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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. I feel as if you're goading me into wasting my shot, which is even more scummy.
  2. Granted, if I weren't *already* on Anon, I'd cast my vote for you, but I feel fine where I'm at still. Your actions, coupled with defense of Anon, is... something.
  3. I've already made my point. It's up to the group as a whole if it's worth persuing.
  4. I mean, at the moment, nothing, but I think I've made the implication publicly available.
  5. Did you miss the convo we had where we talked about no lynch being a scum tell in these games?
  6. I mean real talk, I do it because, if you haven't noticed, 90% of the time I spam a reply like super fast, so of all the players people will probably notice if I'm suddenly missing, which will get me unnecessary heat, regardless of if I'm town or scum I'd rather not deal with sus for such a frivolous reason, so I make it clear I'm going to be afk for a bit during a time when generally the whole field of players is most active.
  7. Oh shit I forgot to tell everyone what I had for dinner last night. Oh well, too late now.
  8. I'M EATING A MORNING SNACK OF CHEESE AND HAM There we go, sanity restored.
  9. I don't even know what meme to use for this situation.
  10. If we only start suspecting Anon of being scum after he's had his first scum game... well... you see the problem with that, don't you...
  11. I mean, at some point we have to stop treating Anon with kid gloves.
  12. Shade's double quoting clearly stole your ability to do so
  13. There's a part of me that wants to keep him around because this is certainly... amusing...
  14. Shade Anon would make a great team for a future game
  15. Honestly, I'll just go ahead and do it. ##Vote Anon_Kat That intro post doesn't sit well with me, for a number of reasons. It basically seems *too aware* to come from him, no offense, as if he's been coached by a teammate or has actual insider info. Or in other words, it just doesn't feel organic. That's my case. It's not the only case I could make, but it's who I want more discussion to revolve around right now.
  16. Though seriously I was gonna wake up today and cast a vote that, if I didn't keep, would at the very least generate discussion, which is how we get the game rolling, but ya'll are making it very difficult.
  17. Anyone I get a scum read on starts fighting with the other people I get scum reads on
  18. I thought it was just because you're mad I'm so manic.
  19. Imagine somebody not reading this thread and seeing me with this avatar.
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