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Everything posted by TheIrishman

  1. Day Three You all got up as soon as dawn broke, but suddenly, before everyone's very eyes Jeod starts to become thinner...a look of horror is plastered on his face as he's exsanguinated. Out of no where bandages begin wrapping around him. He screams and yells, but there's nothing that can be done. Before long, he's dead. It looks as though he's been mummified... He was All For One You tried to figure out his alignment and his abilities but it seems like everything is hidden for now. Day Three CVC: Killing You voted nobody OrangeP47 voted nobody * iLikeToSnipe voted nobody * Shade939 voted nobody Nodlied voted nobody Category 5 Hurricane voted nobody ChopBam voted nobody Sunflower voted nobody Verti60 voted nobody 2 players need to cast their vote today or face a penalty There are no votes cast.
  2. Resolving... CVC: Killing You voted NoLynch OrangeP47 voted nobody Jeod voted Nodlied iLikeToSnipe voted nobody Shade939 voted Nodlied Nodlied voted Shade939 Category 5 Hurricane voted NoLynch ChopBam voted Shade939 Sunflower voted Category 5 Hurricane Verti60 voted iLiketoSnipe A 3-way tie between NoLynch, Nodlied, and Shade939! Running it through RNG... ... .. . It landed on... 1 There will be No Lynch today! Night Two The noose is feeling sad that none of you want to hang with it... It just wants some company and a hug... Be sure to send in your actions at least an hour before Hammer - 6PM EST or 10PM UTC. Due to the delayed night, if there are any missing night actions by day start, I will delay the day until I receive all actions. Maximum of 2 night posts per player. GM Note: I'll admit, I wasn't thinking straight before and I noticed it only after it was posted by Shade. It is indeed supposed to be Liquidation. As for releasing any further detail, I don't think it's required unless it noticeably affects the user or another player - similar to Diplomacy for Imperialism in Jeod's CYOR. So no, I won't release anymore info about it.
  3. You guys can still talk until I resolve it if you want. No more actions will be received though.
  4. In the middle of a conversation with family at the moment. Sue me :b
  5. I did finish resolving Shade's action. That's all you get.
  6. Liquidation has been activated by Shade. hammer will be in 12 minutes. I'll resolve it anywhere between 2-4 hours from now.
  7. Day Two You all wake up together. Odd...you're all still here. A little spooky, but it's reason to celebrate...right? Day Two Time Remaining: 47 Hours and 45 Minutes CVC: Killing You voted nobody OrangeP47 voted nobody Jeod voted nobody iLikeToSnipe voted nobody Shade939 voted nobody Nodlied voted nobody Category 5 Hurricane voted nobody ChopBam voted nobody Sunflower voted nobody Verti60 voted nobody There are no votes cast.
  8. Not unless I have the day off. I usually won't have the time since I, at best, get home an hour and 15 minutes before hammer.
  9. That's okay, ChopBam, I just wasn't sure. I know I've done false votes with just one # or things like #shoot as a joke. I appreciate the clarification. (you're able to respond to this without docking a night post).
  10. CVC: Killing You voted Verti60 OrangeP47 voted Verti60 Jeod voted iLikeToSnipe iLikeToSnipe voted Verti60 Shade939 voted iLikeToSnipe Nodlied voted Shade939 Category 5 Hurricane voted Verti60 ChopBam voted Category 5 Hurricane Sunflower voted iLikeToSnipe Verti60 voted iLikeToSnipe The vote is tied! Coin flip between Verti60 and iLikeToSnipe. The Result is... .. .. .. Verti60! You tie a rope around his neck and string him up before pulling a lever and letting him drop... You hear a crack as his neck breaks! But suddenly his hands start to move, they reach up towards his head before grabbing it and snapping it back in place! He then looks at you all. A creepy smile forms on his face before he begins cackling towards the world. With laughter in his voice, he announces, "This is much better! I can tell I won't be so bored here. I hope you all can entertain me some more, the fun has just begun!" He seems to be lynchproof for now... Night One The first night has come! Be sure to send in your actions at least an hour before Hammer - 6PM EST or 10PM UTC. Maximum of 2 night posts per player.
  11. People have jokingly voted or done actions with only one # before, myself included. I can't tell if his response to Cat5 was in seriousness or not. I'll include it this time, I guess >.> Hammer Time: 0 Hours and 1 Minute CVC: Killing You voted Verti60 OrangeP47 voted Verti60 Jeod voted nobody iLikeToSnipe voted Verti60 Shade939 voted nobody Nodlied voted Shade939 Category 5 Hurricane voted Verti60 ChopBam voted Category 5 Hurricane Sunflower voted iLikeToSnipe Verti60 voted iLikeToSnipe Verti60 is currently in the lead with 4 votes.
  12. Hammer Time: 0 Hours and 5 Minutes CVC: Killing You voted Verti60 OrangeP47 voted Verti60 Jeod voted nobody iLikeToSnipe voted Verti60 Shade939 voted nobody Nodlied voted Shade939 Category 5 Hurricane voted Verti60 ChopBam voted nobody (only one # does not count) Sunflower voted iLikeToSnipe Verti60 voted iLikeToSnipe Verti60 is currently in the lead with 4 votes.
  13. Hm...I might've skipped that page. I'll double check.
  14. Hammer Time: 0 Hours and 12 Minutes CVC: Killing You voted Verti60 OrangeP47 voted Verti60 Jeod voted nobody iLikeToSnipe voted Verti60 Shade939 voted nobody Nodlied voted Shade939 Category 5 Hurricane voted Verti60 ChopBam voted nobody Sunflower voted iLikeToSnipe Verti60 voted Verti60 Verti60 is currently in the lead with 5 votes.
  15. I'll be gone until a half hour before hammer if anyone wants to keep track the of the CVC. Btw, ChopBam and everyone else, for future reference, I can't edit the title when I'm on my phone (I tried repeatedly). I occasionally forget to change it and then I'm not able to fix it afterwards because I'm with my gf, so you guys can feel free to change it if I haven't after an hour or two of the phase change.
  16. Hammer Time: 7 Hours and 24 Minutes CVC: Killing You voted nobody OrangeP47 voted nobody Jeod voted nobody iLikeToSnipe voted Verti60 Shade939 voted nobody Nodlied voted nobody Category 5 Hurricane voted nobody ChopBam voted nobody Sunflower voted nobody Verti60 voted iLikeToSnipe The vote is currently tied.
  17. In this game, as iLTS mentioned, ties are resolved via coin flip.
  18. CYOR - Supernatural Edition: Day One Here you all are, standing beside friend and foe alike. You must try your best to outwit each other, to achieve your own goals and obtain victory. But most of all, I hope you all will have fun! The rules are standard. Mafia must try to equal or exceed Town in numbers. Town must try to destroy all hostile enemies. If there are any Third Party or Neutral players, they must do their best to complete their objectives. Days will be 48hrs with Nights being 24hrs. Hammer will be at 6PM EST or 10PM UTC.All night actions must be sent at least an hour before hammer. If you have any questions regarding the rules or your abilities, feel free to ask, although I may not be able to answer all of your questions. Also just a heads up, there may be hidden day actions, so I promise if something happens that you don't expect, it's most likely not my mistake Lynching rules: At the end of the day, the person with the most votes will be lynched. If there is a tie, RNG will decide. No Lynch is acceptable, but two days without voting a player will result in punishment. There is no early Hammer initially. There may be one when the player pool has thinned down enough with everyone asking for it. You must vote at least once every two days or face a penalty. There are also extra guidelines which are posted in the general thread, but let's recap the main ones for those who are new: Try to stick to the timetable Await your Role PM soon before the game starts, if you have any questions, let me know before we start, since after that I won't have time to check PMs Please be civil! No spamming or swearing. It's just a game. Let's have fun! If you are not in the game, please DO NOT post game related stuff in chat! DO NOT discuss the game outside of the thread unless you are specifically given permission by me. DO NOT quote private mod communications. DO NOT attempt to break the game. No trying to get people to make toxx clauses, encryption, or fake day actions. Basically, if you're about to post something you're a little too proud of as a way of breaking the game, think twice before posting. NEW RULE: There will be a minimum of posts required. You must post at least 5 times during the day, separate from each other. There is no penalty the first time but if it happens twice in a row, you'll be roleblocked the following night. If you have any extenuating circumstances, just let me know. Additional notes: I'll either have to extend the phases on most Fridays or Saturdays, or delay the resolving by about 5 hours. You guys can tell me what you'd prefer. PMs are still being sent out, but they should be finished within an hour. (sorry for the delay). Good luck! Day One CVC: Killing You voted nobody OrangeP47 voted nobody Jeod voted nobody iLikeToSnipe voted nobody Shade939 voted nobody Nodlied voted nobody Category 5 Hurricane voted nobody ChopBam voted nobody Sunflower voted nobody Verti60 voted nobody There are no votes cast.
  19. Set to start on the 15th. Retaliation will soon know whether he'll be able to participate or not and I worked all day today and will do the same tomorrow so I haven't done much in setting things up yet.
  20. I'd be happy to have you. With you we'd at least meet the minimum of 10 and if Retaliation manages to work things out we'd be at 11.
  21. Btw, Vert, you've yet to ever join one of my games, you think you're willing to give it a go this time round?
  22. Well you have until the 15th for the game to start, hopefully things work by then. If there's a problem with you connecting to this site specifically, first I'd clear your cache. If that doesn't help, you could use a proxy or a vpn like Orange said. Although you said on the weekends only, so you might be able to play on your phone (if you have a smartphone) during the weekends. If you're not using wi-fi, it'll run off a cellular network so it shouldn't be affected. Depending on your phone, you can also turn it into a hotspot and then just connect to its wi-fi on your computer or laptop. We'd love to have you with us and it'd be a shame for you to miss out, so let me know if you're able to get it going or what you decide in the end.
  23. Sunflower, were you planning on joining us? @kamuixmod @Alstar @Isaac The Madd @Einstein Gonna cash that in yet? @VERTi60 @FRAYDO (even though Jeod already pinged you) Voe's still busy with life I think @Chaos_Knight I'd love for Chaos to join, but I think he's probably also still preoccupied @Mojoman
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