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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. Did you read the rest of what I said? Is a vote for Choppy REALLY a no lynch? Cat 5 didn't confirm that, just that we can vote for him if we want, which I take to mean in the event dead people come back to life the votes begin to count.
  2. Let's still hold up just one second. Yeah, they're valid targets, in case they become living again. If we have even a single vote on a living, though, it'll go through to them instead probably. So while we may want to put it all on Choppy, I don't think Voe is back to take his off TheIrishMan, who we're adamant not to lynch. We kinda actually need an alternate.
  3. So we're deadset on the Choppy plan instead of trying to scum hunt? I'm not criticizing per se, just making sure I understand what page everyone is on. I acknowledge we face significant hurdles no matter which road we take.
  4. I thought about making a special note of you too, but figured you could handle it
  5. With these subs, I feel as if we've not given everyone a proper welcome. So welcome people! I do hope you'll all stick around and join us for a less crazy game too. Not to knock this game, just that it's not representative of our true skills, or lack thereof, or how we generally play.
  6. A let's play. For a VN it's basically like having an audio-book with some other fluff.
  7. Oh, btw, during that long break I started watching an LP of the game. I do miss the anime voice actor for the main character though.
  8. That.... actually makes a lot of sense. I feel like this is a metaphor for life or something...
  9. If the time machine is sealed off, our chances of rerolling everyone's percents in hopes of just generally causing chaos with the organization's plan is pretty much gone too, hmm... There's really no way we could force an alternative lab leader.
  10. An explanation from him would certainly be very 'entertaining', if nothing else.
  11. That's exactly why I'm hesitant to the degree I am... I mean, maybe there's a gambit as discussed in the rounder doc between him and whoever where he's number 2 and he's drawing fire from number 1. There are a lot of possibilities. With control of the time machine (which does get weaker if he boots all of us, though), maybe they're trying to lock us on a world line where only townies have been lynched. They also have plenty of time to 'visit' all of us while we run around like headless chickens in the past, ensuring we all die once we eventually nail whoever is in control.
  12. I will also say I was removed from Lab 4. (Also I replied to the message about it calling him 'rude' for doing that, so I'm glad to see I'm on the same wavelength as CK, heh) Voting Irish is a bit of a knee jerk, but it does seem like an obvious thing to do now...
  13. I'm going to bed now (but will wake up long before hammer, obviously), but want to throw my hat in for putting it on Vojo. #vote Voe
  14. This could also explain why my stats don't change much going back several phases now too.
  15. Okay, that makes sense. And we have a lot of people cleared now eh? That would mess with the chances overall too I suppose.
  16. Also why are people investigating me without my alive chance going down? That's suspicious on the people making the claim. Either that or something funky is going on all over if we're all sitting at 60% now.
  17. With people having this high of an OC now (likely boosted because some people are dead), there's a lot higher chance for the RNG investigations to ping on anyone. Unfortunately, this doesn't strengthen a lead on anyone, and double unfortunately, we can't wait around to make decisions. Normally I'd say in this situation our best bet would be to watch who pushes a mis-lynch, but we might not have time for that. A smart organization would have been visiting as many different people as possible so that when we *do* eventually nail them as many people as possible die. Therefore, the top people we should be suspicious of are people who have visited a lot of different people. That still doesn't narrow it down much, I believe.
  18. I'm at 60/23 as well. My investigations on past nights changed, dinged FRAYDO as organization two nights ago, but as we all know, this could have changed by now...
  19. I'm going to be lazy and declare Santa to be the end boss of Christmas so I don't have to change my avatar now that we're a week in
  20. Everyone eh? Well, if you insist. ##vote Jeod I will carefully weigh lab 11 options.
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