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Everything posted by TheIrishman

  1. N1 Lv 20 N2 Lv 30 (Evo 2) N3 Lv 40 N4 Lv 50 N5 Lv 50 (Evo 3) It'd take up to Night 5 to get to the 3rd evolution of anything with 3. While it'd take 4 nights to get maxed out with anything else - aside from winning any matches. That alone sounds mostly fair, except that it's only one pokemon. Unlike the previous game, your other pokemon aren't really usable once someone has a Lv 50 or even Lv 30. We already saw how badly Psyduck at Lv 30 one-shot Jeod's lv 10 Heracross. Say if one player gets their pokemon to Lv 40, loses a match and then has to start back up from scratch, they have almost no chance of coming back if they have to duel and would have to get another to at least lv 30 to stand a chance for an investigation (assuming the other investigations are of a similar standard). @OrangeP47 If you could, please consider this as a possible amendment to the rules. But if the others feel that it's not necessary then you can just ignore this.
  2. Don't feel too bad, Cat5. With levels working the way the do, I'm not sure I'll ever be happy. I feel like we should be able to train two different pokemon at once considering we also have to level them up instead of just worrying about evolving. Trained Shopped Bought
  3. Oh yeah, well same thing applies. Same shift Saturday too.
  4. If no one else volunteers, I'd be up to battle but I won't be on for 6-7 or so hours after hammer on Sunday. Unless we early hammer by like 4 hours.
  5. lol, what? Yeah, I wouldn't have done any better.
  6. I didn't see a voting penalty but just in case ##nominate Jeod ##Investigate Route 34
  7. Is the clue public or private? And now we know for certain that we gain a clue if we win.
  8. Not really since there's nothing to catch. Jeod, you were talking about an analysis between Investigations and Battles. So it sounds like we gain a little bit of info from the investigation regardless if we win or lose. Whether that info is actually helpful if we lose remains to be seen, but I'd venture a guess that it's mostly likely info preparing us for whatever kind of challenge it is, allowing the next player to have a better chance at succeeding. Orange, just making sure I'm not assuming too much, it says starting an investigation for the first time will reveal some details, does that mean if we succeed in investigating only? Or are those details revealed even if we lose? From how things are mentioned, the main difference between Investigations and Battles seem to be the rewards to the losses. No matter what in a battle, one or two people will benefit while one or two will not (although I suppose the people who lose also get items but they lose a coin too). As for the Investigation, only one player will benefit or be hurt. If the details revealed only pertain to the challenge itself, it's mostly a loss. So battles can be better as there will always be some gain, except the gain could go to Rocket.
  9. Unless somebody says something that'd indicate them as trying too hard to be Town, or to directly give themselves away as Mafia/Third Party - in this case Rocket. For example, in the Jedi game I mentioned that I always wanted to make my own Jedi (which I did), but it seemed a bit forced and my defense on that was a little strong after Cat5 somewhat jokingly pointed out I must be Mafia. So wording can often be used to help catch Scum. After we play more, we can look back on what people have posted to try and get a better idea of their perception. For example, say two-three players need only one more loss to get taken out of the game. We send one up but another player tries to make sure that specific one doesn't battle. If that one battles, loses, and is then revealed to be Rocket, the person who tried to prevent them from battling is more likely than not Scum. Other than that, lies. If you can catch someone in a lie, they are far more likely Scum than Town (unless it's Cat5, he loves his gambles, it's more a 50/50 with him). Oh and voting patterns. Although this is a bit different since everyone just battles instead of lynching like normal Mafia. Of course if you're Scum, you'd be able to use your lack of knowledge to your advantage. Usually new players are less likely to be scum.
  10. Hm...although my pokemon is trollsy, it's probably my 3rd strongest pokemon (maybe 2nd depending on what I'm fighting). That said, good point, I think I'd rather wait a night to train and/or buy some items to better prepare for it.
  11. Was busy so wasn't able to do more than take a glance at it earlier. Still reading through everything but I'd be fine with myself or Jeod investigating. My pokemon right now is meant more to troll than to actually fight, so I don't mind too much losing it.
  12. Just trying for last calls. @Alstar @VERTi60 @FRAYDO Were you able to process everything? @Killing_You Were you able to work it in now that it's a new month? @Chaos_Knight @iLikeToSnipe Have you changed your mind? @Voe @kamuixmod @Mojoman @Nodlied You deciding to join now? @ChopBam I know it's probably a "no" but I can hope :b
  13. On a random note, went over to a friend's yesterday and saw the game Werewolf which apparently goes up to 75 players. First time I'd seen a mafia game outside of the forum. Thought I'd share, though there's only a few roles that we haven't used yet.
  14. Just a heads up, Cat5 is taking a break so he won't be in this one. @Alstar @JackoDerp This game is a bit different from the normal kind, but if you're interested in Pokemon, it's worth a shot. @VERTi60 @FRAYDO @Killing_You I understand if you're not able to join, but you'll be missed man. @Chaos_Knight @iLikeToSnipe @Voe @kamuixmod @Mojoman @Nodlied I know you hate anime and there's almost not a chance in hell of you joining, but thought I'd try. @ChopBam
  15. Just broke up with my gf, so not currently interested in this game. If anybody wants to take my spot or if you want to throw a bot in my place, that'd be fine. Have fun. Huh, forgot to submit this. Doesn't really matter much I guess.
  16. I forgot to mention, cat5's harddrive compleyely crapped out on him. He won't be getting a new computer until January, so he won't be participating in any games until then.
  17. I'm a bit salty :\ literally narrow down the suspects myself, choose to play with Town priorities in mind, kill one Scum for Town, still Town doesn't choose to have me win. Orange, no vendetta against you. Shade, KY, and FRAYDO on the other hand.
  18. Orange, although this is against my benefit since it puts me up on the lynching block, but right now is MYLO for Town if they vote a potential Town. I already said there's 4 PT right now, if one a is lynched today and then one is NK'd tonight, then there'd only be two PT left and Town would lose. That said, it's assuming that KY isn't Scum because if KY does have another shot, no matter what we do today, he can win tomorrow (provided you don't manage to block him before he shoots). Right now the only things we can do for the game to last is No Lynch, Lynch me, and Lynch Shade. Nodlied, I'm disregarding that information because THERE IS NO PROOF. You're essentially asking us to trust you on your word which doesn't negate the possibility of you being Scum. And are you saying you think iLTS did the NK for N3? N2, I think KY was redirected to kill me but was blocked because I'm invincible, pretty sure I already mentioned this way back and it's one of the big reasons I think KY is scum. If that's not the reason then someone else probably has night BP. Why there wasn't a NK for N1? Pretty obvious that he tried to claim that he was attacked. From talking to Cat5, it sounded like he was setting it up before the night ended. He talked about how the Blood-Stained Sweater had the day BP and night BP, but when both myself and Cat5 received it, there wasn't any mention of night BP. Also items are passed first so it couldn't have "protected" him for the alleged NK. Sure, you can send Shade to the vault. With the new information about how the game only needs two PT to end, Scum is almost assured to NK one of them meaning Shade is probably safe from being NK'd. Btw, Shade, I expect your full cooperation tomorrow seeing as the game should end, and there shouldn't be a way for Scum to kill you. Cat5, don't forget to pass your notebook to me or Shade. @FRAYDO waiting on your roleclaim and what you did N1, N2, and N3. I'm just about to leave to work and won't be here around hammer. I might be able to post a little more during my break, but that's it.
  19. If I really wanted to kill you, I would've shot you instead of iLTS.
  20. Btw, Cat5, we should agree who to pass our Tribbles to tonight, that way Shade can give them one tomorrow (just in case there's no NK). I'm leaning towards Nodlied. Reason being, if there isn't a NK, we'd probably lynch KY (as he's still the highest Scum suspect to me), if he isn't Scum then that'd leave 3 potential Town players left. You, Orange and Nodlied. With Nod being the most likely one imo.
  21. Oh, I didn't make myself clear, did I? You have to destroy a certain number of my tapes.
  22. Or destroy my tapes. But, again, we don't know if the dayblock needs to be used against KY or Nodlied and I'm going to kill myself right after Scum dies..
  23. They don't? I thought the unstoppable kill was going to kill me but it didn't. At this point, I'm not even sure if roleblocking me will kill me either as my Immortality is linked to items themselves. That said, I'm not particularly wanting to try either. But if you really want to kill me without anyone else dying, then destroy my tapes the night before the game ends. Yeah, I made sure that if people wanted me dead, I'd bite back.
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