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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. Yeah we were pretty deep in the annoying Orange routine so my bad. I feel like it is in character for her to shoot me, no matter what her alignment is, so personally I'd say it's NAI, she did just randomly shoot D1 last time too, but as you said, little justification this time. I kinda feel as if, because we're playing a lot of similar games back to back, some of us are literally picking up where we left off from previous games.
  2. I mean, to be fair, the problem is usually when you SAY you're gonna be casual and then IMMEDIATELY flip out.
  3. The funny thing is, everyone except I think Anon is a mod, so we'd all still be able to see it, lol. But yeah, fair enough. We don't want to get our meming too carried away or set bad precidents. Also maybe some of you slackers could meta read my shitposting.
  4. I just realized technically as forum games moderator you CAN delete my post haha.
  5. If Louis likes this post I'll make it my avatar.
  6. If you'd join the gundam forum's discord you'd know why for a brief second my mind went here instead of where it should have:
  7. I mean that's an interesting color choice for third party to be sure... I'll add it to the list of reasons I think that post is incredible, and share perhaps my top thought: Does that seem like an organic thing Anon would post on his own?
  8. This is an incredible first post from you this game for numerous reasons.
  9. He also pulled a "attack one person, vote someone else" which is a classic scum tell and he's done that several times and I always call people on that.
  10. Oh yeah, I was scum but voted ILTS because I boxed myself into hating no lynch because that's my meta in non-CYOR games lol
  11. And as I said, either I forgot or I wasn't paying attention.
  12. I got the implication Shade seemingly is implying for no lynch, which is a bizarre take to suddenly have, but maybe I'm misreading what he means (I wonder how that could happen)
  13. What were our thoughts on this matter last game (not the game before that), because I honestly forgot... unfortunately...
  14. Well yes, that is every game... it's just a rarity we actually care
  15. He could be trying to pocket me... it works sometimes, and he probably knows it by now.
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