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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. Ice Beam rng don't fail me now!
  2. Huzzah! Ice beam away my good man.
  3. I got too excited and now I'm like choking to death on this bag of chips I was eating!
  4. If I had used the full restore on you we probably would have lost!
  5. Let's just hope all my rng luck wasn't used up by getting those full restores then
  6. I got one for each victory, I just assumed victors automatically got a full restore
  7. I didn't resist that idea, it's why I voted for Irish
  8. I don't think it was ever reduced, either. https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Body_Slam_(move)
  9. Effect Generation I Body Slam inflicts damage and has a 30% chance of paralyzing the target. It cannot paralyze Normal-typePokémon.
  10. Oh, it was still less, and no para, shame... Full restore Lapras!
  11. After this battle, we presumably get to see what Shade is.
  12. I think with X-attack, Body Slam might actually do more than Ice Beam, and it has 30% chance to paralyze as compared to 10% to freeze.
  13. Ice Beam! Actually Shade I could have used the x-attack first
  14. Ice Beam, Gyarados! (Have I mentioned I have trouble spelling Gyarados. I get it wrong like every time and have to correct x.x)
  15. Before you auto-resolve the whole thing Jeod, I once again reserve the right to use my items now.
  16. Oh.... I thought gastly moved before arcanine... I thought we were a gonner.... Ice Beam Gyrados!
  17. Night Shade, say night to shade.
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