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Everything posted by TheIrishman

  1. If he didn't have that item, I would've risked it, but now I don't think it's worth it.
  2. Yeah, but Hydro Pump only has 80% accuracy. So a 20% chance to hit 30 over only 80% to hit at all or a solid 20 every time?
  3. (2.4 x 120 x 100 / 120 / 50 + 2 ) x 1.5 x 2 = 20.4
  4. What's the point? Since he used that item, I can only hit 20 dmg with my water move.
  5. If you can put Lapras to sleep again, that'd be great. I'm changing targets since Arcanine now has lower health. Dragon's Rage - Arcanine
  6. Okay, good. Dragon's Rage - Lapras
  7. Oh, I guess I was wrong, he wanted to wait to use the potion.
  8. Oh, do you not have Night Shade? Not that it mattered, Orange was waiting for you to move before he'd use his potion.
  9. Hopefully Sunflower has Night Shade to use on you, Orange.
  10. Raises by special 1 stage, huh, I can't remember what the new system for that is.
  11. Sunflower, better we focus on Lapras first. Orange has the most items but also the lowest health. Also Ice Beam is potentially OP. If you can make him fall asleep or somethingk, that'd be great.
  12. Yeah, but water takes 1/2 damage from Ice, so I just take normal dmg >.>
  13. Tempted to change my vote since if Cat5 plays we'll have to delay but oh well.
  14. Huh, 3-way tie between Cat5, Sunflower, and me as trainer. Shade as Rocket while it's a cointoss between Cat5 and Orange.
  15. If we're purely talking about winning the battle and potentially eliminating a Scum suspect, I'd prefer to fight against Cat5, but for the personal pleasure... ##Rocket Orange
  16. And yeah, Bind, Wrap, and Clamp were changed too. They all said 4-5 which is what they are now for the current gen. The original Gen 1 placed them at 2-5 turns which is what they were changed to. Alright.
  17. Pretty sure Jeod changed the accuracy.
  18. It's not just about this battle, I have a Pokemon with Ice Beam as well, still seems unfair.
  19. We changed Fire Spin, Clamp, Wrap, and Bind afterwords
  20. Yep, just confirmed, none at all.
  21. I'd have to look, but I don't recall the move but then again I don't even know what Haze does.
  22. Any chance to change that since it could potentially be worse than wrap/bind/fire spin? We don't have the ability to purchase Ice Heal, while we can't use a fire move to unfreeze ourselves, and I don't think I have any pokemon have can learn Haze.
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