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Everything posted by TheIrishman

  1. Okay, that makes more sense. I guess now that things are progressing as they are. I should mention that I was actually roleblocked last night, although it wasn't by Shade.
  2. The stone is unstoppable, so he should be telling the truth about being roleblocked. I'm assuming all stones are unstoppable if that's the case.
  3. Well this has certainly turned into a kerfuffle. Never mind, he's not an idiot.
  4. Shade, you're an idiot. Of course I'm assuming you stole from iLTS because you shot him. Otherwise how could you be so certain? But it also doesn't make sense because you just claimed you were roleblocked.
  5. No way for me to know. That's why I'm asking
  6. Congrats, Jeod. Did you steal that ability from iLTS then, Shade?
  7. Other than I'm sure someone is Happy Hogan, I don't have anything else I want to report for now.
  8. This is one of the main reasons why we normally don't lynch D1 as of late, but who knows for this game.
  9. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infinity_Gems
  10. I don't mind posting it again as it's something that deserves to be said more than once. On 11/12/2018 at 5:04 PM, TheIrishman said: Stan Lee will be sorely missed... *takes hat off for respect* To some he was a hero, an icon, and a legend. To me he was better than any hero, he in fact made them! He was able to capture the charm of childhood dreams and aspirations to be better, to be something more, and turned that into something for everyone to look up to. But he also didn't shy away from the flaws that everyone, even heroes, would inevitably have to try and overcome. He taught many of us, indirectly, valuable life lessons but more importantly is how much joy and general fun he brought to the world with his creations, helping making it a little better place. Next CYOR I'm gonna be something Marvel related, remind me in case I forget. For some reason I can't paste a quote on mobile. Although I didn't specifically say Stan Lee, that was the intention.
  11. I did also say that I'd be Stan Lee in November after he passed.
  12. I mean, I do have a god complex, so you're right there. But it does say so for my ign.
  13. A little more than usual since I'm the legend, Stan Lee and I'd also like to enjoy my role.
  14. There's nothing wrong with giving my creations time to enjoy themselves. But if you do wish to take me out then...
  15. I only killed you once, thank you. Town killed you twice (if you count killing yourself).
  16. what the fuck? there's no autocorrect on my laptop...oh shit this must be one of those stupid website corrections.
  17. :\ I was trying to say civilization revolution Refinery on my phone but no matter what, even when I confirmed that it was Refinery, added an asterisk or even broke away with a space, it still changed it to refinery after I hit submit reply which was pretty damn frustrating. I should've just said reference from the beginning.
  18. You won pokemafia, no need to complain for your death. >.>
  19. Oh my fucking god reference. I can't even leave it at R E F
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