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Everything posted by TheIrishman

  1. If I'm being coy, the item I gave Shade would probably be green but if you want me to outright say it, I will.
  2. idc, I'll take the penalty https://www.serebii.net/pokedex-gs/196.shtml Says half right fucking there, "Allows HP to be restored by the morning sunlight. In battle, half the user's max HP is restored." So I don't take any fault for that.
  3. *Restraining an outburst out of consideration for Orange* Yeah Jeod, I forgot. I just plugged the fight into my sim of which you can only simulate one move at a time so speed isn't taken into consideration. Move 4 was Morning Sun, I didn't even think about healing priority. And Shade, MooMoo Milk would've healed me to 138, allowing me to attack again. And Ccat5 makes a good point :\ Apparently it heals 1/2 HP in Gen 3+ and only 1/4 HP in Gen 2
  4. Heal with MooMoo Milk instead, I forgot MewTwo is faster
  5. Ugh, healing items. Whatever I'll at least try to exhaust you of them. Move 4
  6. Oh, I guess I'm the one to battle now. Here's to hoping MewTwo doesn't have Recover or something that can deal over 50%. I'm feeling a long battle ahead.
  7. Tied at 4 with only 7 players? Miscount or Day Action?
  8. Alright well if you're going to do this, good luck. Hopefully you can take him down. ##Trainer Shade
  9. How much later would you be on? It doesn't look like Cat5 is prepared to fight, while I might actually be free for Hammer today so if it's not you, it's me.
  10. I have Morning Sun so if MewTwo does less than 50% dmg per turn, I have a good chance of winning.
  11. Of course, that's assuming MewTwo doesn't have any other moves that can do over 50% dmg to Espeon as well, but it's still better odds than my other Pokemon.
  12. Because it's my Pokémon with the highest chance of winning against MewTwo. Although I only do 27% dmg, ThunderPunch and Psychic both do less than 40% dmg to Espeon. So if MewTwo doesn't have Recover, I'll win. As for my other Lv 50, it'd get wrecked by MewTwo. And my Legendary? It's still Lv 30.
  13. Then your best bet would be to learn Leer or Swords Dance if you don't already know either as they'd allow you to do over half dmg.
  14. Ah nvm, googled it. Another version says it adjusts attack to only leave 1 HP if it would've otherwise fainted the target. The Gen 2 version is unclear :\
  15. So Cat5, if you train your pokemon after Lv 50 you can choose what move to learn. It looks like you can learn False Swipe which should allow you to Two-Shot MewTwo. It says it adjusts the Attack to leave only one HP left, so you'd just need to hit him with that and then another move.
  16. Well managed to delay my break till 5, so I might've been able to battle if it finished before 5:35
  17. Reminder that I'll be gone for hammer if we early hammer. If we do and I battle then Psychic and Morning Sun until I win.
  18. Any number of claimed rosters when you were talking about fighting KY. Your ability to paint the reality with fantasy is astounding.
  19. Because who else could you have been referring to? Our only two known threats are MewTwo and Articuno while Articuno can actually learn it.
  20. I said I looked it up after you mentioned it to see if MewTwo could learn it, but he couldn't which would've meant you were basically referring to Articuno. The question in my mind was why would you be that worried about Reflect unless you knew Articuno had it. Which would've made you Scum. Or apparently Retaliation's mason doc.
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