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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. I was also first to change my avatar, unless you expect us to believe you are some sort of bird god. (Though that's a valid option, I suppose).
  2. And in yours I got locked up fairly quickly
  3. Yeah, I'm really "Porque no los dos?" about this. I'm not even that big a fan of DC, but I'm interested in another "crisis" type setup, seeing as one of the major one's in recent memory I couldn't play, due to being the GM and all I have so many ideas for Marvel though I'll likely submit 3-4 ideas rather than just 2 for you to pick from, though some of those are alternate ability sets for the same character.
  4. I hadn't even looked that closely until now...
  5. To be fair, I didn't realize my dayblock would block voting when I requested it. It was a pleasant surprise when I used it the first time.
  6. Basically I reduced the game to math and we know how much everyone hates math
  7. Maybe 40k is a game where Shade can finally excel.
  8. Awww. Yeah, as scum something we noticed is you were usually right but the rest of town ignored you. That can't be a good feeling. Hope you're still interested in these upcoming games.
  9. I will sign up. I will send a PM later tonight. I will say, ironically enough, for Disney CYOR I was going to pick a Demi-God (I'll let everyone guess which one), but for this I have something else in mind.
  10. Watch next game have nobody pick Roleblocker.
  11. I'll play either. Only concern is my previously mentioned availability. I won't be around from March 28th to around April 5th.
  12. Unless a game like starts IMMEDIATELY I can't really play anything until Early April. The 28th of March is a hard cutoff for me.
  13. Honestly I think I concentrated the entirety of my luck for the game into that. It was such a BS claim and I'm totally surprised nobody called me on it.
  14. Honestly, you were still lying though. We KNEW you were lying, and we couldn't trust a lier.
  15. Yeah, it's one of Handsome Jack's skill trees
  16. Besides, it's best to only cut one deal, and at that stage we were keeping our options open if Nodlied or KY turned out to be third party. Deals are made late game, not early game.
  17. You were just determined to be too big of a risk. You focus on how you could have helped scum, we focus on how you could have helped town. Town seemed ready to accept you as one of their own, unlike Shade's fiasco. In the end, you weren't Italian enough to join our Mafia
  18. I just thought first that Cat 5 gave me the booster and I just didn't reexamine that idea for a long time. It seems like you had a lot going on, almost too much, which is why I attributed it to a player we didn't know much about.
  19. My take away from this is I need to bring my town game in line with my scum game. People say when I post a lot and make big reads list that's a scum tell for me. IMO I post a lot and do that ALL the time, but I guess it's not obvious. I better start doing even more posts as town next time.
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