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Everything posted by TheIrishman

  1. Change of suggestions (Shade, myself, and KY are the only people that have yet to lose a Pokemon) Me and Brigitte vs KY and Shade or...Me and Shade vs KY and Brigitte. Now this is a bit against what I was thinking earlier, but if we have a strong (and fast) enough team, we should be able to win. Assuming KY is honest about his pokemon - which I know is a bit disconcerting considering he's Scum - then we'd just need pokemon with a speed of 99+ (his should have a speed of 98 at most) Don't forget you can calculate your pokemon's stats with http://www.psypokes.com/gsc/dv.php I'll go ahead and mention that I have a Lv 50 Espeon (Speed of 130) with a Twisted Spoon. Using Psychic on a Lv 50 Blastoise would do 88 dmg. Assuming Shade is still using Heracross (speed 105) then him using Megahorn would do 66 dmg...how much health does a Lv 50 Blastoise have, you ask? 154, how much is 88 + 66? Exactly 154. We'd be able to knock him out before he could even do anything. ##Trainer TheIrishman and Shade ##Rocket Killing You and Brigitte
  2. Well, I'd rather not be put with Scum >.> especially since I actually set a strong Pokemon for my primary in preparation for fighting KY, and I already said it'd be better to put suspected Scum on opposite teams that way we guarantee a loss on Scum's part. I can't say I have a type advantage, like Shade seems to, but I don't have a disadvantage or advantage. Running it through my sim, I can do 57% dmg to a Lv 50 Blastoise (assuming he evolved), while Hydro Pump (highest damaging water move) can only do 53% dmg to me and I'm faster. And Surf only does 42%. So something like Me and Brigitte vs KY and Shade Shade and Brigitte vs KY and Retaliation Shade and Brigitte vs KY and Cat5. You can see who I suspect from this.
  3. Shade Cat5 and Brigitte I'm not sure Jeod can be Scum at this point. He might be the only player truly cleared. Assuming KY is Scum (which seems an almost certainty), and that he gave insane results, then that would've cleared both a player with Scyther and a player with Voltorb. Since two people had a Scyther, either one of them still have the potential to be Scum, but since only Jeod claimed a Voltorb, that'd make him Town. Jeod, unless you're absolutely confident in winning, we shouldn't put two suspected Scum players on the same team. It'd be better to put them on opposite teams, that way we can whittle them down no matter what. Especially since... ↓ Doesn't bode well imo. If it was just the laughing, it could be taken a few different ways, but added in the fact that he changed his avatar to Cell...I'm pretty sure he's admitting to be Scum which means that he's either confident or doesn't care anymore.
  4. Well this works out, still helping them move so I might've been delayed anyway
  5. idk about Brigitte, but I agreed to the early hammer as well since I'd be able to actually be there on time. And I think we should still do the Investigation, even if there's 4 different Scum who don't know who the others are. You guys are creating more and more possibilities to help explain the inaccuracies when the answer could simply be an altered result either via KY giving insane results or Scum messing with the investigation another way. The result from the investigation could help tell us which is true. To re-clarify, I have a Lv 50, plenty of healing and situational items, and potentially the best move set I can get on my Pokemon, so I'm pretty sure I can take it. And now I'll be off.
  6. Heads up, I have to help someone move tomorrow so I probably won't be around until maybe an hour or so before hammer, but I'll still be here for the investigation if I do participate.
  7. Heads up, I have to help someone move tomorrow so I probably won't be around until maybe an hour or so before hammer, but I'll still be here for the investigation if I do participate.
  8. I already told you >.> That's awful, but hilarious.
  9. Yeah, you're right, not as funny unfortunately. I also have this link that helps me in case I forget. https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Damage_category#Type-based_categories
  10. Well...you can make the point anyway if you want :b
  11. Yep, I was using https://www.smogon.com/calc/ It puts Hyper Beam as Special but needs to be changed to physical.
  12. Why? You've already revealed yourself as the Tracker, mentioning which nights you tracked which targets shouldn't matter. It only helps confirm that you are, indeed, the Tracker. If there was somebody that claimed something that didn't line up with what you've tracked, you would've mentioned it already, but if there's somebody you claim to have tracked and you incorrectly say where they went (even if it was no where), that'd prove that you're not the tracker.
  13. Oh, that's right, before day start. It was today, but not during the day phase. So what nights have you tracked which targets?
  14. I claimed just today, so I'm a bit confused by this.
  15. I don't actually work tomorrow, so hammering early works well for me too if I do the Investigation.
  16. I know the feeling. ##Trainer TheIrishman ##Rocket Goldenrod Gym
  17. Right >.> tell Retaliation that. I've hinted towards my ability practically this entire game, sorry that you haven't noticed. Extra Storage - I have double the inventory space for both regular and held items.
  18. I've had my character as my profile pic this entire game, Shade. As for MooMoo Milk, I agree we shouldn't use it for now, and who else received it? I have a couple theories stewing around in my head right now, KY Scum - Insane Result, Investigation being mucked with somehow, multiple Scum teams, etc... but I'm exhausted from shoveling snow and work so I'll think and type more tomorrow. But I do agree that we should do the 4th investigation first.
  19. Alright, while I'd be happy to, and would prefer to go, it doesn't look like it'll happen. ##rocket radio tower I gotta go to work so I doubt I'll be here for Hammer. Good luck, retal if you end up going. If I do, there'll most likely be a delay unless I can push my break past 5:30.
  20. Unless there's an actual ability that lets you, I wouldn't think so since it's not under the free/cost actions on first page - but I haven't tried. @OrangeP47 Are we generally able to use items on other players during the night?
  21. I just read back from pg48 when the doctor role was claimed. Apparently you really did never specifically say Shade/Retaliation, you only indirectly insinuated the possibility by mentioning that it would make sense for Shade, as Scum, to have a revive to use on his partner. But after that you mentioned how you, yourself, would, as Scum, be willing to throw away a revive towards Town to prove that you're Town. So basically you initially suggested Retaliation could be Scum, but then went on saying that you figured he was actually Town without directly saying it.
  22. I wouldn't really consider either Houndoom or Porygon to be chicken-like. And that wouldn't prevent Shade from having one either. That said, I don't think it to be very likely. Jeod/Brigitte seems like the most likely Scum Team for now, but that's also why I want to investigate - to gain more information for a more accurate conclusion. Whether Jeod, Brigitte, and Cat5 are our suspects, if KY is Scum and has been feeding us false results, if the investigation was mucked with another way and/or Pokemon were lied about, we should be able to find out after this investigation.
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