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Everything posted by TheIrishman

  1. Again, if iLTS decided to execute you instead, I think that'd be for the best.
  2. There's another hint in there that's important, but I'm not telling yet. If there were some true Marvel nerds here, they might've been able to deduce my character instantly from that picture.
  3. I think we need a role reveal if that's the case, but I'm still 90% confident that you're scum and wouldn't mind iLTS executing you.
  4. So my picture was actually a Phoenix Down from Final Fantasy because I can't be nightkilled. I was told that someone attempted to kill me last night, but I decided to keep quiet on it until all the actions came in. From this we can be certain that the person who performed this kill isn't iLTS or ChopBam. I'm not sure if Scum is able to perform both an action and nightkill, but if they aren't, that'd put Orange, Mojo, and Shade as our primary suspects. Considering Shade is the only who admitted to targeting me last night and the "information" he has on me is probably my Eternal Regeneration, he's most likely Scum. Also considering there are 3 people with claimed BP, I think the remaining Scum suspect is a night roleblocker.
  5. The sooner we nail down who targeted who, the quicker "facts" will be cemented in place that Scum won't be able to manipulate later on to fit whichever story is convenient for them.
  6. A role reveal? I'm asking you to tell me who you targeted, simply that. No need to turn it into a big deal.
  7. Could you at least tell us who you targeted then?
  8. Yeah, I haven't been too observant apparently. Same question as I asked Orange.
  9. I missed it, but are you saying that you actually have nothing to report, like even just targets, or that you don't want to report right now?
  10. So Orange, Shade, and Mojo, reports? Player Character Role N1 Sunflower Scarlet Witch ? Roleblocked iLTS Shade Mutant? ? BP ? OrangeP47 Phil Coulson ? ? iLTS Dr. Doom ? Blocked Jeod Thor ? BP Targeted Cat5 Mojoman Moon Knight ? ? Cat 5 ? ? Watched iLTS get hit by Hex Irish ? ? Targeted FRAYDO FRAYDO ? ? Roleblocked ChopBam ChopBam Captain America ? Blocked Tried to protect FRAYDO
  11. True, but I find it doubtful. We'll see if all actions are accounted for first.
  12. So we have 2 potential BP and 2 roleblocks that might've prevented the NK. So many games in a row with so few kills right away, but that makes it easier. I think in games like these I'll be more and more in favor of No Lynch for Day One because of that.
  13. Players Character Role N1 Sunflower Scarlet Witch ? ? Shade Mutant? ? ? OrangeP47 Phil Coulson ? ? iLTS Dr. Doom ? Claimed Roleblocked Jeod Thor ? Targeted Cat5 Mojoman Moon Knight ? ? Cat 5 ? ? ? Irish ? ? Targeted FRAYDO FRAYDO ? ? ? ChopBam Captain America ? ?
  14. Surveillance also seems a bit odd for them since they think they are Doom when he's not around so he generally doesn't use them for that. But I suppose it doesn't have to fit perfectly to work. Welcome Retaliation! Happy to have your assistance.
  15. Oh, I know what they are, just seems weird. Usually Doombots were used to stand-in for Doom if he was in fear of his life, wouldn't be around to manage things, or as a weapon to attack. But of all the things Doom has in his arsenal, Doombots are on the weaker side of things.
  16. Good night, Jeod. I targeted FRAYDO but don't have anything to report. Doombots?
  17. I can play and still would like to play, but I might not be as focused? Or maybe too focused? Idk how I'll react, it's all pretty surreal right now.
  18. Left at 4 AM, didn't stay nearly as long as expected. I appreciate the well wishes, but it doesn't look like my grandma is going to get any better. Her health suddenly took a turn for the worse and she's only expected to have a few days left, so it was more of a final goodbye scenario. A very awkward and sad one at that since her body is failing her, making it almost impossible for her to talk, move, or even be fully aware of her surroundings. Very depressing :\
  19. Just a heads up, a familial emergency came up that requires me to travel like 250+ miles (500+ for there and back), so probably won't be on all Sunday.
  20. You're reading too much into wording. It doesn't imply that you're not right now, just that you were in that game.
  21. But he does fear Clyde. Granted I am not he (though he was one of my suggestions), still has some fears.
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