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Everything posted by TheIrishman

  1. Like Orange said, you can still level up Pokémon without fighting and it's safer, but have you forgotten my secondary goal? To beat Shade. Why would I use a weak Pokémon to do that when I want to treat my secondary goal as my primary goal for some petty but fun payback towards Orange and Shade.
  2. Self-Destruct (basically useless) and Earthquake (for which I have no ground Pokemon), but why is this relevant? I understand the feeling. One of my Pokemon is worthless as well.
  3. I literally mentioned that I wanted Snorlax before the game even started...and that doesn't make sense. I want to defeat Shade (don't know if the objective is already fulfilled or not) as my rival, but for personal enjoyment, I want to defeat Orange.
  4. The reason I said there was some confusion between me and Jeod was because Heal wasn't in my PM, which is what I mainly asked him about. Not sure if I'm able to delve into the details of the PMs so I'll remain quiet on what exactly was said, but I changed the phrasing to something he could easily mod confirm without having to worry about basically confirming me as Town in the process.
  5. So...does anybody else think we should move the day phase to 24 hours instead of 48?
  6. Fair, I have some other decent pokemon though. Granted there's one that I want to reroll since I wasn't paying enough attention when I picked it.
  7. If the game mechanics worked like I thought, I could've healed Snorlax and then battled with him the next day. From my understanding at the time, Team Rocket would've been unable to heal. Therefore I'm not Scum. Pretty simple logic, and it would've limited our suspect pool
  8. Is he really that scary? Also, why are you guys assuming that I still have Snorlax as my main? I have 5 other picks.
  9. Wow, I feel like I'm being treated as Scum while I haven't even done anything scummy >.>
  10. Teach me a lesson? What did I do? Though if it's against Shade or Orange, I'm game.
  11. I was already at my max number of night posts so I wasn't able to explain myself further. Initially I thought that Team Rocket wouldn't be able to heal their pokemon so I laid out that plan for everyone, but then I decided to look back to see what exactly it said. I found out that it's only for reviving pokemon instead of generally healing them. But it doesn't really matter since I ended up asking Jeod about this because there was some confusion, apparently this is no longer part of the game.
  12. Good game Shade and Sunflower. Now first off, FRAYDO, do you still have your gastly? Second, is anybody up for me proving that I'm not Scum? I can just heal my Snorlax tonight and fight tomorrow. Though preferably against Shade or Orange.
  13. If it makes you feel better, Shade, I too basically did nothing :b
  14. To be fair, the original game only had 70% accuracy for Fire Spin rather than 85% but I figured it wasn't too important to mention since we'll most likely win anyway.
  15. Pretty sure it'll apply to all the stun moves like wrap, bind and clamp too. And you gotta admit, it was OP.
  16. I suppose. According to the actual game. It's a 75% for 2 or 3 turns (37.5% each) and 25% for 4 or 5 (12.5% each).
  17. Doesn't that mean if someone has Fire Spin, they could just spam it over and over to win?
  18. Wow, fire spin is OP >.> It's 2-5 turns in the game for this it's 4-5.
  19. I said nvm, but for the obvious. If we're able to eliminate 1 pokemon first, then it'd be 2v1.
  20. If you're able to change your move to target Vulpix, that'd be ideal, Cat5.
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