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Everything posted by TheIrishman

  1. Wow, pretty much everyone wants to take away my stuff no matter what. Alright idc anymore. Good job Scum, you've managed to irritate me to almost Jeod-levels. I'm imagining Scum is most likely Orange, Retaliation, or Jeod. Cat5 is excluded since he hasn't been talking much. If Scum isn't one of the people I suspect, congrats on avoiding detection. And if Scum isn't one of the bastards provoking me, I'll take that honorary scum title, thanks! ##Shoot Retaliation ##Shoot Killing_You ##Shoot OrangeP47 (This one won't actually fire, although I was tempted to shoot Jeod, he's the least likely suspect) If you guys decide to jail me, good job getting lost in focus in a bipartisan system and not getting anything done. Huh, wow, you guys are about as effective as the actual government.
  2. Jesus Christ, I am not wasting my time looking for the post. One of you said something about it.
  3. The level of stupidity. No I didn't, but you claimed someone attempted to kill you.
  4. I'd rather be invincible aesthetic than have both an ability and an item that have been misconstrued against me. At least you got a cane now.
  5. If I wasn't holding any items, I wouldn't care about being investigated. The problem is I won't get any of them back and my trap sucks ass. I hate crappy vanilla roles.
  6. I already said I'd wait until after it's confirmed that we're investigating Orange, Cat5, Retaliation, or Jeod. Which means close to hammer with probably 5 votes on one of them. I don't want some fake guarantee.
  7. So, will proving that the restrictions I've mentioned sway any opinions? Or are you guys so focused on me being Scum that you'll ignore it?
  8. I already said I was putting priority on hunting down the syndicalists, hence why I'd be hesitant to shoot KY even though he's from the opposing party.
  9. Although...after it's been confirmed that we're investigating Cat5 or Orange, I can shoot someone who isn't suspicious and you'll see the proof.
  10. As I said, Cat5, Orange, Retaliation, and you are the only people who should be Scum provided there is only 1 Scum player left. There's no saving it, I'm 100% certain you'll steal it tonight because you think I'm crazy or just that it's not safe for me to hold it any longer. It's just a process of elimination at this point. I'd attempt to shoot someone else if it'd so appease you but there'd probably be a penalty and it'd use 1PP. Also, you really think that Scum would have a gun that can fire 2-3 times in a day? Can someone say overpowered?
  11. He was only suspicious after FRAYDO's death so he shouldn't be Scum.
  12. I'm also bothered with the fact that you guys have accepted this gun's existence and completely believe the restrictions that I've told you when you all think I'm Scum, even though those same restrictions prove that it's a Town oriented weapon.
  13. You're just scared I'll shoot you. You realize how bad of a position I'm in right now? But there's the fact that I'm willing to do nothing? If it goes onto the night, Retaliation will surely beat me with his cane and Jeod will steal my gun. Which is one of the reasons I'd like the crowbard (I mean, Jeod can't even properly use it if he's always focued on protecting himself). But even so, I'm still willing to be stripped of every except my Medkit. The main thing I'm worried about is being framed for later since I'd be the perfect target.
  14. It's a toss between him and Category 5. If cat5 is lying about his identity being stolen, then he's the most likely suspect for tampering with Orange's action. I still don't like the idea of Scum starting with the Evidence Base Key which further pushes me towards Cat5 instead.
  15. Oh actually, I can kill 3 people thanks to Sunflower, but sadly I'm hesitant to kill KY and definitely won't kill Sunflower. As for investigations, Orange, Category 5, Retaliation, or Jeod would be fine. Initially I didn't suspect Jeod much but he should've been hit with my trap if he actually targeted himself. ##Investigate Category 5 I don't have another ability so no.
  16. It says if anyone visits the target, so I believe that would include themselves. I mean, I was somehow hit with my own trap, so there must be a way it's possible. It's either by being forced to visit myself or by having my trap reflected back at me.
  17. Only because you know I can't kill you >.> I can still get rid of Retaliation and Killing you so Status Quo outnumbers Pluralism :b I am Status Quo afterall and it is my goal. I would expect it to.
  18. If you guys really thought I was Scum, negotiating was pointless. Anything after me being investigated would become empty promises because you think I'd pop up Hostile. And btw, I should be able to kill both Jeod and Retaliation. Afterall, it only costs 1PP to shoot, which would up the chances of me killing Scum to 50%.
  19. Statistically speaking, there's a 1/7 chance that'd I'd hit Scum. If we eliminate Sunflower, Shade, and KY from that list, there's a 25% chance (if there's only 1 Scum left). Sadly, of the 4 suspects left, I can only kill you and Retaliation. Of course it's not well thought out, my initial plan was to just shoot without negotiating. I figured it was an SK/assassin who killed him after Shade's claim about someone trying to kill the monarchy. So yeah, I'm assuming there are only 2 Scum left. I already said that I didn't get a notification of success when I initially placed a trap on Jeod. And I already confirmed with Nodlied and mentioned that my traps do not last more than the initial night. And that is a good point...did you really target yourself Jeod?
  20. Investigating cat5 would help. He's claimed suspicious and if a NK happens while he's jailed then it'd eliminate 2 potential suspects. I'll talk more later. Gf
  21. Alright, since we're going this route. What do I get to prevent me from shooting someone? If you guys want to take both my bulletproof and gun away then I better damn well get something in return. Crowbar and a nomination would work well, but I'm open to offers.
  22. The player that I shoot must've been confirmed as suspicious through an investigation. So I can't kill orange, cat5, Shade or myself. If I hit a friendly player (status quo or pluralism) then stability drastically drops and I become hostile.
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