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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. CVC Cat 5 (2) and Retaliation (5) leads for trainers Jeod (3) and Killing_You (5) leads for rocket Early Hammer 2/4 Current Active players 1. TheIrishman - No votes 2. Jeod - Retaliation/trainer, Jeod and Killing_You/rocket 3. Retaliation - Cat 5 and Retaliation/trainer, Jeod and Killing_You/rocket 4. Shade939 - Cat 5 and Retaliation/trainer, Jeod and Killing_You/rocket 5. Killing_You - Jeod and Retaliation/trainer, Irish and Killing_you/rocket 6. Brigitte - Brigitte and Retaliation/trainer, Irish and Killing_You/rocket 7. Cat 5 - No votes
  2. CVC Jeod/Brigitte (1) and Retaliation (4) leads for trainers Jeod (2) and Killing_You (3) leads for rocket Early Hammer 2/4 Current Active players 1. TheIrishman - No votes 2. Jeod - Retaliation/trainer, Jeod and Killing_You/rocket 3. Retaliation - No votes 4. Shade939 - Retaliation/trainer 5. Killing_You - Jeod and Retaliation/trainer, Irish and Killing_you/rocket 6. Brigitte - Brigitte and Retaliation/trainer, Jeod and Killing_You/rocket 7. Cat 5 - No votes
  3. CVC Jeod/Brigitte (1) and Retaliation (3) leads for trainers Jeod (2) and Killing_You (3) leads for rocket Early Hammer 2/4 Current Active players 1. TheIrishman - No votes 2. Jeod - Retaliation/trainer, Jeod and Killing_You/rocket 3. Retaliation - No votes 4. Shade939 - Retaliation/trainer 5. Killing_You - Jeod/trainer, Killing_you/rocket 6. Brigitte - Brigitte and Retaliation/trainer, Jeod and Killing_You/rocket 7. Cat 5 - No votes
  4. CVC Jeod (1) and Retaliation (2) leads for trainers Jeod (1) and Killing_You (2) leads for rocket Early Hammer 1/4 Current Active players 1. TheIrishman - No votes 2. Jeod - Retaliation/trainer, Jeod and Killing_You/rocket 3. Retaliation - No votes 4. Shade939 - Retaliation/trainer 5. Killing_You - Jeod/trainer, Killing_you/rocket 6. Brigitte - No votes 7. Cat 5 - No votes
  5. CVC Jeod (1) and Retaliation (1) leads for trainers Jeod (1) and Killing_You (2) leads for rocket Early Hammer 1/4 Current Active players 1. TheIrishman - No votes 2. Jeod - Retaliation/trainer, Jeod and Killing_You/rocket 3. Retaliation - No votes 4. Shade939 - No votes 5. Killing_You - Jeod/trainer, Killing_you/rocket 6. Brigitte - No votes 7. Cat 5 - No votes
  6. CVC Jeod (1) leads for trainers Jeod (1) and Killing_You (2) leads for rocket Early Hammer 1/4 Current Active players 1. TheIrishman - No votes 2. Jeod - Jeod and Killing_You/rocket 3. Retaliation - No votes 4. Shade939 - No votes 5. Killing_You - Jeod/trainer, Killing_you/rocket 6. Brigitte - No votes 7. Cat 5 - No votes
  7. Since it's leaked out by now, the penalty for team attacking is as follows. 1) Reduction of the pokemon's level by 20 after the battle. 2) Forfeiture of all battle rewards (no items, only 2 coins). 3) Forced self vote the next day.
  8. CVC No votes leads for trainers Jeod (1) and Killing_You (1) leads for rocket Early Hammer 1/4 Current Active players 1. TheIrishman - No votes 2. Jeod - Jeod and Killing_You/rocket 3. Retaliation - No votes 4. Shade939 - No votes 5. Killing_You - No votes 6. Brigitte - No votes 7. Cat 5 - No votes
  9. CVC Shade (1) leads for trainers No one leads for rocket Current Active players 1. TheIrishman - No votes 2. Jeod - No votes 3. Retaliation - No votes 4. Shade939 - Shade/trainer 5. Killing_You - No votes 6. Brigitte - No votes 7. Cat 5 - No votes
  10. Also notice, if the day ends early, I won't be here for hammer. Indeed, it might even be as late as 8 pm EDT before I can respond to a battle at that time.
  11. Day 12 Rise and shine! It's double battle day! You know that tomorrow will be a double battle too, and in fact, be the last double battle sanctioned by the Gym Leaders' Conference! Plan accordingly... CVC No one leads for trainers No one leads for rocket Current Active players 1. TheIrishman - No votes 2. Jeod - No votes 3. Retaliation - No votes 4. Shade939 - No votes 5. Killing_You - No votes 6. Brigitte - No votes 7. Cat 5 - No votes
  12. Once posted in a battle it's locked in, sorry.
  13. Mewtwo uses thunderpunch for 51 damage and faints Espeon! Official night start, only 2 posts from this point. Standby for post-battle PMs.
  14. Mewtwo uses thunderpunch! It does 51 damage. Espeon at 38 HP! Espeon used Psychic, it does 50 damage, Mewtwo at 81 HP. Mewtwo eats it's gold berry! HP restores to 111 HP
  15. Mewtwo uses thunderpunch! It does 51 damage. Espeon at 89 HP! Espeon used Psychic, it does 50 damage, Mewtwo at 131 HP.
  16. Battle will be level 50 Espeon vs level 50 Mewtwo. I'll be back in 30 minutes to preside.
  17. CVC Irish (4) leads for trainers Killing_You (7) leads for rocket Current Active players 1. TheIrishman - Shade/trainer, Killing_You/rocket 2. Jeod - Irish/trainer, Killing_You/rocket 3. Retaliation - Irish/trainer, Killing_You/rocket 4. Shade939 - Shade/trainer, Killing_You/rocket 5. Killing_You - Shade/trainer, Killing_You/rocket 6. Brigitte - Irish/trainer, Killing_You/rocket 7. Cat 5 - Irish/trainer, Killing_You/rocket
  18. CVC Irish (4) leads for trainers Killing_You (7) leads for rocket Current Active players 1. TheIrishman - Shade/trainer, Killing_You/rocket 2. Jeod - Irish/trainer, Killing_You/rocket 3. Retaliation - Irish/trainer, Killing_You/rocket 4. Shade939 - Shade/trainer, Killing_You/rocket 5. Killing_You - Shade/trainer, Killing_You/rocket 6. Brigitte - Irish/trainer, Killing_You/rocket 7. Cat 5 - Irish/trainer, Killing_You/rocket
  19. Typo, I'm distracted by sports betting CVC Shade (4) leads for trainers Killing_You (7) leads for rocket Current Active players 1. TheIrishman - Shade/trainer, Killing_You/rocket 2. Jeod - Irish/trainer, Killing_You/rocket 3. Retaliation - Shade/trainer, Killing_You/rocket 4. Shade939 - Shade/trainer, Killing_You/rocket 5. Killing_You - Shade/trainer, Killing_You/rocket 6. Brigitte - Irish/trainer, Killing_You/rocket 7. Cat 5 - Irish/trainer, Killing_You/rocket
  20. CVC Irish/Shade (4) leads for trainers Killing_You (7) leads for rocket Current Active players 1. TheIrishman - Shade/trainer, Killing_You/rocket 2. Jeod - Irish/trainer, Killing_You/rocket 3. Retaliation - Shade/trainer, Killing_You/rocket 4. Shade939 - Shade/trainer, Killing_You/rocket 5. Killing_You - Shade/trainer, Killing_You/rocket 6. Brigitte - Irish/trainer, Killing_You/rocket 7. Cat 5 - Irish/trainer, Killing_You/rocket
  21. A little of both. They were also not always given the optimal movesets to prevent me from actually wrecking people on a regular basis. Miltank didn't have a healing move, for example.
  22. You mean like that time I wiped out your Houndoom?
  23. I've loaded *everyone* of you into the pokeram, so there will be no last minute wrenches thrown into my plan this time
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