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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. I mean, you could just pay attention in the thread, I rue wasting my second night post on this, but I'll lay out all the reasons. 1) I'm vehemently against no lynch (in non CYOR games) 2) Recall early on (like the first *real life* day of the game) when I called Shade out for several meta inconsistencies. He wasn't sitting right with me the entire phase, even if I was joking it up about it. It was half joking/half serious. 3) His shot wasn't the best. Now you may say, but Orange, he shot the guy you were casing/voting. Yeah, he did. But look at how he handled it. Look at the WAY he did it. I was gonna make a separate point for it, but really it goes here, think about this in conjuncture with the fact that he pretty quickly pivoted to no lynch after his shot failed instead of voting Anon. Yeah, we now know Shade was town, but he wasn't acting town. 2 and 3 means Shade is a valid target in my book, 1 means if the trains are no lynch and someone else, I'm going to try to steer it away from no lynch, assuming the other train is not someone I'm feeling is town, which again, points 2 and 3. This is entirely consistent with everything I do.
  2. I start making dinner 5 minutes early cause it's just a bunch of phase talk and I don't think anything is gonna happen and that happens.... c'mon guys... Also, before I forget: I'M HAVING POLISH SAUSAGE AND MASH POTATOS AND GREEN BEANS. On a more serious note: Jeod, I feel like your analysis is very 101 tier and if you were actually trying you'd be doing better. A lot of the accusations you level at us could be turned around at you, just for defense tunnel instead of an agro tunnel. It would work towards the conclusion that you knew Shade would flip town and wanted the cred when we all made a mistake and killed him in our ignorance.
  3. I've been trying to expand the range of emoji I use.
  4. If Chop comes back, he can tie it back up or be the decider, but I have to push away from no lynch, and as I've said, I don't think Shade is a bad option. The case has been banded about, I'll repeat the points if you really want me to, but you all know what they are. ##Vote Shade
  5. "Nobody is trying to save Shade" *the trains are tied*
  6. Eh... seems fine to me... seems better than Anon, and I'm arguing for Anon...
  7. Louis and Mojo are voting no lynch with him, though are not very active.
  8. In b4 Shade is some BS third party that Anon galaxy brained into existance.
  9. I'll stay on Anon then, for now, and maybe through deadline.
  10. This is a good point, I was (and still am) sitting on Anon, why not try to make that a counter instead of pushing No Lynch?
  11. Paywall it and pay for the servers for a few months.
  12. Both Anon/Shade? I did jokingly propose it earlier.
  13. You say that as if you weren't the vote leader for pretty much the entire phase, albeit with only a small count.
  14. I guess like idk man but I like to hear myself talk
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