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Everything posted by TheIrishman

  1. Not quite, the guy in the gifs I've been posting is from the movie Barbershop, but my character is a barber.
  2. Are you trying to tell me what I can and cannot say? But yeah, you're right, I messed up. I'll be honest though, vanilla is my most hated role and I didn't expect to actually do much this game but I suppose it helped push me more towards actual scum hunting tactics rather than relying on abilities. But the main reason I mentioned that I'm vanilla is to point out that there shouldn't be any daykills.
  3. Scum shouldn't have a daykill, that'd be too OP in an 8 player game that's not power heavy. I say not power heavy because I'm vanilla.
  4. I already said that him opening as RB right away was a nice move to come off as Town while him clearing you also gained him points. He essentially put himself in one of the better positions to appear Town since we would know he didn't kill anyone. I'm a little offended at how he belittled my scum hunting tactics against him, but to be fair, it looks like he is actually Scum so I get why. And hey, it worked! I do agree that we shouldn't early hammer though.
  5. I have my assurances to be cleared, I just don't want to use them unless I really have to as it could potentially be detrimental. But yeah, like I said, I'm leaning towards Jeod being Scum over you anyway.
  6. The only way I could see you both being Ducasse is if one of you is playing a Scum version that's being mind controlled by Kilgrave, but I'm pretty sure that'd still put you on Team Scum and I don't think Malcolm really fits the whole drinking with another person to get to know them type. Also I don't think KY would do that because of the counterclaim. So as long as you're telling the truth, I'm pretty sure he's Zhou Cheng.
  7. Obviously there's a chance Orange is lying, but if he is, we'll just lynch him after you.
  8. I should clarify that Zhou Cheng is the sworn protector of The Hand, which is essentially an evil Chinese syndicate, A.K.A. Scum.
  9. Saying what you'd do as Scum doesn't assure me (nor does it seem to assure anyone because I've used this defense as both Town and Scum with adverse effects). You seemed to have a fairly lazy or nonchalant approach to this game so even if you were Scum, there's a chance you wouldn't have done much research. A chance is better than nothing. >.> Again, our last Back to Basics had some unusual abilities so it's hard for me to narrow down the list of abilities too much. Because under the assumption that you're both Scum, if those abilities existed then if anyone of them targeted the correct target, you'd both be immediately found out. If there was a tracker that tracked you while you did the kill, it'd be game over for you two. If the tracker targeted Orange but he still ended up doing anything, it'd be over. If there was a watcher on Cat5 that saw you or Orange, you'd both be done. If there was an ability cop that saw you use a different ability or Orange using an ability at all, you'd both be done. So if you didn't actually RB Orange, but still decided to come out and say that you did, you run the risk of both of you being caught. Therefore it's not very likely that you're both scum. And you're Malcom Ducasse? Looks like there's a counterclaim, something you were trying to avoid Jeod :b ##vote Jeod There were actually 3 potential Townies you could've been with only 1 potential scum, but the only true drunk in this game could be Zhou Cheng, a master of the Drunken Fist. The other possibilities were Jessica Jones, Malcom Ducasse, and Stick.
  10. You are making this far more difficult than it needs to be and it just seems like you're stalling. This should be a basics game so flavor shouldn't be very important, which is one of the reasons I gave such an obvious hint towards my character, yet you believe otherwise. I already told you why I wanted to know. There are only 3 characters that I could see as a drunk, 2 Town, 1 Scum. By asking you for minor details, I wanted to see if I could derive who your character might be without you being able to spend time to find a cover. But, unfortunately, you were very defensive on what shouldn't be important information for a Town player to reveal. I already know who your character should be from Jessica Jones but I'm not sure if I care about your answer at this point because of your defensiveness and how long it took you to respond seems fairly sketchy.
  11. Then do you plan on revealing who you are since your role is already out there?
  12. I guarantee I'm not, but it feels like you're doing some searching yourself. Can you please just answer the question?
  13. The longer you take the more skeptical you make me.
  14. Okay, I'm confused. You've already revealed your role which is the most important information in this game, but now that you've been asked to reveal small details about the flavor for your character which could help confirm you as Town or out you as Scum you decide not to? And yes, I do have alarm bells because the main person I think of as a drunk is Scum. So if you don't want to play guess who, why don't you just say who your character is?
  15. Then I'll give you a reason. Other than KY, I'd imagine myself to be the most knowledgeable about Marvel, this includes watching all the Netflix series. I can think of 3 characters that'd be drunks. 2 are Town, 1 is Scum. So please continue with this guess who game for me.
  16. Hence why I italicized the "know." According to what we know you can't both can't be Scum provided what we know is the truth. But I don't think it's likely that both of you are Scum, since there's all sorts of abilities you'd have to be certain didn't target you, Orange, or your potential target during the night when you lead with the first post (like ability cop, tracker, or watcher), but it is more likely that you're Scum than Orange being so since RB is a very common Scum role and you come out ahead by "clearing" Orange from being a suspect. I'm mainly trying to determine if you're trustworthy enough because you've been so forthright. Is your character male or female, Jeod?
  17. I already said who I was (hinted very hard), though obviously there's no proof but assuming Jeod, Orange, and myself are Town then we have a 50% chance of lynching Scum today. iLikeToSnipe, Nodlied, Sunflower, and Shade939 would be our picks. Granted it's a fairly big assumption that Jeod is Town while being a roleblocker, we at least know Orange and Jeod can't both be Scum. Jeod, is your character blind and/or asian?
  18. You pretty much already did it, provided this doesn't go like our last Back to Basics game where Cat5 had that silly vote stealing ability that no one expected.
  19. The only Irish character relevant to this game is Daredevil, but I'm not him so...I decided to go with a pretty damn obvious hint.
  20. @Alstar @VERTi60 @Chaos_Knight @Retaliation @kamuixmod @Mojoman @ChopBam Voe won't be playing for awhile from what I understand and FRAYDO will also be busy I think
  21. I'm planning to host a CYOR Mafia: Supernatural Edition sometime mid October in the spirit of Halloween. It'll run very similar to CYOR: Halloween Edition, except Horror isn't required, so a lot more options will be open. For example, Boo from Mario, Haunter from Pokemon, Crowley from Supernatural, or even Blair from Soul Eater. Whatever you can think of as long as it's either Supernatural or hunts the Supernatural. Hopefully you guys keeps it relatively Halloween themed though :b That said, if someone has a different game they'd prefer to run or even suggestions for my game, let me know.
  22. I'll sign up for this and I'd be open to running a CYOR game afterwards, just debating whether I want to run a theme for it or not. Probably Supernatural edition. Open to suggestions though.
  23. I like the thought a lot, but it also means a lot of resolving. It wouldn't be so bad if we had a basic program built for it, but to manually edit each value accordingly would put a lot of strain on the GM. We'd need at least 2 GMs to have a decent resolving rate considering that GMs aren't always free for those challenges either.
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