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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. Well, we 100% sure got a special event (the bomb), was there perhaps another special event that evened all our chances out?
  2. To make things easy, I'll repeat as well. I'm 44/11/11/11/11, which was the same as N2 except my AC was 67 then. I was plain vanilla town then.
  3. It was me pointing out it's been a bit quiet from a few people who had been pretty gung ho previously.
  4. The new CVCs for D1 and D2 are on page 32. I actually have enough clout to make the lynch for D1 on anyone that got a vote.
  5. If we don't meddle with the past it's kind of a waste of being lab leader though
  6. I just think it's more efficient to vote for who we think is the rounder. Though to be fair, I suppose, if everyone thinks its me, then the calculus for you guys is the same. It's just different for me because I know it's not me. Who would we prefer as the alternate vote on D1 now? If it's Chopbam I have enough time machine clout in 8/10 to change it if you guys hammer me.
  7. Well, I still only have an 11% chance, and flip town lab leader, I highly advise against it. It is indeed odd that the RNG hit twice in that 11%, but it's not me, I swear. Also I prefer Vo(e)jo for the name
  8. Or we could try and vote for who we think is organization. We'd only need to get it right once now.
  9. You also have to keep in mind, it's not like I up and did this just now, but before most of our previous planning had taken place
  10. What about what part? We had a three person lab D1 from Misa, Voejo, and myself. I used it N1 but it didn't matter because not the lab leader locked in. If I die today, I'll be the lab leader (our shenanigans mean that while lab 4 took effect it didn't lock in in the new time line), so the old D-mail will then take effect and reboot us yet again.
  11. My chances are 11 across the board, more or less aside from alive chance. While normally I'd not react this forcefully, it says that if I flip today, I am lab leader. This means a lot of our hard laid plans will be totally screwed over if I bite the big one, seeing as I sent a D-mail before Jeod's lab even formed that would alter the D1 vote again.
  12. I investigated FRAYDO and remembered he is town. My alive chance is down to 44%, you lot all piling on me?
  13. Heh, well we can hold off on it for a bit, no rush. I was just pretty impressed by the Yak video so it kind of inspired an idea, so to speak. I think at the very least we'd be able to muster a few more like that.
  14. Yeah, getting views would be the hard part. I'm confident we could come up with a decent script. I'd even be willing to do the writing/planning on that, but given my perpetual mic issues along with my low bandwith, I just probably shouldn't be the cameraman. Still more than happy to provide free kills for a good cause by being the targets though, heh. I guess I can create a new thread for that, just for gauging interest right now.
  15. Since some of us love making videos so much, maybe a few of us could get together one weekend and record tutorial/example videos. I mean, true, something scripted and with a goal in mind is a far cry from just recording a random match, but I'd be willing to play Mindless Target A or something or provide fodder for any tutorial maker if we wanted to give it a go. Say just a bunch of quick shorts just showing what each unit does/what to do with them.
  16. http://www.mafiauniverse.com/forums/threads/8670-Mass-Effect-Mafia Abandon Hope all ye who enter here.
  17. I'm kind of still in 'meh' mode after the Mass Effect mess, but I still check it a ton
  18. *cough cough* Chopbam *cough cough* Organization chance *cough cough* Someone that could do real damage as organization *dies coughing*
  19. I've been trying to hint it in some of the docs, but I guess I need to say it here. I think Chopbam is the most dangerous possible organization candidate
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