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Everything posted by TheIrishman

  1. According to my understanding, you'll receive a notification of visitation from everyone, regardless of their ability. So it might say something like, someone sabotaged your doombots! And you also felt a presence, as if someone was watching you.
  2. This might be my last post for most of the day. The funeral is in less than 2 hours. Player Character Role N1 N2 Sunflower Scarlet Witch Roleblocker Roleblocked iLTS Roleblocked Cat5 Shade Colossus Scum BP Targeted Irish X OrangeP47 Phil Coulson ? Nothing? Anti Roleblock Mojoman iLTS Dr. Doom ? Blocked BP on Self (Still Died) Jeod Thor ? BP Tracked Cat5 Tracked Irish Mojoman Moon Knight ? Equipped an item Investigated ChopBam Result = Town Cat 5 ? Watcher Watched iLTS get hit by Hex Roleblocked Irish ? ? BP Targeted FRAYDO Targeted Cat5 FRAYDO Howard The Duck Roleblocker Roleblocked ChopBam X ChopBam Captain America Bodyguard Blocked Tried to protect FRAYDO Bodyguard Irish If it's a delayed kill, then the only 2 people who could've done it, according to Cat5, are Cat5 and Sunflower. iLTS, did you get a notification of Cat5 watching you? If it's an unstoppable kill, Orange seems to be the prime suspect.
  3. I'm just going to wait for a big post from you xD You're making me write responses, but then you figure out the answer by yourself anyway.
  4. Alright guys, all I have now is my Eternal Regeneration for the rest of the game (I gave up my night action to bring iLTS back) but I'm pretty sure OrangeP47 is Scum so long as Scum aren't able to perform multiple actions. And I can confirm both ChopBam's and Jeod's actions were used on me. Oh and my character is Elixer, an Omega level healer. The phoenix down should make a lot more sense now :b
  5. Alright, everyone's actions are accounted for. Let's see if we can dig up anymore detail, eh Snipe?
  6. Yeah, I suspected you were the one who targeted me, but I didn't want to out your ability yet.
  7. I'm a bit surprised since I thought the Judge ability was a bit scummy. Anyway, I'm going to need reports from everyone.
  8. Are you insinuating that if you were roleblocked and then nightkilled that you wouldn't die? Because I'm pretty sure that kills everyone. If you're claiming ascetic, that usually doesn't affect NK either. Although I do think both Jeod and Mojo are very likely Town, I didn't consider them 100% like myself. Mojo is at 90% while Jeod is at 85%. Mojo because it'd take a lot of balls to kill his teammate before he even had a chance to save himself. Jeod because he dayblocked Shade and argued with him, but considering how well Jeod usually plays as Scum, I'm not leaving out the possibility of a farce. But either way, they're both above anybody else when it comes to Town chances. Mostly my fault. I'm working under the assumption that since we have 2 BP players, Scum must have a way around that. Roleblocking would be the most conventional way, but that's not to say they couldn't have any other methods. Considering the only known roleblocker left is Sunflower, she's a prime suspect. Again, scum could have an unstoppable kill or something like that instead if Sunflower isn't Scum. Also And a heads up, I'll be gone for most of Saturday for the funeral. Unfortunately, she passed away on Monday which is why I didn't bother talking.
  9. You know, I thought you were Howard, but I couldn't think of why you'd have a daykill. It's a shame you died, FRAYDO. I'm still hesitant on Sunflower, but she seems to be one of the more likely suspects. I'll try to hold off any further speculation until tomorrow. If we do have a doctor, I recommend me just in case they're able to roleblock and kill. Two reasons why I think I'd be targeted tonight: 1. Revenge. After all, I did get Shade killed. 2. I'm basically the only "confirmed" Town so they know they're not going to get me lynched. If there's only one Scum left, they're either going to have to kill me at some point or leave me to be the last one alive, but that'd make it harder for them to win.
  10. It was because you're both new >.> and a scum team of beginners doesn't seem right.
  11. Thanks :b I haven't been Town for the last...3 or 4 games? So it's a nice feeling to find out that I'm still pretty good at it. Btw, some advice, Shade. Considering you were the last person to mention your whereabouts, if you weren't so hesitant and if you made up a lie then I wouldn't have suspected you as much. Obviously you were concerned that I might've somehow watched you visit me or maybe tracked you (even though it was kinda confirmed that I visited FRAYDO), but sometimes you just have to gamble. If you said you visited anyone else or kept to yourself like Orange you might've lasted a bit longer. Orange, Mojo, and you were pretty much the only suspects I had in my mind at that point. Anyway, better luck next time.
  12. Player Character Role N1 Sunflower Scarlet Witch Roleblocker Roleblocked iLTS Shade Colossus Scum BP Targeted Irish OrangeP47 Phil Coulson ? Nothing? iLTS Dr. Doom ? Blocked Jeod Thor ? BP Targeted Cat5 Mojoman Moon Knight ? Equipped an item Cat 5 ? Watcher Watched iLTS get hit by Hex Irish ? ? Targeted FRAYDO FRAYDO ? Roleblocker Roleblocked ChopBam ChopBam Captain America Bodyguard Blocked Tried to protect FRAYDO
  13. Oh, I just realized we only have 2 BP, since Shade was Scum. Still, I think that Scum would have an RB or some type of Unstoppable/Armor-Piercing Kill.
  14. It's pretty much a toss-up between FRAYDO and Sunflower. Considering that Sunflower was with Orange the game before last, odds are more in favor of it being him. Also I just don't think KY would put Sunflower and Shade on the same team, seems unfair.
  15. Alright, well then back to the two most likely suspects, FRAYDO and Sunflower. ##Vote FRAYDO
  16. You could still be Scum, just not the one who went for the NK. I'm a bit skeptical about you considering you're claiming Doctor.
  17. Roleblock normally blocks passives unless it says otherwise.
  18. Appreciate the assistance. For once I don't feel bad about Shade dying, considering he tried to kill me first. I can understand the want for revenge though. So onto the other Scum suspect, pretty much anyone can qualify, but I think Sunflower or FRAYDO would be our most likely culprits considering 3 night BPs and 2 night RBs.
  19. Um...I just realized, you have a minor error there, KY.
  20. Funny how when I'm actually Town, I still get Shade killed Feels good to pull off a plan and have it work perfectly.
  21. Not really. It didn't go through last time so he still has his action. 90%, I'm not too trusting on iLTS considering his last minute execution, but if we can choose who he targets it shouldn't be too bad.
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