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Everything posted by TheIrishman

  1. See, told you this would happen. No matter what, my suspects remain true.
  2. Day two I only had lynchproof because I used Preserve Neck on N1. N2 and D3 (today) I have deathproof because I used Preserve All. You tried to shoot me at the end of D2 and I was lynched D2, so I figured one or both would happen today. Deathproof is Night BP, Day BP, and Lynchproof, Shade >.>
  3. I used the deathproof N2 because I figured I was gonna get shot and/or lynched the next day.
  4. So I had night BP last night, it doesn't prove anything but it makes it more likely considering there wasn't a NK.
  5. I'll just be out with why I don't think ChopBam is Scum but it'll probably get me shot. I have 4 abilities, you guys know 3. My last one is Preserve All, it's a one-shot deathproof until the end of the next Day. So KY didn't do shit me because he couldn't do shit to me. This means Chop could've redirected the NK to me with it having no result. I'm boutta go out like Raditz, fun.
  6. I don't feel like quoting different pages on mobile, too complicated, but page 41, Nodlied says he's invincible while in trapped and could be the reason for no NK.
  7. I misquoted, I meant to click on cat5
  8. What a joke, KY, Nodlied, ChopBam, and iLTS are the scum suspects, yet you all want to put KY in the vault so he can put a tape in there? In all previous games with a vault, we could directly pass to the vault, what makes you think this one is different? If anyone dies, he gets their coins and I'm assuming their items too considering iLTS was about to grab multiple coins. KY and Nodlied have the most overpowered abilities in the game. KY has an unstoppable daykill, regeneration, and his fusion ability. I wonder if the fusion ability isn't about creating a doc but has him steal abilities. The first night he claimed to have targeted FRAYDO, but that doesn't have to be true, he could've targeted iLTS the first night. The second night he targets iLTS, with the possibility of stealing the theiving ability. Nodlied is straight up unkillable until he's released but we also don't know what happens if he is released. I'll type more within an hour, I have a doctor's appointment at 5Pm EST so I might not be around for hammer.
  9. ##Vote Killing You ##Nominate TheIrishman As it stands right now, Killing You, Nodlied, iLTS, and ChopBam are really our only Scum suspects. Killing You claims ghost mason which doesn't make sense for Piccolo. He also has Regeneration and a daykill yet Shade claims he purchased a Medkit? Nodlied claims nothing so far except a more powerful version of hider and being Boo. iLTS is a claimed thieving Mr. Rogers which is also confusing. ChopBam is a Bus Driver of love. FRAYDO is Bob Ross, too cool to be lynched I don't think can be scum. Shade is the shop keeper who only cares for gold and already allegedly sold off his most beneficial item for Town. Also, interesting that Shade decided to visit the top Scum suspect of all people last night. If we can't agree on who to vote, we should just get rid of Shade. Cat5 is a mason with a journal that is put into the vault upon death. Orange is passive inventor which really seems more neutral than anything but is apparently Town.
  10. That means you bought an item that cost 3 coins. Anybody have an explanation for no nightkill last night, btw? He didn't tell me an exact amount, but with how this game is going 10-15 seems fair.
  11. What I mean with almost certainly dead is that he'll either end up shooting me or shooting both me and Nodlied. I doubt he'd go for FRAYDO unless he wanted to out himself as Scum.
  12. I'm almost certain KY bought Ammo instead of a Medkit anyway. Which means I'm almost certainly dead and also means I have nothing to lose. Still, I think Killing You should shoot Nodlied.
  13. Sorry man, Shade already guessed it and I feel like it further proves Killing You to be Scum. KY claims to have an action that can setup a permanent Mason, but has a very low chance of activating. Shade also creates a doc when he visits his target, meaning there are at least 2 masons in the game. If you add in Killing You, that'd be 3 and that seems like way too many. As for Cat5's item, it's a notebook to write down his own thoughts. Upon him dying and being revealed as Town, it'd be transferred to the vault where we can read it and see his understanding of the game to help reevaluate the situation.
  14. I'm not saying you should do a full claim, Cat5, either. I'm just saying that your item alone proves you to be Town.
  15. Yeah, because he mason'd me and basically proved to me that he was Town. How many coins do you have now Killing You?
  16. Because my talk with him showed that he had a very Town perspective, even regarding you. Cat5, are you going to do a full claim? If not, I'm going to talk about your item.
  17. I'm much more fine with this. What's going on? This painting seemed to have alluded towards Bob Ross but now it's referencing towards you.
  18. I'm fine with anime, watched over 100 different ones and read like 50+ manga, but please don't tarnish Bob Ross.
  19. If Bob Ross sealed Boo in a painting, at most it would've been a happy little accident.
  20. I thought we all saw him give a tribble to Nodlied, you must've forgot.
  21. He has the most trustworthy abilities from my understanding. You're just biting back now that you've outgrown your usefulness.
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