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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. If you quit your job to make your own movie I promise I maybe would buy it once it came out on DVD.
  2. Amazing how you can go from Ok Boomer to somehow discovering the point I was making in the span of 7 minutes.
  3. I mean to be fair, it's probably not "modern" media, but just media in general, just media from the past that was bad we forgot about, the same as any conversation with rose tinted glasses. Being high quality is hard work.
  4. 8639-9032-9775 I play every day and send gifts, though I don't always go into town because I live in the middle of nowhere, so sometimes rely on my buddy bringing me gifts as is the pandemic feature, so theoretically if a lot of you add me I may just be out of gifts on certain days.
  5. The thing is, I can see why everyone loves this game. It really gets the foreshadowing *right*, and when there's a payoff, it feels great. Like 75% of modern media tries to do that, but 90% of it fails to do it right. This game does it right. It's the type of thing you need like a FBI murder investigation room to plan.
  6. So completed chapter 8 of part 1. Totally called the Sothis thing. Also DON'T TELL ME IF I'M RIGHT, but I'm thinking Edelgard is the Flame Emperor. I just want credit for calling it if/when the reveal happens.
  7. My prefered dice rolling website actually offers a verification service where people can "subscribe" with their emails to a specific dice room you set up and then they'll get notified of any dice rolls you make in that room (you can also label a roll before you make it, so say it can specifically say a roll is "FRAYDO - Stuck Chance" and then everyone would know which roll is which). Only downside is for games where you want people's stats to be obsfucated that could potentially give spoilers to what roles are.
  8. Also let me complain about the fact that I got 60% done downloading Outer Worlds, the game did an update, so my progress downloading it was reset, and I had to start from 0%. At full speed it takes me 32 hours to download that game, and I don't go full speed because I want to use my internet, so I mainly download it while I'm sleeping. Doom is gonna take even longer, ugh.
  9. So I found a non-spoiler thing to tell me how far I am, I'm like almost done with Chapter 8 of 12 of Part 1.
  10. Yeah, I've been really busy lately and also I did get like a bajillion games for my birthday so I've been splitting my attention. Probably in the next day or two I'll do the mission with Remire Village something strange is happening there.
  11. FRAYDO should post his code so I can add him and farm xp from leveling up friendship.
  12. Too bad FRAYDO has broken his curse or we could have him make a pact with Jeod to roll 1s.
  13. I mean, that said, I *do* like that the hit chance, etc, is dependent both on who we are and the weapon fired, not just on the weapon fired. Adds a little something the other games don't have. Apparently. Unless I'm not understanding this.
  14. Yeah, that's probably for the best. My LOL was in reference to this being an awfully lot of effort to just distill this back down to where we are in APB/TS mafias.
  15. Also now that I know what my stats mean, I have just one thing to say: LOL
  16. That explanation would be a lot clearer if you made it clear that BS = base strength and WS = weapon strength.
  17. Either nobody is going to know what these stats mean or only Shade is going to know what these stats mean. The first would be great, so Shade, I forbid you from reading the wiki.
  18. Also, getting it out of the way now for excuses, but games I've gotten in the past 24 hours for my Birthday: Outer Worlds Halcyon 6 Cook Serve Delicious 2 Doom Deep Sky Derelicts And of course I'm still working on Fire Emblem. So you can say I'm very distracted Also got Valkyria Chronicles 4 (know we talked about that) from Humble Bundle last month but haven't downloaded it so throw that into the mix.
  19. I'm pretty much in a food coma right now. It's a beautiful spring evening out but I'm shivering hardcore because I'm digesting so much I ate the entire burrito in one go *and then* started in on this vanilla and buttercream cake I got at the store.
  20. Ironically I'm like *this* close to getting a new job, but once training is done one of the fringe benefits is flex hours so I'll still probably still be able to be around whenever and be my annoying self.
  21. The more concerning thing was that my phone number tied to my bank account was my landline from 2009 and thus I didn't actually get the notification that my card was frozen. I was only alerted by an email from ESPN+ saying my payment, due tomorrow, was about to fail and I better have alternate payment ready to go. Thankfully I was able to remember my childhood phone number to verify my identity (that was a "security question" along with my birthday and some other things) and now have my *real* phone number on the account, which tbh I should have done a long time ago.
  22. This is actually the first time it's happened, though tbh it's kinda surprising, given I buy weird things fairly often. I mean, I was kinda betting that buying that food from Japan crate would freeze my card, but it didn't. With how much energy I give off, how can I not be young
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