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Everything posted by TheIrishman

  1. Actually, I'm not sure if the Oracle would be a target using this method. Since the Oracle would only have to keep targeting players inside the pool, so it'd be practically the same result if Scum decide to kill the Oracle or a player inside the pool. It sounds like the overwhelming answer is no, but I just thought it'd be a rather simple way to trap Scum while essentially giving us 4 players whose voices we could trust.
  2. I don't think it'd matter that much. Two people would've claimed Doctor then while one would be our actual Doctor. We might lynch our Doctor or we might lynch Scum, but Scum would've essentially given one of themselves up for that. It'd also lower our vanilla suspect pool down to only 5 people. Same concept as the Doctor. Either way it wouldn't be too important because they'd be likely to try and kill the cop N1 unless our Doctor could prevent it. If they claimed both Doctor and Cop then there'd only be one Scum left. Although after thinking about it a bit more, cop feels less useful with both a lawyer and miller on the field so they might live a bit longer. That'd make the plan less efficient. The main point is limiting our suspect pool to only 6 people. Scum can only kill 1 person outside the pool per night while we'd be able to lynch one person in the pool per day.
  3. No, I'm not >.> Like I said, I had this plan before the PMs were sent. If everyone claims, then that means Scum will be caught. What will they claim? Vanilla Town? Okay sure, then we'll have 6 people who claimed vanilla, we would've already limited the suspect pool down to 6 people. I'm not sure about Miller though, like whether they know they're a miller or not.
  4. Alright now my potentially very risky plan. Everybody directly claim. If we want to take a step back we could just have people claim vanilla or power role. Why do I think this would work? The roles are already revealed, we know all possibilities. I don't want to go too much into detail, but it'll make it a lot easier for us to scumhunt. Although it'll put more of us at risk, we outnumber them, so we'd win any war of attrition as long as we can put together the facts.
  5. Just a heads up, before roles are assigned, I have a plan of how to hunt for Scum, but it's a bit out there. But the plan could be beneficial for Scum too.
  6. It's a farce. The idea that Rufo "Category 5 Hurricane" Burgio could even fuck with Dashawn "Irishman" Palone is a joke. Good job, Sunflower, congrats on wading through the sludge of bullshit that is Shade's and Cat5's words and arriving at the truth.
  7. I think vote block would've been acceptable, but vote stealing essentially gives you +2 in voting power. I don't like it.
  8. Yeah, the vote steal seemed a bit OP and is definitely not what I'd consider basic. All the rest of the roles seem relatively normal though.
  9. Knew it. I tried to get Cat5 lynched yesterday but unfortunately no one was confident enough to do so >.> Oh well
  10. Why wouldn't I? If I'm right about you being Town, then Shade or myself would most likely die tonight. If that's the case then there'd only be a combo of Shade, Sun, and Cat5 or Irish, Sun, and Cat5. If she was lucky enough to investigate the correct person or decided to investigate you and got the same result, then there wouldn't be any contest about who to lynch. Also, it means that there can't be a tie vote which places the game's result on RNG. Also it doesn't really matter which person dies. If Shade dies, it'll be me and Sun and we'll most likely vote you, especially if her investigation bears fruit. If I die, Shade will have to realize that I can't be Town so he'll only be able to vote for you. I still think your scrambler, silencer, BP story is too out there to be reasonable.
  11. Shade and Cat5, whichever one of you isn't Town is an idiot. *sigh* I'm betting on Cat5 being Town though because Shade would be more likely to take advantage of the vote against Cat5 for the win. Like Sunflower said, you're expecting this game to be way too complicated Cat5. And I've never confirmed being able to do two abilities as once. I assumed I would be able to when I came up with my protect self and guard Sunflower plan, but then that was nixed when I found out that I'm not able to save myself. In that case I only used my Doctor ability since there was no one I trusted enough to bodyguard. When I talked about using Doctor and Bodyguard on two different people for last night, that was a ploy to lure Town into killing me since I already used the one-shot. I never actually used both abilities at once, I just guessed that I'd be able to. Although I'd be up for No Lynch one more time so Sunflower can gather more info, it doesn't look like that'll happen.
  12. You would be able to just post their avatar >.> And I see where you guys are coming from and I mostly agree about the silencing thing and how pictures can make it easy to go around, but from what I've been told for previous games they've been allowed to post images while silenced. I think the main point of silencing someone if they're still allowed to post images is to disable their ability to debate. Like, you can't say, "Well Nodlied couldn't have done this if he did that night 1, while FRAYDO looks like he was agreeing with Verti60 so there's a chance they could be scum or third party." By limiting it to images it can make certain things harder or even impossible to properly. Just think about if you tried to do a full player list analysis with images >.> That all said, I think Cat5 is lying about being silenced as well.
  13. Bussing your teammate if you're both Scum isn't a bad thing as long as they're cool with it, but I don't think it's likely at all. You two weren't even under suspicion before you revealed your investigation. And even if you did have anything to gain, it would've been better to wait another night or two, not to mention how much more useful it would've been for Orange to keep his daykill until towards the end of the game. The chance of Sunflower being Town imo is maybe 1%.
  14. I find myself repeating a lot to you. If Cat5's a miller, then him not being told he's a miller would be bastard modding. If he was told he was a miller, I'm pretty sure he would've said that by now. If you think Town can perform an action like framing and NK, then why? It'd be stupid to frame the same person that's going to be killed. ##vote Category 5 Hurricane
  15. You're stretching things too much. I can't blame you too much because I did too when I first started, but there are limits for what's considered acceptable in a basic game. I'm pretty sure causing someone else to kill goes well beyond that, and how would they not know? I think Cat5's bulletproof claim is a last ditch attempt to get one of us lynched. Since he didn't kill anyone and he claims to have been attacked, he can't be Town. If Sunflower targeted anyone besides Cat5, then the remaining person had to be Town. So he was running on the hope that Sunflower didn't target him, given how much I encouraged her to target you, I think he felt he had good odds.
  16. You're saying that Sunflower is Town? But why? It'd be pointless, she literally could've ended the game the previous day just by saying she targeted Cat5 and got a Town result on him
  17. I hope she investigated you or even me because I don't appreciate misplaced or fake bravado. I kept him as a suspect because he is, the only person who I've essentially marked off the list is Sunflower. Did you get a notification that you were attacked?
  18. Hm...the BP claim can also fit. It makes sense why you didn't even bother talking about my plan and even decided to go for No Lynch (granted you weren't around during hammer). Still leaning towards you being Town, but really waiting on that result now Sunflower.
  19. Huh that's odd...did Town want to pretend that my Doctor ability blocked the kill? Although I suppose this might be the best result for them as long as Sunflower didn't investigate them. This way there's still 4 people left, leaving a 50% chance of winning whereas the plan I laid for last night would've put them at closer to 0%. I'm sorry if this is insulting, Shade, but I just don't think you'd think like that, in addition to the potential thought process behind Jeod being killed. Waiting for Sunflower's report, but I think cat5 is Town.
  20. Sorry Shade but in no uncertain terms, that is stupid. Again this is a basic game, her investigation cannot NK by chance, especially without her knowing - that'd be bastard modding (it's an actual term). I've never heard of a basic game with % based abilities, as far as I'm aware you either have it or you don't. Alright, to come clean now that we're just shy of daybreak so actions shouldn't be allowed to change. In case I die it's better you guys know the truth. I only had 1 x doctor and 4 x bodyguard actions total, which means that I only had the option to bodyguard one person and couldn't protect the other. I did this to try and force Town to NK me because they wouldn't want to risk their NK failing against Shade or Sunflower. The person I guarded was Sunflower. If I'm dead, good luck.
  21. Sorry if I'm just adding pressure, here's how I figured it Investigate Shade | Players left Result = Town - Shade, Sun, Cat | Shade, Sun, Irish Result = Mafia - Shade, Sun, Cat | Shade, Sun, Irish Investigate Cat5 Result = Town - Shade, Sun, Cat Result = Mafia - Shade, Sun, Cat | Shade, Sun, Irish Investigate Irishman Result = Town - Shade, Sun, Irish Result = Mafia - Shade, Sun, Cat Aside from the scenario where we get lucky enough that no one dies, we have these as tomorrow's results. From a pure mathematical perspective, Shade is the best pick since he also ends up alive in all these situations. But if we're adding in the evidence and if you don't mind a little risk, I think Cat5 would still be a good pick. Don't feel too much weight over the decision, either one should be fine.
  22. Alright, I guess we'll follow with my initial plan then. ##vote No Lynch As a reminder, I'll use Doctor and Bodyguard on both Shade and Sunflower. Sunflower, investigate Shade. Hopefully I live, but we'll see. If I don't, it should be pretty easy to figure out from there.
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