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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. I think a lot of people don't think using a mine layer is an effective use of time in small games. You need a certain amount of traffic for a mine to get hit, and your time is spent laying them rather than attacking. Therefore only once it's like 4 v 4 to they really get used too much. Soviets get used more as anyone can be sneaky and get into a building, but for allies, if it's only 1-2 tanks coming at you you might as well just get a rocket soldier.
  2. Yeah I'm guessing we could run some numbers on that. I'm actually surprised this topic came up right now, seeing how last night's major malfunction seemed to be over Under (lol). That route sounds the most agreeable to me of what's been said so far, though.
  3. Yeah, I'm just thinking maybe a way that a skilled player could leverage a light or a medium better than a ht or mammy in a 1 v 1 combat, where 7 out of 10 times the stronger tank simply wins, but a good allied player who knows what they're doing could maybe sometimes win. It's really hard to figure out, but tbh the imbalance does come down to players. In the RTS the advantage of the lights and meds is that you can buy more of them over hts and Mammoth Tanks, but when you have a fixed number of players that's obviously out the window, leaving a linear progression that allies would never win. At the same time, doing tweaks based off server population is... yeah... not the best idea...
  4. This thought may or may not be helpful at all, or relate to something else, but is it possible to give units a slower reverse than forward speed? Making Soviet tanks go slower in reverse might be a small tweak that could make a big difference.
  5. I voted yes by accident because I wasn't paying attention
  6. I'm just saying, everyone's way overblowing the tech angle. I mean, I'm also a vote for everything being fine as is, I'm just trying to find the least destructive solution rather than opening Pandora's box.
  7. The M79 was introduced in 1961. Given a lot of RA timelines place the war starting in 1953, it's not too too much of a stretch for that or something like it to exist.
  8. No I mean I actually submitted the link with secure and it STILL took me here, it's not a hypothetical, it actually happened. So there is a redirect, and I was asking if that's how it's supposed to be, or if that redirect is supposed to be gone. Regardless, the redirect is in place, for me at least. Albeit, I was wrapping the statement in a bit of facetiousness.
  9. Is there still a redirect? I type in s e c out of habit then let the autfill do the rest. If no I guess I need an adult, cause I'm lost
  10. One of my own from today. I really liked the formation driving CK and I had on our way to finish off the Soviet Base. Though kind of a lame game for some late joiners, it was actually kinda back and forth. Sorry I had to cut out of the next map early, as my internet went to hell and back shortly thereafter, as it tends to do.
  11. Oh, I know what you meant, but I'm just saying I don't see the grenade launcher as that big a deal. It's perfectly reasonable to disagree with that, of course, and it's not a hill I'd die on. I just think the grenade launcher could be justified, if done right. There were grenade launchers contemporary will some of the other things RA has, even if we'd not seen one in game, which seems to be some thinking used with the tank models at time. That said, my whole point of the grenade launcher was this: More accuracy, less damage and radius. That can be applied in any number of ways, the grenade launcher was just the first thing I thought of. I'm pretty happy with the above demonstration, so I wouldn't harp to hard on it.
  12. Well, I'm still neutral on any solution. I'd just say that distinction between a grenade launcher not fitting but not caring about "RAlism" just seems kind of arbitrary and in opposition. I don't want us to get into a 'can't have your cake and eat it too' situation. That said, the solution that's in the works is indeed pretty interesting. I think a revamp overall of the soviet rocket trooper, overall, would work out just fine, no matter what path we select with it.
  13. Well personally, I'm fine with the grenadier as is, overall. So you'd be better off asking people who want more changes. I'd imagine a grenade launcher is the least that'd need modeled compared to some other ideas suggested. Personally, all I'm asking for, is nobody do anything 'too crazy'
  14. I have a crash log now. Einstein already shared his, but mine is from a similar crash in same manner, in case it's needed. To big to upload here though.
  15. Nope, no crashdump. My latest is one from the 28th which was a general "renegade encounter an internal error". I used to get those a lot, but that's the only one of *those* I've had since I reinstalled the game about a month ago, and that doesn't lock the computer and I can pop right back in. I've never been able to alt tab or use the windows key to get out of it. To be fair, I've only had this specific hard crash those 4-5 times, which isn't exactly a large enough sample to say it won't work in the future. I suppose too if it doesn't actually show I wouldn't know. If it happens again I'll try typing that though. I just called up start and it appears tskill does indeed list in the things it fines if I type it though. I'm on 64 bit windows 7. I'm not exactly eager to go hunting for it, but if I'm on RidgeWar I'll try and trigger it deliberately next time. I'm honestly just glad someone believes me, because even to myself the specific conditions seem kind of hard to believe. If it seemed to be a problem flying solo I'd go try it now, but that always seems fine :\
  16. Okay, so awhile back I was talking about how I was crashing a lot. I did a complete reinstall and that got fixed, so this isn't the same problem. From as far as I can tell, that was caused by one file failing to download correctly during an update and then the repair function failing to catch it. This is different. On Ridge War, about 3/4 of the time I enter one specific area my computer freezes so completely that I have to power cycle it. The sound even stutters to a stop before the game is frozen on the screen, no keys not even ctrl+alt+del respond. This happens in the area slightly forward of the Allied repair depot that's at the bottom of their ridge. Now, while this is perhaps something on my end, even if so, it'd be really help to know if there's anything unique about this one spot in that one map that could be triggering some function of my computer that's broken. This type of crash has only ever happened right there, and that combined with the fact that it's repeatable in that spot has me raising some serious eyebrows, and the fact that I'm not getting any problems doing anything else with my computer. My video card is NVIDIA GTX 750 Ti, and the processor is an i7-3770 if there are any known issues with particular hardware. I can provide any other info, and do tests, though with such a spectacular form of crash I'm obviously not eager to do that too many times. I'd say I've crashed this way 4, maybe 5 times. It hasn't happened when I run the map solo.
  17. Awww, sad I left right before that game now
  18. Honestly, I sometimes feel like I'm the only person who *can't* use the grenadier effectively That said, I have noticed the trend, and specifically in the past few weeks. Maybe it's a fad, or maybe people have been emboldened by earlier successes, but I hadn't seen them much outside of very early rushes vs base defenses until the past two weeks or so. They've definitely been felt, though, namely that one large game of Seamist where one took down the pillbox and I couldn't find where he was throwing from for the life of me While something needs to be done, I don't think that thing is the removal of the grenadier entirely. That's rather drastic. At the same time, I do understand that endless tweaks aren't exactly the most productive course of action. However, there's nothing to stop us from both removing that role entirely and making a new role, and that new role *still* being the grenadier. Regardless of other concerns, making a major change can have ripple effects and balance elsewhere could be affected unintentionally. That's why things like this can't be done lightly, and why when changes are made, the simplest, least impactful change that still works should always be desired. I'll admit, I'm kind of pulling from my legal interpretation training here, but common law tests have withstood the test of time for a reason. Now, I'd be willing to go for a major revamp of the unit, because while that's a big change, "grenadier" is still a known quantity. If you want my advice, make the attack a lot less powerful, but give it a grenade launcher similar to vanilla renegade to make the aiming/range more defined, but with less splash radius. The damage could also be tweaked so the unit is much more anti-building than anti-infantry, contrasting it with the flamethrower. As much as I've been loving the flamethrower lately, could even tone it down vs buildings as well. I think range is a key concern though that could be used to make things different enough. This is probably a good compromise overall. The counter-argument I'd be most willing to accept is that from some perspectives the grenadier is currently breaking the game balance as is, and thus it doesn't really matter how drastic we act because things are screwed up anyway. I frankly just disagree with that idea. Even if I was willing to say the problem was large enough immediate action, the way the current unit works clearly factors into how players strategize now, both in usage and countering. Even if said use and counters are "lame", it's going to jerk around the entire structure, so we must do our due diligence.
  19. Oh yeah, I'd seen that. Second person ever I've encountered who actually uses Opera. Was going to make fun of him for that until I learned it has a built in VPN which I've been using to get around geoblocks on soccer
  20. I'll watch, though might not always right away. HL is probably where my gaming *really* took off, so it always has a special place.
  21. "Sorry no matches" (That's probably the joke)
  22. Sweet video. Digging that texture pack, though I'm torn on if I'd actually use it myself. Also lol Baltimore. Unfortunate I had to miss it, but I like that double kov we had going at the afterparty Voe, at least until I lagged right into the pillbox Got the sniper at least.
  23. Yeah, I know what you were getting at. I just wanted to snark in case anyone though that mammoth rush got your team anywhere Honestly, after looking through that archive posted a few days ago, and the fact that I haven't played much of the Gamma era, I'm impressed at how far we've come. Conceptually, I'm no slouch when it comes to game design, even if my coding skills are a bit lackluster, and it boggles my mind how an engine that old and that wonky can be upgraded so much.
  24. To make it harder to see when your rush gets stopped?
  25. We're on CDT right now though, is my point.
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