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Everything posted by TheIrishman

  1. Redirected you to me? So unlike your attempt to visit before, this time you actually succeeded in visiting? Odd because we aren't in a doc together. In order, KY, Nodlied, and iLTS are my top suspects right now. ChopBam would be next after them, but I'm just generally uncertain of him because his ability seems to have a lot of Town potential but his logic of who to track seems very odd. Cat5, FRAYDO, Shade and Orange are essentially cleared of being Scum to me.
  2. Surprised I'm able to post before hammer. This will be my only post until I'm off work. Well, this is awkward, but I'm temporarily lynchproof. That's what my night action was, so not from your item, iLTS. ##vote Killing You Like I said, his ability is sketchy at best.
  3. I think you're good Jeod. But that reminds me ##nominate TheIrishman And I won't be around for hammer since I work until 9PM EST, but I should be able to post one more time anywhere between 1-3 hours before hammer. Depends on when I go on break.
  4. I thought I'd be able to play while at my gf's because her child had a Girl Scouts meeting to go to, so I'd have some free time. Turns out she didn't need to go with since other plans were made. Anyway... I'm pretty sure the Tribble confirms Shade as not being the source of the cursed item (if there is one), although if it is Scum's, it could be a scum mate's item. He said it's a delayed kill that is removed upon passing it to another player, so it could've been passed to him to ease suspicion off Shade. That said it does feel more like a TP ability, but I'm not confident of there being a TP with a killing ability/item in a game with only 9 players. For iLTS, I'm 90% certain he's not Scum from the item he gave me and from how he's played so far. The item is definitely good, Cat5. If I can, I'll try to pass it tonight. FRAYDO seems likely to be non-Scum with the Lynchproof (unvotable but you know what I mean), but I'm curious what he did to visit Orange if it can help prove him to be Town over TP or Neutral. Orange seemed suspicious at first but with his alleged lack of abilities or items and FRAYDO confirming his passive, he seems to be good. Shade, his action on Cat5 gives good vibes, but he's Shade so his overall playstyle is all over the place and is difficult to read. Nodlied, I'd like more from him since we only know Shade started off with an item from him. Choppy, we know he at least watched Orange or Tracked FRAYDO, but watcher is often considered more powerful than a tracker and is more likely Scum (at least according to the wiki). KY, I don't know what to make of the RNG ability. If it hurts the target, I can't imagine it failing on FRAYDO, so it's likely a good action :b But seriously, an ability that is very likely to not happen seems pointless unless powerful. But it also makes a decent cover for Scum to say why that "didn't do anything" that night. Top Scum suspect for now. Cat5, he's most likely Kyle Hyde imo which puts him more towards a Town read, but I missed where he has an alibi. Everyone just sort of glossed over the fact that he hasn't said anything that he did during the night. Feel free to let me know if anything is wrong about the chart. Players Irish Cat5 Shade Orange KY FRAYDO iLTS Nodlied Choppy Vault Characters ? Kyle Hyde? Robert Evans? Spock or Klingon? ? Probably DBZ Abridged Spike? Mr. Rogers ? Cupid? Vault Role ? ? ? Passive Inventor Some RNG action? Lynchproof Item Checker ? Watcher? Vault Starting Items None ? Received Item from Nodlied None ? None ? ? ? ? N1 ? ? Visited Cat5 Received cursed video tape Nothing? Visited FRAYDO but Failed Visited Orange Received Cake Checked FRAYDO’s Items? Gave item to Irish Took coins from Vault? ? Watched Orange, saw FRADO visit? iLTS visited Current Items Coin ? Coin Cursed video tape Coin Tribble Coin ? Coin Cake Coin ? X Coins? ? Coin ? Coin ? Just testing something out ##Vote FRAYDO
  5. Oh yeah, to answer Shade, I didn't but I also don't have an alibi for now.
  6. I just woke up and gotta head to my gf's so no chart for now, but I'll try to make one, possibly within the AM. I should be able to still play while there though. Before I go though I do want to point out something that I feel like everyone's missed. Technically you can visit as many players as different items that you have. So if you own 2 different items and one has an action, you can use an item, pass an item, and use a night action. Not saying it's likely that a player started off with a bunch of items, but it's something to keep in mind as the game continues, especially with these coins.
  7. I don't really have much to report except maybe this (oh the nostalgia)
  8. Huh, okay... ##Nominate TheIrishman works too I guess
  9. The most I could see is temporarily unvotable, like a one day sanctuary. If he's continuously unvotable, I don't think he could be Scum.
  10. Stan Lee will be sorely missed... *takes hat off for respect* To some he was a hero, an icon, and a legend. To me he was better than any hero, he in fact made them! He was able to capture the charm of childhood dreams and aspirations to be better, to be something more, and turned that into something for everyone to look up to. But he also didn't shy away from the flaws that everyone, even heroes, would inevitably have to try and overcome. He taught many of us, indirectly, valuable life lessons but more importantly is how much joy and general fun he brought to the world with his creations, helping making it a little better place. Next CYOR I'm gonna be something Marvel related, remind me in case I forget. In case anyone was wondering. D1 9 -1L = 8 N1 8 - 1NK = 7 D2 7 - 1L = 6 N2 6 - 1NK = 5 D3 5 - 1L= 4 Game Ends after Day 3 if there are no protections or other factors and there's 2 Scum. D1 9 -0L = 9 N1 9 - 1NK = 8 D2 8 - 1L = 7 N2 7 - 1NK = 6 D3 6 - 1L= 5 N3 5 - 1NK = 4 Game Ends after Night 3 if there are no protections or other factors and there's 2 Scum. Personally, I think I'd prefer No Lynch since all it takes is one protection to extend the game to D4. ##No Lynch
  11. Towards the end, probably, but at the beginning? Not a chance.
  12. The reason why I both want to and don't want to be nominated is because I assume Psyduck had an item on him or possibly the vault will just start with an item like last game, but when previously nominated, I ended up hiding that I took the BP vest which made everyone think I was scum. *cough cough* Orange *cough* Shade *cough* Retaliation *cough* Sakes alive, I suddenly feel sicker than a horse. Hope I don't see none of them monkey shines this time 'round. Yeah, I'm a bit surprised that it doesn't look like Cat5 went with Ace Attorney, Zero Escape, Stein's Gate, Danganronpa, Xenosaga, Fire Emblem, Legend of Zelda or Ghost Trick (These are all his main games). But if he is who I think he is, then it wouldn't be bad for him gitty-up on to that vault either.
  13. Mafia Edit: but* last time it didn't work out so well)
  14. All I got right now is guessing 4 people's characters. As for actual detective work, there isn't much to go off of so far, especially considering 3 people have yet to post. If I want to stretch things, I can call out you for your blatant Town claim as it's been known to be used by Scum (most notably myself in the Star Wars Mafia, although it wasn't really intentional when I did it). I will start off by ##nominate Category 5 Hurricane (though I'd be cool with nominating myself too, last time it didn't work out so well) But that's mostly due to vague guesswork and gut feelings.
  15. I think this might be more appropriate for Shade in most games :b
  16. Does that mean we actually get a bonus prize for catching scum (like the gold can buy us an item)? Or is it just flavor?
  17. I think the best way to help track down our perp is to head down to the nearest saloon, talk to the bartender and see what kind of information we can find. After we get what we need, we can squeeze the suspects to see how they react. (Currently playing through Red Dead Redemption 2, so I appreciate the western theme).
  18. @Alstar @Chaos_Knight @Mojoman @kamuixmod @Isaac The Madd @Retaliation @VERTi60 @Voe If any of you aren't incredibly busy and are looking for some fun, come and join!
  19. I thought of another interesting mechanic, but it could make things a unnecessarily complicated so feel free to ignore it. Items breaking and items being repaired. Depending on the item, on a player's death their item could break, or perhaps after its limited uses are used up, it'd break. Then you could allow every player to have the option to ##repair (either with their own efforts or running off to a shop at night to get someone to repair it). Or you could limit repairing to one or two players as an action targeted on a player. Of course, this probably wouldn't work too well if the only way to get items from other players is the vault since you'd have to spend two nights just to get an item working, probably foregoing any other actions while you're at it. But depending on how powerful the item is, it could still be worth it, especially if grabbing items from the vault and repairing could be done in addition to standard night actions.
  20. you're assuming that'd be item specific. The items would generally be something like tracker, gun, or cloak (ascetic). Cop -/ an item would probably be too strong as an item without limitations like you can only use it once every other night. But just trust in Jeod to balance it properly.
  21. Or, you could introduce a vault system where all items go upon a player's death, similar to the ones previously introduced. We could nominate a player to enter it and then they could either choose what they want or get one randomly selected for them like a lottery.
  22. Before I said 3 items max, but another workaround would be limiting the actions per night. Say the player can only use one item per night and if there's some sort of protection item, like a bulletproof vest, the player would have to equip it to use it (your choice if they have to equip it every night or just one). You could also have some items as limited use, depending on how powerful they are. If there are items that can be used during the day as well, you could limit it to one item use per 2 phases or per cycle (Day 1/Night 1).
  23. Only viable if there are 3 different items, max. Otherwise it venture into powercreep.
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