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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. We should go for it. Being new my vote doesn't mean much, but I'd second Cat 5, assuming he's available for it.
  2. Yeah, though 'random' we should definitely not throw every single map into the mix. Or say if we're going to do 3 maps, pick 5, and we all have to prepare for those 5 but we'll only do 3 in the end.
  3. Which map was it that was just the refinery and barracks with not OT AI that had be driven manually?
  4. Fair enough. I still think that was a boring map though.
  5. While I'd like to think I'm one that would offer a lot as far as tactics go, if you'd all be fine with me just listening in and following orders that's good enough I guess. Not like I'm going to argue text is better than VOIP, but I type insanely fast too so i won't be entirely useless for callouts. The only time it's ever been a problem is specifically when Pushwall needs info from me, so just don't put me on his team and we'll be good to go Also, I'm going to the store tomorrow, if there's a crappy mic for like 5 dollars I might pick it up, but with my computer setup I need some specific types and there aren't many free ports (and the store sucks) so we'll see.
  6. I've had some time to play with the old stuff. I must say... I'm glad we have Delta now... nostalgia is fun but damn were those old maps clunky... That said, can I vote *against a map? I'd managed to erase NorthByNorthwest from my memory, and now I remember I hate it with a burning passion. For some reason I always played very very poorly on that map, got lost in the snow (despite earlier saying I liked the snow maps), always lost, etc.
  7. Haha. Seriously though. A few weeks ago I almost made a thread asking if anyone had an archive of the old maps, but I didn't want to seem like I was begging or anything at the time, lol.
  8. I've been wanting to take a nostalgia trip for a few weeks now. Thank you Einstein-sama
  9. While I'd love to play, I recently discovered my mic is busted. Considering it's like a 50 dollar headset and the rest of it is still good I'm not going to be replacing it any time soon despite that.
  10. Let's slap the lolmap's music on LunarParadox and call it even
  11. Yeah, the silo plus no base defenses were the key to map being different. And endless drama about the allies having the height advantage and the quick vehicles. Might be a candidate for introducing the soviet ranger on if it comes back.
  12. I'd vote for all of them, but I limited my votes to my top 5. A Path Beyond: It's just wrong to leave it out when it's the name of the mod Fjord: I heard people don't like this map... I always liked it... IMO it was the map that tested my skills the most back when I used to play. IvoryWastelands: I, in general, just really like the snow maps too. If this is the one I'm thinking of I really liked it because of the vast open spaces too. Metro: Obvious, really. Urban theme is a nice change of pace, plus it always triggered some sort of nostalgia for Renegade for me. Not that I'm saying the mod needs to be more like Renegade, just that it's a nice feeling every once in awhile. The Woods Today: You may have heard me saying this that one game of Fissure we were all just standing around, but for some reason this map is the quintessential APB experience for me. Maybe it was the first map I played, I don't remember, but the music is typically my go to C&C soundtrack when I first start a binge. I think of it like Ridge War but more frantic.
  13. Well I'm not sure the newbie bias is quite *that* bad. For example, though, I was thinking more about having to learn the angles of approach that any map would have. As of yet I don't have any tactics for the map beyond 'try not to die' once I get in a ship or a sub.
  14. Oh don't get me wrong, I wasn't saying that it being different was the problem, per se. I was saying that because it's different it's hard for a lot of us to even know what's going on on the map because we can't learn by ourselves and all the people that already know are the ones that flee when it comes up, so there's nobody to teach us. Edit: A thought just hit me, relating the bottom section of that post that I didn't quote. What about a few free starter naval units? One issue I've noticed is the map can be a bit slow to get started, as naval units can be expensive.
  15. The sun reference was clearly a herald of something special.
  16. TBH, while I think the lack of a land route is an issue, it's kind of an overly simplistic explanation (not saying it's wrong). The thing is, I've had a few good games on that map, and others have enjoyed those specific games too. However, the problem is that everyone leaving becomes a feedback loop. The map isn't fun when it's just 1 v 1 or 2 v 2 or even 3 v 3, it's a map that requires a lot of people to have an enjoyable experience (that scaling conversation nonwithstanding). Furthermore, the people that stay tend to be those less familiar with the map, so they don't know what they're doing which both means things are going to be worse for everyone and their own experience as they learn, and those newcomers aren't going to get the good experience anyway because most everyone else is left, both impeding enjoyment and how fast they learn the map, which then in turn leads to them becoming ones who will drop when the map comes up in rotation the next time maybe. It took me probably 8 games of Pacific Threat to even learn the map, simply because that's how long it took for enough people to be there to actually have a game. I think the best thing for the map would probably be if people had a little more fortitude and didn't leave or afk every time a map they didn't like came up, it just ruins it for the rest of us. Yeah, I'll agree the map might need tweaked, but if we all took the 'we're in this together' mindset then we'd at least be able to make due with the existing map for the time being. If you're someone that has things to do and take PT as a cue to go do those, that's fine, but I just get annoyed at the people that leave and then come back as soon as the map switches to something else, it's like 'thanks for leaving me here all by myself'
  17. Pretty sure it does update... at least mine has... I had a similar issue awhile back though and there was some setting in the archive that was wonky maybe. Just have to see if the relevant people can tell.
  18. I never learned how to use the artillery in any version
  19. Hmmmm, it's been awhile, but remember any specifics? That's an interesting tidbit and I honestly don't remember because it's been so long... I should give the campaign another go...
  20. Yeah, but also pointing out most places they have tools to help you out too, which is the least they can do when you have to jump through their hoops.
  21. I don't have time to look at it right now, but from a research perspective I have a few comments. Did you submit this to your institution's IRB? Typically they can help you get a campus mailing list to increase your sample size, as well as help you control for a few other things. This like this might technically not fall under their purview, but my university had a rather strict policy.
  22. I think it's more that allied strategies are less obvious. It's easy for someone to tell everyone to buy a tank and ask the team follow. A tank is a point and shoot weapon. Allied tanks are less powerful, so you have to mix it up, use advanced units, and advanced units are harder to use. It's a lot harder to get the team to split into a hammer and shield force and catch an incoming rush in the flank. It's not really a unit problem, but a player skill problem. Don't get me wrong, I'm not *blaming* the players, that's just how skill works. It should be like a universal effect over all players, regardless of what their 'general' skill level is. I don't think mics are a viable solution, because not everyone has one, some people lag too much to be understandable, so people just always turn it off because they don't like randos talking to them, etc. I guess at the core of the argument we kind of agree, but I don't think there's any kind of 'leveler' that can be applied to the allies to help with that coordination.
  23. Let's give the ranger a cruiser's foghorn
  24. Despite the large games, a few times as allies we still managed to pull off some good tactics and stealth. The key was communication. Phases vs HTs were particularly and surprisingly effective one round on Bonzai. Half the team stayed back to slow the rush, other half hit the HTs from behind as soon as they were distracted, rushes were over pretty much as soon as they began.
  25. While I wouldn't necessarily agree with the logic posed here, I'd say an APC having a horn would still be great
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