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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. You should never claim vanilla, as it narrows down the list of people scum have to hunt for power roles
  2. Jeod could have still blocked me, hoping I was a town power role, then decided to come clean to head off a potential "I was visited" hunt when I got my message.
  3. I will say this. If I was scum, why would I just throw away what was clearly a buddy-buddy relationship right up until that moment, when odds were looking like the vote could be pushed onto you.
  4. For those not in the know: When there's a counter claim, you only have two options. This MUST be resolved before anything else happens, and it's a good thing this didn't happen at MYLO or LYLO. You must either vote for me or for Jeod. Those are the only two options. I will refrain from actually voting for the moment so we don't hammer, and on the off chance there's been some terrible mistake and we're BOTH Ducasse.
  5. That's why I'm my avatar. When you said tie it in to myself and my character, I looked up orange flavored drugs.
  6. I'll also take my vote off Nodlied for now. Current events are much more interesting. ##unvote
  7. I'll preface this by saying I don't think EVERYONE should reveal. I think we might need to be a bit tight currently. That said, given what Jeod has revealed already, I don't think there's too much harm in *him personally* revealing who he is.
  8. If we didn't do it early this game, we weren't doing it at all. D2 is still early and it's all we would have had.
  9. Going back, Jeod was the first to bring up No Lynch, and Nodlied discussed it before I joined in, so I was in fact the THIRD person to consider No Lynch.
  10. Because no lynch gives us more time for a cop role to work.
  11. And like, no lynch wasn't even my idea originally, someone else proposed it. I think I'm being unfairly characterized by supporting it when it wasn't even my idea.
  12. It changes the whole perspective on no lynch. Without no lynch, we were two days away from 50/50. With no lynch we were 3 days. That's vital in a game this small, and honestly was one of the major tipping points for my decision to support no lynch.
  13. Only 8 people signed up for this game.... It's hard to converse with you when you're missing these details.
  14. By aiming for the killer instead of just aiming for scum in general, we can mathematically increase our odds by removing people we know that it can't be. It's 2/7 vs 2/6 (or 1/3). A marginal increase in odds.
  15. If Jeod was scum roleblocker, it would be pretty bold to come out with that even without any shenanigans with me.
  16. With so little information to go on, "not the killer" should still be something.
  17. We weren't talking about being cleared. We were talking about having town cred.
  18. It's not the be all to end all, but it's better than most people have right now.
  19. It gives us an extra day to work with for which the cop can do their work. And yes. This was discussed. Did you read it?
  20. That's an odd choice for number one scum. No lynch was basic consensus, and I personally even made sure it was before committing, plus Jeod's block of me. Also, I think we should refrain from giving away too much information about ourselves, because even from my limited knowledge of the universe there's an obvious choice for who the cop would be, and we don't want to accidentally out them. Granted, we can still have discussion, but if you're in danger, you know what details to keep quiet on. Let's not try and force them out of anyone just yet though.
  21. Good point, should have started my rotation on Irish and claimed that glory
  22. I will leave my vote for now... as motivation.... Someone else (Jeod) can take a turn pressuring someone else.
  23. Will you be able to go over the posts and give everyone more consideration sometime before hammer?
  24. Oh believe me. It's been noted and logged how people refer to Shade. As for votes, one can't hurt, as long as nobody does anything dumb. At this stage, if someone hammers, it's pretty much outting themselves, and would actually increase our odds going forward, so I'm not worried.
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