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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. And how exactly can you deal with Gyarados?
  2. Yeah, full heals just heal status, not HP, it's kind of a dumb name. Shade: I don't think it will help us in the long run.
  3. You're just going to be put to sleep and dream eaten again
  4. With my predictions, I think I'm going to save my items. We could probably take out Gastly but still lose to Gyrados. While that would be good for me, taking out a rival pokemon, I fear without my stock of items I would be too weak for future battles. So I'll have to stick with Ice Beam Gasly
  5. Let me do some math, but I don't like how things are working out. It's likely even with using my item we still lose, if gastly gets lucky with hypno and dream eater still.
  6. Petition to include the item nyquill, so the dreams gastly will eat from lapras are particularly weird.
  7. Alright I'm back now, getting caught up.
  8. I guess in a single battle it would be RNG as fair, so switch me to RNG if you want. Otherwise I will be back in like few hours.
  9. Yeah... not sure if I want you to know my items.... I mean, I'm not even sure you're town!
  10. Zinnia would vote for Shade, because RNG is bad for alternate dimensions
  11. Hmmmm... rng or Shade.... Shade, what are your thoughts on this matter?
  12. Uh oh, now he can be dream ate for real!
  13. Also for what it's worth Sunflower.... you're my rival....
  14. I have to go here in a minute, can I submit my orders in advance, like a detailed thing about what to do in most situations?
  15. Irish is just going to heal you so you can do it to him again, I highly doubt Shade has a second awakening.
  16. I argued in favor of targeting allies with items, so I can't argue against.
  17. Maybe I'm giving you real advice, maybe I'm trying to sabotage you, who knows
  18. Well technically most moves can crit, and I don't think dragon rage can crit.
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