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Everything posted by TheIrishman

  1. Alright everyone, so begins the CYOR - Supernatural Edition. HOW IT WORKS (shamelessly stolen from Jeod ↓) For the new faces, 'Choose Your Own Role' mafia is literally that. When you sign up, you send me a PM with a character name (any universe, any character within reason). If you like, you can even give some background on the character and suggest/request a role mechanic or item for the character. When I get the PM, I take your character and your ideas, and create a custom role based on it. I would prefer you send at least 2 characters. But for this game, your character must have a supernatural theme (horror is NOT required this time around). For example, you could pick Boo from Mario, Haunter from Pokemon, Crowley from Supernatural, or even Blair from Soul Eater. Whatever you can think of as long as it's either Supernatural or hunts the Supernatural. To clarify further, although something in the spirit of Halloween is preferred, beings with supernatural powers, gifts, etc... all are acceptable. I do draw a line though, so won't accept things like Gods or most aliens, like Superman. If you're unsure if your character is okay, you can just ask. This time alignments aren't guaranteed based on your character, so pick whoever you want. I will make an announcement when I receive all character PMs. If you want to change your character, you must do so within 48 hours of the previous request. Sign-ups will close on October 11th. Game is set to start October 15th 6:00PM EST. *This is not a mafia game for the faint of heart. You could be beheaded, maimed, stuffed inside an anus, or all of the above. This game will have some wacky shit going on. You've been warned. Sign-Ups - Minimum 10 Jeod OrangeP47 iLikeToSnipe Killing You Shade939 Category 5 Hurricane Retaliation - Maybe Nodlied ChopBam Sunflower Game Phases: Day One Night One Day Two Night Two Day Three Night Three Day Four Night Four Day Five Night Five
  2. KY, it's all part of learning. I haven't run terribly amazing games either, all of mine have ended by Day 3 with Town victory as well xD Granted there's a lot of other factors involved, I'm still working to improve how I set up my games as well. Interestingly enough, I decided to get a rid of a lot of those notifications in one of my games without letting everyone know and there was a lot of backlash too. When I went to "correct" it, it helped basically mod confirm some people as Town. Honestly I think it's best to only give a few to none of the roles the ability to notify their target.
  3. I mean, catching Jeod was pretty damn lucky since it was his Drunk claim that first aroused my suspicions along with him coming out the gate saying he roleblocked Orange. It's okay, KY. Really, if I didn't hammer Jeod so hard or Jeod didn't claim Orange's character, Scum still had a decent chance of winning. All they needed to do was kill Nodlied and Sunflower because us Vanilla's would've been easy to pin a crime on.
  4. It's alright, Orange, you weren't the first person to submit your character. Woot! I'm feeling good! 2 for 2! *puts on an MVP medal*
  5. Or...is it rude to start a sign-up while a game is still going?
  6. If we lynch Shade and he actually does flip Town, I think Sunflower should cop Orange (being the only one not investigated yet). As for Nodlied, anyone would work (better nobody can anticipate it). Because he's dead, Shade. It could be couple hours from now but I think I would prefer an early hammer (I know what that sounds like), but I feel like we're not going to move much from this point. (Also, I work all weekend so if the game does end now, I'll start my sign-up and hopefully get a basic idea of it set up while I'm still free).
  7. Shade, let me point out something for you. Which is more likely, a Scum Cop or a Scum Tracker? Moving on, you're sill the prime suspect.
  8. Murakami, Elektra, Nobu Yoshioka, or Alexandra Reid would be the most likely for a ninja. Potentially Madame Gao maybe but she mostly relies on Chi nowadays, I'm not sure if she could be a ninja. And Bakuto has potential too but he follows more towards being a samurai, though he's also good at stealth. As for a Godfather Tracker, probably Wilson Fisk, Alexandra Reid, Cottonmouth, or Mariah Dillard. I think we only really have two options. Shade or Nodlied at this point. Like I said, Shade requires that he's a ninja while Nodlied requires that he's a godfather and can use two actions at once. And I'm leaning more towards Shade right now. Also Shade, you never mentioned your character.
  9. Yeah, a bunch. Pretty much anyone from The Hand would work. http://marvelcinematicuniverse.wikia.com/wiki/Hand
  10. Shade... I lured Jeod to reveal his character because I suspected he was Zhou Cheng, Protector of The Hand, Master of the Drunken Fist since Jeod claimed to be a Drunk. The Town options were unlikely (except Jessica Jones hence my male or female question), and Jeod was far too reluctant to reveal even partial details after already giving away his role which made him even more suspicious. From his hesitation, even before he actually revealed his role, I already pegged him as Scum and said as such because I figured he was trying to create a false identity (which is looks like he did). We got lucky that he decided to go with being drunk since it looks like we have both Malcolm and Jessica in this game so either way he would've been outed, but either way I was already onto him.
  11. We only have Shade and Nodlied who haven't come out with their characters. At this point, I think they might as well and if we're lucky we may even be able to use it against them. Also I think Shade should reveal himself first, then Nodlied, due to Shade being the main suspect.
  12. Wait, what? There must be something wrong here. Either Scum has Godfather, ninja, or somebody is lying. Although I did entertain the idea that Kilgrave converted Orange to Scum (Kilgrave can control minds), it doesn't make sense since either due to his contribution towards Jeod being lynched unless it activated only after Jeod's behind bars, but that'd still require another Scum or Jeod to be able to avoid Nodlied's tracking so he's clear to me. For Nodlied to be Scum, we'd have to assume he has godfather and can perform a kill while tracking. For Sunflower to be Scum, we'd have to assume that she can both kill and use her ability. I suppose there is a possibility she's not a cop but I doubt it. Of the possibilities left, I believe she's the least likely especially since she can't even be mind controlled anymore canonically (assuming she is Jessica). For Shade to be Scum, we'd have to assume he's a ninja (can't be tracked). I think Shade's the most likely since everyone else would require too many other things. Yeah, that and I'd also have to have godfather since Sunflower investigated me. Nodlied, you should track Sunflower or me next. Sunflower, you should cop Shade next.
  13. Yeah, I think that's the case for Mafia, the site I looked up Trapper and Medium was for Salem which is basically the same as this but it has witches, vampires, werewolves, etcs...
  14. That's why it's best to avoid claiming stuff right away as Scum to see how the GM has it set up. The easiest roles to claim as Scum are Cops, Doctors, and Bodyguards since they're less likely to get any notifications. Trackers and watchers are a toss-up. There are nightkill and daykill vigilantes that can also work. After looking it up, apparently trapper is another easy claim for Scum, it's like a 2-step Watcher/Doctor mix that we've never used. Same with Medium which allows you to talk to the dead (prevents a Dead Doc though), we've used something similar to this only once but it was the ghost's choice of who to visit.
  15. It looks like there might only be 2 or 3 Town power roles. Do you have any abilities, Shade? Nodlied, do you have any abilities? It looks like we have 3 vanilla Town at least, considering Jeod's chances to hit or miss, it looks relatively fair.
  16. Yeah, and I was pretty sure a cop targeted me N1, and of the 3 Scum suspects, one had to be the cop then. Honestly, this is our best case scenario, I wasn't looking forward to it if our Cop happened to investigate the person who died. And Shade, you usually risk the entire game believing his scheme makes him Scum, but oddly enough you didn't really do that this time. You were skeptical at best even with his idea coming out of left field about me having a double vote. You also thought of the possibility of a daykill which would've been a decent defense to support himself if not for how many vanilla roles we had. True, Orange, xD but obviously he didn't know that Malcolm was taken.
  17. Yep, so Nodlied and Shade are our only options but it's looking like Shade is our most likely suspect (especially when you think of how him and Jeod didn't get into a big fight this time).
  18. And there we have it folks, good ol' fashioned scum hunting at its finest. I'll take at least 80% credit for that one :b Orange can take the rest. I feel accomplished no matter how this game ends. Good job trying to sow discord and doubt among us, Jeod, but it wasn't quite enough. Sunflower, Shade, Nodlied, and iLTS are our remaining suspects.
  19. If you flip Town, it'll prove that Orange is Scum, I can't even grasp how you think it'd prove anything else.
  20. Oh and Shade, a watcher doesn't know what abilities target them, though I suppose there could be an ability watcher but that's basically a role cop. Watchers target a player and sees whoever visits the targeted player. Watching yourself isn't a very wise move though since it doesn't help as much for catching Scum. Although you can verify certain people targeting you, potentially clearing them, it won't help you find Scum specifically. If you watch yourself and die, you gain nothing. If you watch someone else and they die, you'd see the killer (unless they're a ninja or something similar). Jeod, where did this double vote thing come from? It sounds like another desperate attempt because that, a daykill, and vote blocking are basically the only things that'd push me into a position of power and make what you're saying somewhat reasonable. And it sounds like you're just trying to force together pieces that don't fit. If there was ever a double voting ability, it'd either be a day action, hidden day action (though I'm the only GM I've known to use them), or something preemptively done the night before like what Cat5 did with the vote steal. It wouldn't make sense for it to just automatically be used or for a player to have two votes every day.
  21. I never said the cop should come out right now >.> in fact I said I was against it and that they should wait until the next day at least. I don't know how it even became a consideration. Although I do find it odd that under your scenario you decided that I should be the next one to be lynched instead of Orange if you flip Town. Right now the only two players we know results in one of them being scum is you and Orange. And no Shade, it's up the the GM to decide how people are notified, if at all. For example, being visited by a tracker or your target being visited by a watcher might give people a message like, "You felt like you were being watched." Or ,"You felt a presence looking over you." (this could also be used if the GM wanted to let people know they were protected). And in Jeod's game when FRAYDO investigated a player, they got a notification of their ID being checked.
  22. Someone rifled through my stuff, generally that means a cop.
  23. A vain attempt, but really the only potential way out. Alright I'll bite, sorry if this increases your chance of dying but it shouldn't matter terribly so since there's only 4 possible Scum left (3 if you decide to come out, but I'd wait until tomorrow so you can at least investigate another player first that way you could limit it down to 2 suspects), I was investigated last night by the cop. Although it shouldn't affect your odds of dying by much since any smart player would be able to deduce you of being one of the 4 remaining anyway. So what other crap do you have to spout?
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