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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. Attacking your teammate is a valid move. However, before I reveal the penalty, Shade, I advise you to target Sandslash again.
  2. I need to take a phone call real quick, so I'll BRB.
  3. Heracross used rest! HP restored to 155. Heracross is now asleep! Heracross ate Mint Berry! Heracross is now awake! Moltres uses Ember. It does 61 damage. Sandslash at 58 HP Sandslash uses Earthquake. It's not very effective vs Heracross, doing 43 damage and bringing Heracross to 112 HP. Moltres Immune!
  4. I went, knowing this. So you can move again now for turn 3.
  5. Heracross uses megahorn and crits, doing 119 damage, Gyarados faints! Moltres auto switches target to Sandslash! Fly does 31 damage, Sandslash down to 119 HP Sandslash uses sand attack! Moltres accuracy falls!
  6. Heracross used Megahorn! It's not very effective, but does 59 damage. Gyarados at 111 HP Gyarados used Hyper Beam! It does 102 damage to Heracross! Heracross at 43 HP. Moltres used Fly! It flew up high! Sandslash used sand attack at moltres. It misses because it's up in the sky!
  7. You're lucky I allow you to speak at all during battle! In the mafia championship someone pushed a scum case on me for that very reason, and it worked, despite not being the most spammy player...
  8. I'll also ask that because we have 4 people battling, chatter be kept to a minimum. To compensate, you'll all be allowed 3 night posts instead of the usual 2.
  9. I'm back. Let's get right to the bloodbath. I'll start processing now.
  10. Battle will be Jeod - Moltres (Level 40) HP: 134 and Shade - Heracross (Level 50) HP: 155 Vs Cat 5 - Sandslash (Level 50) HP: 150 and Brigitte - Gyarados (Level 50) HP: 170 Move order is Shade, Brigitte, Jeod, Cat 5. I'll be back in ~30 mins to preside.
  11. The margin of error is your stupid notification popped up right over my clock as I'm trying to time hammer to the utmost precision
  12. RNG is weighted against learning it so it has a 0.0000000000000% chance of being learned.
  13. CVC Jeod (6) and Shade (4) lead for trainers Cat 5 (4) and Brigitte (6) lead for rocket Valid investigation zones: None Current Active players 1. TheIrishman - Jeod and Shade/trainer, Brigitte and Cat 5/rocket 2. Jeod - Jeod and Cat 5/trainer, Shade and Brigitte/rocket 3. Retaliation - Jeod and Shade/trainer, Brigitte and Cat 5/rocket 4. Shade939 - Jeod and Shade/trainer, Cat 5 and Brigitte/rocket 5. Killing_You - Jeod/trainer, Shade and Cat 5/rocket 6. Brigitte - Shade and Cat 5/trainer, Brigitte and Jeod/rocket 7. Cat 5 - Jeod and Cat 5/trainer, Shade and Brigitte/rocket
  14. She said there's a small chance, but I don't know how long we'd have to wait to make 100% sure.
  15. Alright, and I assume Shade will be around, then I'll autobattle for Brigitte and we can probably resolve this fairly quickly.
  16. The battle will actually start ~30 minutes after hammer, is that still okay?
  17. I have received auto-battle instructions from Brigitte, and Jeod says he'll submit after the pokes are reveled (and I have no reason to doubt that claim). Reminder to the others to submit something. To keep things zippy we could probably go with just two people being here, after I get ready post hammer.
  18. CVC Jeod (5) and Shade (4) lead for trainers Cat 5 (4) and Brigitte (5) lead for rocket Valid investigation zones: None Current Active players 1. TheIrishman - Jeod and Shade/trainer, Brigitte and Cat 5/rocket 2. Jeod - Jeod and Cat 5/trainer, Shade and Brigitte/rocket 3. Retaliation - Jeod and Shade/trainer, Brigitte and Cat 5/rocket 4. Shade939 - Jeod and Shade/trainer, Cat 5 and Brigitte/rocket 5. Killing_You - Jeod/trainer, Shade and Cat 5/rocket 6. Brigitte - Shade and Cat 5/trainer, Brigitte and Jeod/rocket 7. Cat 5 - no votes
  19. CVC Jeod (5) and Cat 5/Shade (3) lead for trainers Shade/Cat 5 (3) and Brigitte (5) lead for rocket Valid investigation zones: None Current Active players 1. TheIrishman - Jeod and Cat 5/trainer, Brigitte and Shade/rocket 2. Jeod - Jeod and Cat 5/trainer, Shade and Brigitte/rocket 3. Retaliation - Jeod and Shade/trainer, Brigitte and Cat 5/rocket 4. Shade939 - Jeod and Shade/trainer, Cat 5 and Brigitte/rocket 5. Killing_You - Jeod/trainer, Shade and Cat 5/rocket 6. Brigitte - Shade and Cat 5/trainer, Brigitte and Jeod/rocket 7. Cat 5 - no votes
  20. CVC Jeod (4) and Cat 5 (3) lead for trainers Shade (3) and Brigitte (4) lead for rocket Valid investigation zones: None Current Active players 1. TheIrishman - Jeod and Cat 5/trainer, Brigitte and Shade/rocket 2. Jeod - Jeod and Cat 5/trainer, Shade and Brigitte/rocket 3. Retaliation - no votes 4. Shade939 - Jeod and Shade/trainer, Cat 5 and Brigitte/rocket 5. Killing_You - Jeod/trainer, Shade and Cat 5/rocket 6. Brigitte - Shade and Cat 5/trainer, Brigitte and Jeod/rocket 7. Cat 5 - no votes
  21. CVC Jeod (4) and Cat 5 (4) lead for trainers Shade (3) and Brigitte (4) lead for rocket Valid investigation zones: None Current Active players 1. TheIrishman - Jeod and Cat 5/trainer, Brigitte and Shade/rocket 2. Jeod - Jeod and Cat 5/trainer, Shade and Brigitte/rocket 3. Retaliation - no votes 4. Shade939 - Cat 5 and Jeod/trainer, TheIrishMan and Brigitte/rocket 5. Killing_You - Jeod/trainer, Shade and Cat 5/rocket 6. Brigitte - Shade and Cat 5/trainer, Brigitte and Jeod/rocket 7. Cat 5 - no votes
  22. It depends on when "here" is. I intend to wait for at least 3 of the 4 people to be around, which might not be at hammer.
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