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Everything posted by TheIrishman

  1. Basically you're saying FRAYDO is Bob Ross. Got it.
  2. Or an aggravated player that's been trying to get Shade to mention his *customer* since day start. Also, very stupid of me to hound him like this only to show that I'm the player he visited? I would've just said it myself.
  3. You're a fricking idiot. It's not like we knew he had a medkit, so you just went ahead and outed what he bought making almost certain that we won't pry into who you chose.
  4. If you're really concerned about that, you can just have Shade sell KY more Ammo. That said, I'm even more confident of KY being Scum than Nodlied. It's a choice I make depending on what I think might happen. For example, I wasn't very concerned about being Nightkilled during the first night because I thought FRAYDO and Orange drew plenty of the attention. I doubted I'd get shot during the day, so I chose to be lynchproof for D2.
  5. I had to search for this just for you, FRAYDO.
  6. I was vaguely told they can act as roleblocking items, that's all I know.
  7. Preserve Neck - Lynchproof Preserve Heart - Day BP Preserve Back - Night BP Considering all the tribbles going around, I'm not sure it matter much anymore that I can have BP.
  8. Going to out that you need to earn 15 coins to win the game, meaning you need to extend this game for as long as possible in order to win. Which in turn means that you're going to give both Town and Scum players benefits. The matter that I fear is that you visited KY or Nodlied last night. Especially since I know some of the items that you're able to sell and I can guess how a few would work. Correct, but I don't target anyone, I just choose how I want to protect myself.
  9. *sigh* Shade, are you going to answer the question or am I going to out you?
  10. If it's an unstoppable kill as you claim, then Nodlied should die no matter what. The kill can't be redirected, blocked, protected against, etc... Protecting myself.
  11. There should only be 2 players as far as I'm concerned. i already know one, just tell me the other.
  12. Stop delaying, just say who you chose last night.
  13. I don't? You said the information would just as easily lead to harming me, meaning either attention or possibly someone specifically could be targeted towards me. I'm saying that I don't mind the repercussions of it.
  14. The information of who you chose would lead to harming me? I don't see how. Even so, I don't mind being a target.
  15. Be on guard depending on who you chose. I'd rather know what to expect than face the unknown.
  16. There's no alibi that I'm concerned about, I'm 99% certain you're not Scum. But I know who you are and what you can do.
  17. Killing You, wanna try shooting Nodlied? He's 2nd place in the suspect list. If you end up killing him and winds up being Scum, you can take it as a personal victory. If he ends up being Town, you can throw all the blame on me. For the last time, Shade, who did you target last night?
  18. Alright, if I were you, Chop, I'd try again with KY and another one of the top suspects because you're looking more and more like Town if what I think happened happened.
  19. So you're saying that you made Orange visit FRAYDO and FRAYDO visit Orange? or that you made FRAYDO visit Orange? Shade stop being sassy and answer the question :\ Or I can just talk about you, there's so much to talk about.
  20. Not automatically, but I find it curious that your initial ability was stated to be like a tracker and you even used it to confirm visitations. Yeah I do, but I'm not the only one. No, you're not missing anything in the thread. Shade, who did you visit?
  21. I'm me and that's all you need to know. I'd rather you not visit anyone in the suspect pool, even if you want to add me in there. Oh, then I guess I would've died. Glad hammer arrived then. There are 2 other people that can pretty much confirm Cat5 as Town. I'll leave it up to Cat5 if he wants to say anymore.
  22. iLTS and Choppy are pretty close in suspicion but they are also there by process of elimination as well. iLTS is a thief while the item he gave me was Blood-Stained Sweater. The name is controversial but it seems mostly to be referencing The Ultimate Showdown, which is why I linked that video. It's effects are overall beneficial, but that doesn't mean Scum couldn't give away a beneficial item in order to gain brownie points, especially when it doesn't prevent being nightkilled. The item gives day action immunity, which is why I voted FRAYDO after Cat5 already confirmed he couldn't be voted for, to see if it'd bypass FRAYDO's passive. It was later clarified to me that it only protects against negative effects. This means if you actually did land your Special Beam Cannon on me, KY, (unless it's unstoppable) it would've been blocked. Honestly, I'm tempted to swap Choppy and iLTS around now that Shade's got me thinking that Chop is the Bus driver.
  23. Shade, who did you visit? Because I hope it wasn't one of the suspects *stares at you*
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