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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. Can I have permission to use the like button on that post, Verti?
  2. You told me when you had passed it to Nod. We only got in contact after the passing, but you told me before Nod said he had it. I think you were in contact with Mojo the day before.
  3. TBH it's concerning to me as well. I mean, your math *could* be wrong, but none of the other math looks wrong. I assume you used excel or something and didn't do it all by hand. I should have gotten a PM if my levels were messed with, but I did not. If it concerns everyone that much, just vote for me then. I will say, however, that I've suspected the repeatedly targeting me has always been an attempt to frame me. I'm not experienced enough to figure out what's going on with it, I'm an easy target. What I also don't get is these points had already been made, just not this in depth. You could have simply reiterated them and suggested people vote for me. Why do you keep harping on it even after you've made your point? Vote for me if you must. I don't have enough information to defend myself. I'm town, but given the circumstances I'm a valid pick for the lynch. I just ask that everyone look for all possibilities and make sure there's not something else people don't want seen.
  4. I didn't do anything last night. I actually didn't know my CVC levels were off until you pointed it out just now.
  5. Well, with what, specifically. There's a lot going on here, and for Night 6 I actually didn't realize how messed up the figures were. I'd actually given up just eyeballing it. That 50 I spent N4 was 50 I was giving to FRAYDO because my goal was get to 'get him out of the box', as I always put it, and make it so even if we got distracted D5 he'd been able to meet that night, since we'd confirmed him town. I had the ability to set how much I spent, and while I've said already I may have wasted my action using it on something lame, I'll fully admit I'm pretty lame for only giving that much I'm a cheapskate Are you saying you believe I did whatever happened to KY because my proposal expenditure that same night, and if it had been FRAYDO then someone else (or FRAYDO) would have seen a similar likewise increase? Yeah, we've already had this conversation, which is why we've been talking about *multiple* roleblockers not *the* roleblocker. All we know is the PMs are similar. I told KY first what the wording on mine was, and he told me, so I couldn't have just copied him. Yeah, you can't see this conversation, but you can ask KY for confirmation and his trust hopefully carries some weight. As always, you can take it or leave it. I'll admit, I don't have an alternative theory. My PM that night did contain a bit *extra* compared to KY's though. Mine was 2 lines, his was one line. The line that did not match had flavor text fitting of FRAYDO's action, while the line that *did* match was identical, however this is extra baffling as the non-matching effect was not the one FRAYDO claimed.
  6. No, I've never said that? I've been in contact with Voe, then Chop, then KY currently.
  7. And, I should add, if you're lying, it all goes out the window because nobody is on the chopping block right now which is strange. I suppose Mojo would have said something by now if he was. All I could gather then is that whoever's scum is just derping around for no real reason, which is unpredictable.
  8. *For to mention Mojo. I know he's still here and revealed and acting strange.
  9. I forgot Mojo, yeah. Mello isn't CK's real name though, so I don't think it'd work. Didn't we reason out a few days ago too that Jeod can't make the deal? That said, this has been my prevailing motive for a while now. I don't know what to make of Mojo so I haven't updated it.
  10. It's something you keep overlooking, the fact that names are needed. Everyone who's died has had their name revealed. The eyes don't appear to have been bought yet. I'd be next on the chopping block simply because I'd be the only name they'd have to use, and the rules Nod posted said if they don't use they lose it too, just like the earlier game of hot potato. I've held since the deaths started whoever got investigated would be written down in short order. Granted, part of that was based on them not wanting to off Misa, which was apparently false if you're telling the truth I'm of the belief that if we never investigate Nod or Chop, they'll never die at this stage, because Kiras don't have their name, even though they're important, and they're not exactly jumping to meet new people in the dead of night. All we have to do is maintain our town voting majority, which requires people like me to survive, and while we may not win (quickly), we won't lose (probably). Maybe that's why I'm a little less frantic than you, if you've got that death over your head. If we don't reveal more town names we have all the time in the world.
  11. Or if we're in the theory that the scum had a hard time masoning, maybe making it harder for certain individuals to know who's solidly town and not third party pro-town. IDK, I'll admit that using it to make things right for FRAYDO after suggesting him was kind of a lame use, but I didn't foresee finding anything better. I think I'm basically intended to be the weakest town, IE almost vanilla in a power role game, and my strength is supposed to be my vote and general support.
  12. No bonuses. Like I said, it doesn't seem like a very great power. I could theoretically have messed with someone stats for drama, but that's not a very town thing to do, or maybe there is/was some emergency case where someone needs points the next day in one of those two. It said it takes effect at the start of the next day. I guess thematically, for Hideki Ide, it might be based off his sudden surprise ambush, helping from the shadows when nobody knew he was still on the case. Maybe the point was that I was hidden when doing the proposal of Trust? I don't know Verti logic as well as you guys.
  13. The night after FRAYDO was revealed to be town I tried to give him a jump start on trust but was blocked. This was the first time, and the L action that night did go through. It was one shot and kinda useless, really, or maybe I wasn't clever enough to see when it could have really been useful. It let me spend proposal at night the same I as I did during day.
  14. When forming our logic. We can still provoke him if we're just getting our kicks seeing him perform mental gymnastics.
  15. I did, nobody really seemed to care Way to forget my posts again. As for recent updated with Jeod, he's just going to blow smoke no matter what we do, we should ignore him when forming our own logic.
  16. And yet, if I did the same, you'd complain So don't get annoyed if I complain.
  17. No, I'm not, but at this point I don't think we're capable of discussing the matter any other way than pointing at each other and going 'no u', so... I'd kinda like some input from other parties. I'm still up for answering any questions too.
  18. IIRC in the anime they can't take it from an owner, but if one's not being 'owned' they can take it, otherwise they could just walk through walls and grab it. The last bit is a good point though, in that he could probably do that automatically if such logic was being used.
  19. He doesn't have enough names, obviously, which is one reason why I lean against investigating new people. Also if you suspect that a Kira Suspect can nab a note with a L power I don't see how it's a stretch that a Shinigami could do something like that too. That said, we should probably lean towards what the opposite of Jeod said is anyway by default. That said, if the group decides to investigate me, so be it. It's better if my name is out there than Chop or Nod's, not that anyone is suggesting them. I'd prefer if the group as a whole come to this decision instead of being led into it by Misa.
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