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Everything posted by TheIrishman

  1. Fair I suppose since there's two of us as opposed to the case of Orange vs KY, but I'd still prefer his move is locked in place before we move.
  2. Damn, I'm starting to regret that I didn't keep Amnesia. I think this might count as a critical juncture, Jeod. Seismic Toss does 27 DMG, Scyther just has to do 1 dmg after that and we win. Granted the only other thing I can think of him doing is using Recover which would only delay the inevitable or Disable. Idk, maybe not since he'll probably lose anyway Seismic Toss on Alakazam
  3. Well, yeah, you're potentially helping Scum unless you are one (but I feel like you would've admitted it by now since you're already dead).
  4. And he would've been eager to help you to injure and possibly defeat more Town, there's nothing but personal gain to be had >.>
  5. Yeah, but his items didn't actually help you.
  6. 55% accuracy until Gen 4 might've been a better way to put it.
  7. Actually it's the Gen 5 version. It only at 55% accuracy in Gen 1, 80% accuracy in Gen 4, and 100% accuracy in Gen 5, granted the duration's been shortened.
  8. https://www.math.miami.edu/~jam/azure/attacks/n/night_shade.htm https://www.math.miami.edu/~jam/azure/attacks/s/seismic_toss.htm https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Category:Moves_that_deal_direct_damage This is where I found out that they wouldn't be reduced. What did you find, Shade? And I'd imagine he'd go with the 1/3rd dmg since he's basing his Double Battles rules off Gen 3 since there weren't any Double Battles in Gen 1 or 2.
  9. Even though Magnemite should be dead this turn, (2.4 x 70 x 110 / 50 / 70 + 2) x 2 x 2/3 = 9.70. I don't remember if we round up or down, but at least 9 dmg, so Magnemite is at 16 HP.
  10. Too bad Disable won't work because I was paralyzed >.> So there's no previous move.
  11. Okay, so the dmg needs to be changed slightly. Seismic Toss Magnemite.
  12. Yeah...I don't see anything about it working on both
  13. Yeah, Seismic Toss can also hurt Ghosts while Night Shade can hurt Normal Pokemon, despite the fact that both aren't supposed to do any dmg. Though it appears that only works for Gen 1. Reflect, Recover, Psychic, Disable (provided none of them changed).
  14. No, but you might depending on how much damage he can do to you.
  15. Okay, looked it up. Seismic Toss isn't affected by Reflect and Night Shade isn't affected by Light Screen.
  16. Pretty much and then I use items where needed. Though I'm not sure if Reflect actually works against Seismic Toss since in the games, although it's said that it halved the incoming physical damage, what it really did was double the defense value of their pokemon but Seismic Toss ignores the opponent's defense so...
  17. Everyone can leave to do other stuff now, he won't be back until 6 hours from now.
  18. Seismic Toss against Magnemite. Should 1HKO Magnemite, but since there's the 25% chance that I'll be stunned, maybe you should attack him as well, Cat5. As for Alakazam, if you have Sword Dance or Leer (Leer would be preferable), either you'll hit normal dmg or we'll both hit normal dmg against him.
  19. Yeah, I think I misread who voted, I meant to say Orange and FRAYDO, but preferably FRAYDO since that'd help ensure no shenanigans. Considering KY wants to have Orange on the opposite team, I think it's more likely he's Scum than Orange.
  20. Oh, well then I'd prefer you autobattle because you seem to make the optimal choices.
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