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Everything posted by TheIrishman

  1. You're acting as if I chose my ability. Nodlied made this ability, ask him. My ability helps track the killer, the Medkit, in my mind at the time, would help me to potentially protect the target as well.
  2. I don't understand what you're saying? I didn't know any of the items were in The Vault before I went in there.
  3. Oh my god... My Trap works against any number of players who visit my target, regardless of what they do. It will mark them by blocking their votes and their day actions. If I were to be able to protect that target with a Medkit, that means that not only would I be able to prevent the NK, but Scum would also be marked. There is, however, a flaw and that's if multiple people target the person, but it would limit the suspect pool.
  4. Yeah, because I'm totally to blame for wanting to hide the fact that I grabbed a Medkit >.> I figured if Orange was actually able to enter the Vault, he'd cover for me since it is, after all, a Medkit. Yep, so I don't mind being investigated, but like I said, it's a bit annoying that my other item will be revealed. I also suspect my Medkit will end up getting stolen after the investigation as well.
  5. Also I wouldn't come up with such a easily provable ability if I were Scum. I literally just have to target someone that someone else visits and everyone will see that they can't vote or perform any actions. Tracking, Protecting/Bodyguard, and Role Cop are the easiest to fake claim as Scum.
  6. idc, you'll see it when I'm investigated. Why would there be an evidence base key? Why would there be a walkie-talkie? We all expected it to be empty. I'm a little annoyed that you'll see my other item as well, but it doesn't really matter since it's locked and I can't use it. I already said I didn't use my ability last night. I voted and I picked up the Medkit. I was willing to forego my vote if I could use both actions during the next night. Although I didn't know exactly if the Medkit could protect others since none of the descriptions are visible in the vault, I guessed that no matter what it'd be helpful.
  7. So my trap doesn't affect people at night. It marks whoever visited my target, dayblocks them and prevents them from voting the next day. I guess I'll just come out with it all. I didn't actually use my ability, there were 3 items in The Vault, the last one being a Medkit. I grabbed that one and didn't want to mention it because of obvious reasons, I thought I could use it to protect my target and use my Trap at the same time to paint Scum after they failed a NK. Otherwise my trap wouldn't be able to save them and they'd still die. Happy?
  8. I was using the last game as reference, but after some thought maybe it doesn't because there wasn't any change with what I'd assume most players using their abilities. Ugh, thanks KY. I'll talk more about it in a bit. BRB.
  9. Oops said the same thing twice. And it doesn't look like abilities affect stability in general like the previous games. At least for now.
  10. My action was non-hostile >.> if it was aggressive I'm pretty sure it would've messed with stability. I'm innocent, but I'd rather we investigate someone else. My options were to perform my action or to pick up either a walkie talkie/evidence base key as long as I still wanted to vote (which I voted soft, Cat5 :b ). At the time I thought the evidence base key would've just given me access to The Vault, but I was (and still am) unaware if it's a passive or an active item. If you have to use it to access the vault, it seem relatively useless since it really limits your actions if you want to visit the vault. I figured that I was much more likely to be voted again to the vault, so I chose not to grab the key the first time around. My other option was a walkie-talkie which just sounds like a 1 to 1 masonry, again, not very useful. As for my ability, it's non-hostile so don't worry about it. It's too early for me to spill that much info.
  11. I'd be fine with going to the vault again, not sure which item I'd grab since they both seem pretty useful. I'm guessing this game works similar to the previous and we won't have many deaths starting off. Oh and I just remembered, aside from CK starting off as innocent while being Scum, FRAYDO's status changed every time since he played as Kane. Although the same trick might not be used again, it's something to be aware of. As for Orange, aside from his innocence, I'm pretty certain he's Town since I can't imagine Scum would start off with the key to the evidence locker as it'd be far too unfair.
  12. It seems like Orange should be able to verify what I'm saying just in case unless his item was transferred to the vault even in innocence. There are 2 items already in the vault - a walkie-talkie (AKA field radio at the time), and an evidence base key. When you're given access to the vault, you're able to pick up only one item per night for 1PP and you'll have to wait until the day to receive it. This means for whoever is nominated, if they want to take advantage of any items in the vault, they must be prepared to forego either their night action or their night vote if they have a night action. You are not able to examine the items and see what actions they give you, only their names. I didn't see a separate section in there in regards to evidence like in the previous game, so I don't think that'll be an issue we'll have to deal with. I'm kind of doubtful on Orange's definition of the evidence base key since there wasn't anything for evidence, just "The Vault." You'd assume it'd be called The Vault Key or something like that, but then again I can't think of anything else that key could be used for so he's probably telling the truth. I didn't grab either of the two items though, so i can't confirm. And it sounds like, from Nodlied, you can pass items both between players or to the vault for free.
  13. I'll be making a post towards hammer tomorrow about everything in regards to the vault, most likely before hammer. But first, I have a question Orange, can you explain your item?
  14. I don't have much time since I work very soon, but normally my go to for the vault would be cat5, but out of curiousity since I've never been, I'd like to volunteer to enter the vault. ##nominate theirishman
  15. Reading over it again, I can see where I misunderstood. I'm pretty sure you're right. Whelp, there goes my first plan of action.
  16. Interesting mechanics. So we have three factions, Pluralists, Status Quo, and Abolishment. I'd assume that Abolishment would be more along the lines of "Scum." As for voting, there is an issue that can potentially be used to our advantage. Since voting during the day and night cost 1PP while night actions also cost 1 PP, then we can try to limit any shenanigans by "forcing" everyone to vote during the day for reforms. If Scum wants to try and control the vote at night, they won't be able to perform their night actions. The voting for the vault and investigations seem to be separate so I don't think they cost any PP. Since the investigation is public and isn't performed by any specific person, it means that we won't lose our "cop." Although this plan also assumes that most of our abilities are relatively useless in comparison to the investigation and our ability to control the vote. It also assumes that Scum would abide by the same rules (which I'd think they would), but like in Vert's game when I was Sith, I was able to do some things at no cost. As for reforms, I think I'd prefer something for economy. Economy is all about the wealth/food/resources in the country and distributed between people and if we can keep them happy I think it'd give more stability than any military force. ##vote Reform Economy
  17. I'm pretty certain Cat5 is Town, but I have been assuming that he is indeed a pariah since he's from the Sisters of Silence. Care to confirm that, Cat5? Nodlied is mostly a null read. He could be lying about being redirected/bussed, but given Jeod's speculation, I'm inclined to believe Jeod hit him with it. If Jeod isn't a tracker, and Nodlied was Scum, then the NK might've been random as well. I could also see a possibility of them both being Scum, but it feels too risky to put themselves out there like that. Jeod, I'm not sure. Initially I suspected he'd be more likely neutral rather than TP, but now it feels closer to a toss-up between the two. KY, he's been pretty inactive so it's tough to judge. Although it's basically what he said about me, he could be coasting and I kinda want to vote him outta spite, but OMGUS. He won't be able to defend himself, so until tomorrow. Blujet, pretty much the same for KY except the spite vote and he has the ability to convince me otherwise. FRAYDO, feeling slightly scummy but the logic for that is pretty flimsy. The lamenters would be truly unlucky if they had to take the fall for Scum. But Cat5 got a Town read on him so unless he's a Godfather, Cat is insane or lying, he should be clear. ##vote Blujet Blujet, KY, and Nodlied look like our most likely suspects. Jeod should be put on the back burner imo.
  18. I've been busy hanging out with my gf (still am) and I don't like posting on mobile but it looks like I won't be back on my laptop until after hammer. You claim tracker, Jeod, but that doesn't prove that Nodlied is telling the truth. He could've planned to target you with whatever from the start, or you could be lying about being tracker. Considering your character's flavor, he sounds like he could redirect or bus. I find your initial guess about yourself being one of the bussing targets suspicious while you never went back to the train of thought. When you're lying, you tend to stick to half truths, so I think you ended up giving away that it redirects to someone randomly. Why randomly instead of a specific target? Because you didn't even consider a specific target as an option. Cat5, why are you leaning towards TP for Jeod? I should be able to post more later.
  19. Wasn't it already pointed out how No Lynch won't actually be that beneficial for us because it wouldn't change the day phase of when we'd lose due to us only having 9 people - assuming the Scum team is only two people. The only advantage we gain is putting ourselves at MYLO instead of LYLO for Day 3, but I'm not sure that it's such a great advantage, especially with potential daykills (also looking back to that BS ability Cat5 used in iLTS's game). Day 1: 9 -> 8 L Night 1: 8 -> 7 NK Day 2: 7 -> 6 L Night 2: 6 -> 5 NK Day 3: 5 -> 4 LYLO (we lose) _____________________ Day 1: 9 -> 9 No Lynch Night 1: 9 -> 8 NK Day 2: 8 -> 7 L Night 2: 7 -> 6 NK Day 3: 6 -> 5 MYLO Night 3: 5 -> 4 (we lose) This assumes no NKs are stopped and we don't manage to lynch any Scum.
  20. Oh wow, had no idea about the history of the Blood Ravens (you mean Blood Ravens and Trazyn, right?). My initial research behind which faction I wanted to be from was looking for stronger psykers because I like the idea of relying on my own powers than equipment. Apparently they're not even an official faction, so they have to supply themselves by stealing from others. https://1d4chan.org/wiki/Blood_Ravens Now I wish I was a Blood Raven even more, I love their history.
  21. At first I thought that it'd be pretty cool to be a World Eater Chaplain, but I was disappointed after looking it up. If it was something that actually devoured worlds, I would love that role. But I'm from the Blood Angels, even though I requested Blood Ravens >.> not a big deal. He probably just misread it. After reading his wiki, it looks like Trazyn is either TP or Neutral. He kinda reminds me of a mix between Deadpool and Loki, but in the 40k universe. As for his abilities, I'd guess stealing, possessing, mind controlling, and reviving himself or others. If it's stealing, he probably has a specific target. If it's possessing or mind controlling, it could manipulate other's abilities, like bussing, or take people over like a cult, but with 9 players I find a Cult Leader to be very unlikely since it'd win so quickly. Reviving himself, I could see him reviving himself straight up or taking over someone's body after "dying." Most of these abilities aren't really beneficial for us. I'm leaning towards neutral though, because it doesn't really make sense for Jeod to basically out himself so early in the game when he's barely under any pressure. I just finished researching everyone's picks and the enemy factions of the Imperium of Man. I think our enemy is most likely Chaos as I haven't found anything else that's caused traitors, although it's possible that KY, iLTS, or FRAYDO could be Xenos as well (KY and iLTS don't have a subfaction, while FRAYDO is classified so we don't know they're human). But I doubt both Scum players could be Xenos seeing as there were "traitors". Also, assuming we're fighting against Chaos, then I don't think Cat5 could canonically be Scum. Pariah's aren't compatible with Chaos at all. They're closer to being the antithesis of Chaos.
  22. Oh, I didn't pay attention apparently. Well then, nvm my logic...I'm probably going to sleep for now.
  23. A random thought of mine is that one of the classified players is Scum or TP (but I'm not sure there is TP considering he didn't mention anything about other goals like most mods normally do), simply due to Retaliation not wanting people to automatically assume that classified is Town, so I think he added FRAYDO to classified afterwards to balance things. This also makes me think Jeod is more likely Town. Although it could be visa versa, I don't see it as it'd be too attention grabbing. I'll change my avatar tomorrow or something, too tired right now.
  24. Welcome to the Mafia scene, Blujet. Glad to have you.
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