provide some intel.
  4. I mean, whatever they do, it's probably pretty strong/amazing, or else I'm going to be disappointed in Jeod
  5. My point was the opposite, kinda, indeed the fact that I think someone could be collecting the stones so watch out
  6. But yes I agree, I'm not saying someone should come forth with the stones Someone probably has a thief action or something.
  7. Well I'm not denying what ILTS said. If you take any given person in the game, they have a slightly better than 50/50 odds of having a stone regardless of other concerns, if all stones are distributed anyway though.
  8. I suppose too if someone used a stone D1 and they wanted to pass to avoid whatever penalty there is Cat 5 could have controlled who got the stone *before* dying (see as NKs are usually last in the order). I'm really tempted to say at some point someone should use and not pass just to see what happens, but then again, it's probably just smuck bait.
  9. I guess by this point it's just me. You fine with me just picking a backup? I still do actually want Shade as a backup, but I think he declined (he's not very clear on it). If not I asked Sunflower.
  10. You're muscling in on my role of being the quickest GM in the West... don't like it Cat 5 eh? If he's Dr. Strange, there was a good chance he had the time stone (I remember that much from the movies). I hope whoever killed him didn't pick it up.
  11. Meta: Is there a 2 post night limit as usual? (looks at everyone above....)
  12. I'm gonna go make dinner, but I look forward to seeing what he is.
  13. I'm trying to think of what he'd be, and I'll admit, I *am* very curious. My lack of sleep is preventing me from actually having any solid ideas myself.
  14. ##unvote I'll just take the warning (if there is a warning) and make sure to vote the next day I think. I'm not satisfied with any option, but I won't stand in the way.
  15. Well Shade never actually voted you... Aside from that I guess there's not much else you could say. My thought about Stan Lee being neutral actually makes me a little less inclined to try and save Irish...
  16. Though it just hit me... Stan Lee sure sounds like maybe a neutral role too... lol *facepalm*
  17. Oh, we're still on Irish... Well after mentioning jester I don't expect Shade to jump on this wagon, just in case
  18. I mean, I welcome the chance for Mojo to defend himself, and I think he was here earlier, though time is now running out :\
  19. Subtle jester? (Just saw a game on MU finish that had an interesting jester, it's so rare to see one actually used)
  20. I mean, the other alternative is Irish, but that wagon appears motivated by personal animosity. Unfortunately, I don't regard that as alignment indicative of the people leading that charge. Brigitte and Louis, though we have very limited data on both, appear to be aggressive players and may very well press Irish as town.
  21. So you're saying if this is some kind of sign, maybe Mojo has some kind of lynch protection or there's another factor which makes such a claim less risky? I guess the thought did occur me, but that's sort of immaterial to whether or not it is a sign. Just because he's got his bases covered, potentially, doesn't mean we can't be suspicious.
  22. Maybe it's because I'm operating on very little sleep, but I don't quite get what you mean.
  23. People have done so before. And like I said, if unscrupulous people need to link up or something it might be a signal. I don't think it was this game.
  24. A vampire's gotta do what a vampire's gotta do. Though before we get sidetracked going down memory lane, let me be clear that I'm not exactly disagreeing with this sentiment
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