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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. And here we thought that just meant you were good at meeting new people
  2. It could be separate download/upload trouble. A lot of modern games will do things to try and compensate if just one fails but it's hard to do, and W3D is likely too old to be very advanced in that department. I know sometimes when I'm having a problem with my connection my download speed is fine (as fine as 3M can be ) but my upload 0s out, so if a download *starts* everything is fine but it takes 30s seconds for the signal that I would like to start the download to ping out.
  3. Yeah, even when my internet is working perfectly I can't get less than 200 ping typically because of the server location.
  4. I remember reading the change somewhere when I got caught up upon my return. I still aim for the head out of Beta habit as it is though.
  5. This is why I always behave as if someone is watching
  6. Well it seems like you've thought it through quite a bit. Personally I've felt headshots have been underpowered, so I'd be tentatively in the 'for' group to begin with. I think the key is just not to overdo it. There's room for the boost without going too far. We just have to find the sweet spot.
  7. I've taken the initiative and made the doc myself. PM me if you want the link and I'll add you as soon as I can.
  8. Also, does one of the recent GMs that actively has our current emails want to make a doc and not invite Voe, so we can talk about it away from him?
  9. Holy cow, your threads have automatic timers. I'm mildly jealous.
  10. I feel as if by now I'll be able to know exactly where you're hiding if you pull that while I'm on
  11. Yeah, things don't look quite that obnoxious whenever I dive.
  12. Well, just because something is shown to happen in the Allied missions doesn't necessarily mean it doesn't happen in both chains. The group could be established in both timelines and get reformed after the old allied governments reassert themselves, or maybe the group was in hiding as partisans during the brief occupation. The ant mission.... it's hard to say what's going on there
  13. Ah yeah, I remember that from back in the day. I've always subscribed that the 'true' timeline was RA-TD-and so on, and RA2 and sequels were the alternate universe. I can't remember specifically what the source document was, but I liked the theory that Soviet Victory led to TD, as in the wake of Stalin's death the whole operation collapses and grants just what Nod wanted, chaos, while an Allied Victory leads to RA2 and so on.
  14. Voe brought this on himself. (And we brought Voe on ourselves :\ )
  15. I don't say this lightly, but probably the best one so far! Dat sound editing...
  16. Oh, here's a pic or two from yesterday I forgot about.
  17. He's been around here and said he's looking forward to it, but we'll remind him.
  18. I personally think it's fine, but give me 3-4 more games and i guess I could see myself agreeing it's too much. I think a speed boost would be a fair compensation. As for the purpose of rangers, slightly cheaper if you need a decoy
  19. What just happened to the thread when I was looking at it 0_o... I must be more out of it than I thought... Ironic too, as TWT was my fav map.
  20. Fair enough. Getting a mic, too, really really is on my "todo" list, even if I've been dragging my feet. Just been busy.
  21. Maybe have both teams vote, opposing team votes count for something like 0.5 of a vote? I think it's a cool idea. I wish my internet was good enough to make me reliable enough to participate.
  22. I'm glad those two soviet campers on Under in the tunnels the other day didn't own us as bad as everyone in this video got owned
  23. Well I wouldn't even call this a problem. I'm just saying this is the effect I observed. You wouldn't be a spy in a 1 v 1 game, because that's just not a tactic that works 1 v 1.
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