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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. I've not worked out the specifics yet.
  2. With the number of things I have planned, that might be "feature creep" though, so I probably won't do something like that Jeod.
  3. The limits on items will be *per category*, not total items, so there's still room to have options in your inventory. For example, if you had maxed out the number of held items you had, you could still go shopping at battle item shop for X Attacks or whatever. Actually Shopping will be done with loot tables, so you can't 100% pick what you get, but you can narrow it down pretty well.
  4. It's actually going in both directions. The number of items will be EXPANDED. You'll even have a lot of options for acquring them without battle, you'll be able to go shopping, for instance, but the trade off is you can't horde. Think of it as having a limited budget.
  5. The very first change I came up with was a cap on how many items you can hold onto
  6. I think rivals were a good *attempt* to balance things out, it just didn't pan out that way. I think i might rebalance it for next time to provide some incentive for chaos.
  7. I feel as if everyone was more excited to take me out than they were to take KY out
  8. I think you have to wait until in a battle to us X items.
  9. Alakazam, and a haunter fan! Full of contradictions!
  10. I feel like I made Lapras my signature this game though
  11. I could have given him an X-Accuracy too
  12. What have I been telling you all this entire time
  13. Only in gen 1. Other gens you can attack when you wake up. Also handy for the competitive scene in later gens is having the move sleep talk, which lets you attack while asleep, for those pokemon that use rest a lot.
  14. Wow, so cynical But fine, I won't use my second item then next round.
  15. Since Shade seemed eager to help me as scum, I guess it's only fair to repay that. X-Defense, Alakazam!
  16. That said, I should go to bed too, so I'll check back in on this in the morning.
  17. Jeod didn't let me do that when I asked, though...
  18. Well to be fair too, in gen 1 Disable just picked a random move to disable rather than last move used, so we have a change there as well.
  19. Generation III Instead of doubling the Defense of affected Pokémon, Reflect now technically halves the damage done to them by physical moves; it still does not reduce damage done by moves that deal direct damage. If multiple Pokémon are present on the user's side of the field, all of them are protected by Reflect, but physical damage is only reduced by a third rather than half.
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