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Everything posted by TheIrishman

  1. Alright, give him the win if he got it, but don't have him kill the people who voted against him if he's a Jester because he really should be roleblocked.
  2. Well if he's roleblocked, even his passives shouldn't work when he dies so there shouldn't be anything to worry about unless the pies are themselves a delayed kill.
  3. It's that they can do it repeatedly that concerns me. Most dayblockers are one or two-time use.
  4. I get it, because you're basically sending someone to their death. If they're one of the good guys, you feel guilty, if they're one of the bad guys, you feel good about it.
  5. Huh...the fact that we have 2 day roleblockers makes me think that one of you is Scum for balance sake, but I'll ignore that for now. Now that Chop is blocked... ##Vote ChopBam
  6. I wish it were called something else *thinks back to CYOR I and Nodlied*.
  7. Well I know that KY usually is gone for hammer. I think he normally goes to work 2 or 3 hours before hammer. 12 hours is a bit early, but it also prevents Retaliation from pulling any shenanigans like Shade did.
  8. I really don't know what to make of you. You're not acting like you normally do as Town or Scum, and you seem to be trying to confuse everyone.
  9. True, but it's almost the same exact thing that happened in your CMC game. He was a cop, got accused, then came out about his role.
  10. . . . I'm glad that I don't have to particularly care about what Chop is smoking. Imo, we either lynch Chop or Retaliation. I'm leaning more on Retal due to him being RB'd and the lack of a NK but Chop's strange attitude makes me question that. Again, I also think it's possible that Scum made an item or performed some other action instead of doing a NK if it's not Retaliation.
  11. I'm guessing the whatever item you have won't really be beneficial to Town, because you're just digging yourself a deeper hole. Although you don't always have the best way to describe your thoughts you're usually a rather exceptional Town player looking at your previous two games. You guessed correctly about me and Chop the first time and essentially for me and Jeod the second. But I think you might need some work when it comes to manipulating information. Take this as a learning experience. Generally I don't recommend oversharing when you want to mislead Town. It's difficult to lie appropriately and cover all your tracks. The main reason I chose to reveal myself so early is because I'm Neutral so I don't have anything to hide and it's better for me to get that out of the way to better help Town, but it also lets Scum know that they don't really have to target me.
  12. Um...you? How else would you guarantee being able to kill yourself?
  13. If you don't have to command it, how do you control it?
  14. Mafia Edit: I can understand why Cat5 really didn't like the claimed condition.*
  15. Oh and the lynch after his first NK, so yeah...even more impossible. I can understand why Cat5 really like the claimed condition.
  16. I was mostly assuming he'd have to only collect 2 bodies because 4 would just be impossible if he has to do that and NK. I was also ignoring other factors and the Mafia NK. So really we'd be down to 4 to 2 players which would be even more distressing.
  17. Since it looks like you're pretty likely to be lynched, do you have any items or other abilities that might be able to help? The problem is that they don't know you only have to kill one other player and neither do you if you're unable to kill yourself. And there's no guarantee that you'll stop at yourself. Say you collect the 2, 3, or 4 corpses you need and now you have your killing machine. At this point we're already down to roughly 6 to 4 players. You kill one, now we're at 5 to 3. Chances are the game is either already over or your kill will be the deciding action. If we're down to 3, then if you killed yourself Scum would win. If we're down to 4 and you killed yourself, Scum would win if they had 2 people. If we're down to 5 and you killed yourself, Scum would win if they had 2 people. Same concept if you killed Town. Mathematically, it's putting a lot of trust on you, who is TP, while according to your Victory Condition, almost makes it impossible for you to win without essentially deciding the game. Usually Town doesn't like to take risks like that.
  18. Well, you can, but when your victory condition includes killing, it makes it tough to trust you. You would've been better off lying and saying that your victory condition was to only create Frankenstein's Monster or maybe to have not even mentioned that you were TP.
  19. *ahem* I would hope you're not including me with the later part.
  20. Oh, nevermind. Yeah, you're definitely a roleblocker then. We can proceed as is then.
  21. A one-shot Day Blocker isn't quite the same thing imo. I think there were essentially 4 roleblockers in my CYOR if we go by that standard, but only 2 of them were true RBers, the other 2 had one time use abilties.
  22. Not really an objection, but more of "second thoughts." Which player do we think is more likely to be Jester-esque? Retaliation or ChopBam?
  23. I really can't :b That'd be restricting me way too much. If I spend all my time preventing Shade from acting, I'll never be able to "investigate" other players.
  24. I'm going to assume it's a typo. I wrote the same thing for my CYOR Halloween Edition, but I later changed it to the standard Mafia approach.
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