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Everything posted by TheIrishman

  1. Why would someone look up Reflect and try to make a connection when potential Scum drops it in the thread when there was no previous mention of the move? Yeah...strange...
  2. It literally says here https://www.serebii.net/pokedex-gs/150.shtml https://www.serebii.net/pokedex-gs/144.shtml
  3. I know now, I just said that it can only be naturally learned >.>
  4. I thought you were talking about MewTwo initially*
  5. I thought you were initially but I looked it up, MewTwo can't learn Reflect in Gen 2, if anything you must've been worried about Articuno since Reflect can only be naturally learned in Gen 2. So if Articuno has Reflect, how would you know? And the other problem is...Reflect doubles physical defense, yet you said Miltank would counter Reflect? That makes no sense. Miltank would be a horrible counter to Reflect.
  6. So assuming KY is telling the truth and he took Articuno, how exactly is he going to avoid a specific battle by making the moveset public knowledge so that we can appropriately counter? No one's ever mentioned anything about Reflect, so why are you particularly worried about it?
  7. That's why we should have our main suspects fight against KY. I'm saying that if there are only two Scum then the results that KY gave would have to be insane since it pointed towards 3 different people. And if there are only two, then Cat5 and Brigitte would still be at the forefront of suspicion. So either way we'd be sending either Cat5 or Brigitte against KY while Cat5 said he'd have a decent chance of winning since he has both advantages. So if we send Cat5 and he wins, whether he's Scum or not, there's a dead MewTwo.
  8. The best way would be to whittle them down by forcing them to fight each other, while the Investigations gave us the chance to find out Scum and make them fight each other. But 3 does make it pretty difficult for us to win, granted they have to eliminate all of us. If there are only 2 Scum, then the investigation results would have to be insane when KY did them, clearing Jeod and either Brigitte or Cat5.
  9. I feel like it's 3 right now, still leaning towards KY, Jeod, and Brigitte, but the Lv 50 MewTwo makes me question Cat5 more so. I mean Cat5 was attacked while your ability seemed to confirm it, but KY claimed it was random and he hit what seemed like a useless pokemon for Cat5 but then he manages to hit Retaliation's Houndoom, the main pokemon that could counter MewTwo? At the very least, I'm not sure it's random. The highest level MewTwo should've been is Lv 40, yet he was Lv 50. So there's a few possibilities. One, Cat5 used his double training on KY without telling us, maybe publicly training everyone on odd days while privately double training Scum on even days, or maybe Cat5 trained KY on the night Cat5 lost - N6 - so he could claim he didn't train anyone (I just double checked that D6 is when it should've hatched so it would work out). Two, MewTwo started at a higher level, maybe even Lv 50, but that would mean Brigitte lied unless MewTwo was Lv 40 two nights ago and just trained up to Lv 50 that night.
  10. Can you please explain this? Because it feels like it'd help us more than Scum. Better to counter Reflect? I agree with this, which is one of the reasons I feel like Cat5 or Brigitte would be more appropriate, but the other point I raised is being ignored. I'm not voting early hammer because I work till 6 hours after the potential hammer tomorrow and Cat5 opens so he won't be on until maybe an hour before the potential hammer. But I do have Thursday off, so if I do battle, I'd prefer it to be then.
  11. Retaliation, mind sharing what moves it has so we can properly simulate a battle against it in case he was able to switch?
  12. If he still has MewTwo I'm not sure I can win but I should be able to do a decent amount of dmg as long as he doesn't have recover. As for Cat5 and Brigitte. We already know one of them is suspicious. Brigitte claimed KY didn't have a lv 50 MewTwo two nights ago while Cat5 claimed he didn't train KY, when the only way for KY to have a LV 50 MewTwo is if he was able to somehow double train MewTwo. Cat5 already said has both a defensive and offensive advantage against MewTwo, so I feel like he'd be the best option. ##trainer Cat5 ##Rocket KY
  13. What are you smoking? I've been targeted once by Cat5 but my pokemon was already Lv 40 going to Lv 50 so it was basically useless.
  14. Wow...Orange what % do these crits have in this game again? And how did he have a Lv 50 MewTwo when the max possible should've been Lv 40? Cat5, did you use your ability on KY?
  15. Because the results being insane is still a possibility? You generally don't want to completely rule out things that aren't confirmed. I understand that, it's just odd that you agreed to go up and battle, but didn't actually vote. I've been waiting on Retaliation to reveal his primary since day start because the main choices are Retal, Jeod, Cat5, and Brigitte. Of those, 3 are suspects while the other has the best chance to win in case of MewTwo. Of the suspects, all of them seem to have the advantage against Sunflora (maybe not Brigitte though, she might've been referencing Jeod's odds when she mentioned her confidence in winning rather than her own chances). Odd that you mentioned that because I literally never suggested that. Are you perhaps thinking of yourself? Because that's the first thing you did out of the gate, trying to battle could've been to distance yourself from him and cover your tracks, and KY seemed to agree with no problem. I only said that they could lose on purpose to help strengthen their partner and if we prepare ourselves properly, to the point where we know that we won't lose, then it could be more beneficial to us than having confirmed Scum vs a Scum suspect since one of the two parties involved would still benefit. But I was more so correcting Shade than anything. And I did volunteer yesterday >.> My current Primary is Espeon still, so I'm pretty sure I could win against Sunflora, but I'm not sure about a MewTwo, especially if it knows any moves that aren't Psychic. I'm not sober enough for this, I'll be back on in maybe 6 hours (gonna sleep).
  16. No, it's a joke. Because if you're not Scum in this game, you're Scum of another kind.
  17. Alright, Cat5 vs KY then so both Scum can fight it out >.>
  18. Btw, I hate your avatar, Cat5. Seriously, just put it as Link, Saria, or something...
  19. That's actually not completely true. If one expected to lose, they could set themselves up to lose (using a crappy lv 10 pokemon). For example, if KY's special egg pokemon is only at Lv 40, they could purposefully lose in order to help that pokemon level up. The main point of it is so Scum doesn't win no matter what, but if we can properly counter someone that we actually know is Scum, then having Scum fight each other would actually be worse to a point. If Scum is properly countered, Scum loses a coin, a pokemon, and gain an item while Town gains a victory item, a potential 10 levels, and an additional coin. If Scum loses to Scum, one loses a coin, pokemon, and gains a victory item, while their partner would gain a victory item, a potential 10 levels, and an additional coin. I agree though that if the Investigations aren't insane, then it points to a Jeod, KY, and Cat5 or Brigitte Scum team, so letting them fight it out would be helpful no matter what. But you didn't vote yourself to be Trainer >.> anyway, assuming Sunflower/Killing You started training Sunflora right away and didn't start training any other pokemon. N1 -> Sun Lv 20, N2 -> Sun Lv 30, N3 -> Sun Lv 40 D4 -> Sun Lv50, N4 -> Squ Lv 20, Received Egg! N5 -> Squ Lv 30, N6 -> Squ Lv 40, Egg Hatched! N7 -> Egg Lv 20, N8 -> Egg Lv30, N9 -> Egg Lv40 So assuming that he didn't get any double training, it should only be at Lv 40 and Brigitte's claim help proves that. This means he probably has the Sunflora as his primary right now and is waiting until tomorrow to get the potential MewTwo to Lv 50 I think we should have Cat5 or Retaliation battle today considering how well they'd counter. If not them, then Jeod or Brigitte. It seems that pretty much everyone is confident in beating a Sunflora at the very least. I'm fairly confident that I could beat a Sunflora and maybe a MewTwo if it's only Lv 40.
  20. Alright, roped in another friend/coworker :b She's played mafia before in person but never online. Before anyone says, she knows not to edit after the game starts.
  21. I think I'd rather Retaliation fight KY but only if he has Houndoom as his Primary since Sunflora would die to super effective Fire and if KY does have a Mew, MewTwo, or Lugia, then Houndoom would be completely immune to Psychic attacks and the Dark would also be super effective.
  22. I never said that I got Zapdos, but electric only does 1/2 dmg to grass (Sunflora) anyway, and I already mentioned my primary was Espeon >.> As for KY's quote, I went ahead and googled it. It's from TFS: Dragonball Z Abridged, Episode 28, said by Frieza. Even before that though, I suspected it meant that he had a really powerful pokemon. Seeing that it's a quote from Frieza, I'm pretty sure he has Mew or Mewtwo - although maybe Lugia or Ho-oh. Just to prepare everyone else (and yes, this took awhile, and I ignored Ghost since it doesn't look like anyone has one) KY has/claimed to have: Sunflora Lv 50 (Grass) - Weakness to Flying, Poison, Fire, Ice, and Bug. Super effective against Ground, Rock, Water. 1/2 dmg to Flying, Poison, Bug 1/2 dmg from Ground, Water, Grass, and Electric Wartortle Lv 40 (Water) : KO Delibird (Flying + Ice) - Weakness to Rock, Fire, Electric, Steel. Super effective against Fighting, Flying, Bug, Ground, Grass, Dragon. 1/2 dmg to Steel (can use Flying or Ice to cover other weaknesses) 1/2 dmg from Grass, Bug, and 0 from Ground Phanpy (Ground) - Weakness to Ice, Water, and Grass. Super effective against Poison, Rock, Steel, Fire, and Electric. 1/2 dmg to Bug, Grass, and 0 to Flying. 1/2 from Poison, Rock, and 0 from Electric Teddiursa (Normal) - Weakness to Fighting. Super effective against None. 1/2 dmg to Rock and Steel. Grimer (Poison) - Weakness to Ground and Psychic. Super effective against Grass. 1/2 dmg to Poison, Ground, Rock, and 0 to Steel. 1/2 dmg from Fighting, Poison, Bug, and Grass Suspected to have: Mew or Mewtwo (Psychic) - Weakness to Bug and Dark Super effective against Fighting and Poison 1/2 dmg to Steel, Psychic, and 0 to Dark 1/2 dmg from Fighting and Psychic Lugia (Psychic + Flying) - Weakness to Electric, Ice, Rock, Dark Super Effective against Fight, Poison, Bug, Grass 1/2 dmg to Steel (other types can cover everything else) 1/2 dmg from Grass, Psychic, 1/4 from Fighting, and 0 from Ground Ho-Oh (Fire + Flying) - Weakness to Water, Electric, and Rock Super Effective against Bug, Steel, Grass, Ice 1/2 dmg to Rock (other types can cover everything else) 1/2 dmg from Fire, Fighting, Steel, 1/4 from Bug and Grass, 0 from Ground.
  23. Actually thinking about it, I'd rather not participate because I have 1 minute left for my break and I get done with work at 8. But if I do participate, just psychic KY then Brigitte until they're dead.
  24. Jeod, I already posted my Pokémon and the dmg I'd deal, so it's mostly up to Retaliation if he feels more confident. If he has who I think he does, he'll have no problem tanking Blastoise, but he won't be able to do much dmg either. My main concern is if Scum has any sort of item or ability to interfere with a match. I am a bit confused why Brigitte wouldn't want us to KO Blastoise right away tho.
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