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Everything posted by TheIrishman

  1. I'll be honest though, I don't remember exactly how PP works, but if we were going to implement it, considering we can't swap Pokemon, maybe half the normal PP cost or something like that.
  2. True, but in doubles it's especially effective, and if you add in all these potions, it really does matter. Just look back to when it was Sunflower and me vs you and Orange. Lasted 18 turns. And again, those items took up a turn as well (at least the ones used before you died).
  3. I was thinking of maybe a slot machine option either a general one or in tiers. As Seismic Toss, I don't agree. There are plenty of buff and debuff items that can alter damage. You just have to figure out how to set up your moves first. For example, Alakazam was able to hit 54 DMG against me after using Psychic. With a crit he was able to hit 90 DMG. Seismic Toss, Dragon's Rage, and Night Shade all deal direct damage and in turn can't crit or gain any STAB bonuses. If you ever want to increase your dmg, it's actually more beneficial to decrease your opponent's defense (special or standard) than it is to increase your own attack. Using something like Leer would almost double the physical dmg you deal while something like Sword dance only increases your dmg by a bit less than 50%. The thing is, no one ever used any actual moves to do this, everyone relied on items to affect stats until the last match. I do think maybe we should add PP into the game to avoid people spamming the same moves over and over, but that might complicate things too much.
  4. I feel like a true winner just for killing both Shade and Orange. Revenge has been had. I look forward to Gen 2 from you Orange.
  5. Were you actually? Or was it flavor?
  6. Mine started out with Ice Beam, Body Slam, Confuse Ray, and Water Gun (was going to swap it out for Surf tonight).
  7. Also has a Tauros and Aerodactyl, but I didn't see that Aerodactyl was Rock with no Rock moves, though he was normal so I felt it was useless to play. Tauros, I initially thought was good, but after noticing moves like Seismic Toss, I thought otherwise.
  8. Go ahead reveal it now! I had a Dragonair and a Lapras left, was going to change to Lapras when my Snorlax died. I was hoping I couldn't be knocked out of the game as long as Scum didn't know the names of my remaining pokemon.
  9. Hey he almost won because of your item, don't give me lip
  10. Game Over? So he was the last Scum, gg guys.
  11. Strategically, would've been better to attack Scyther, just saying xD
  12. The hit percent chance is still the same regardless. X-Speed on Scyther
  13. A little salty about the fact that Alakazam hasn't missed a single move with only a 75% hit rate while I ended up missing 2/3.
  14. Though his Disable only has a 75% chance of working due to Double Team.
  15. So...Alakazam can disable me or he can recover and get beaten to death anyway. Good Game. I think your Slash if free now that it's Turn 9, Cat5, not that it matters. Seismic Toss.
  16. I only ever played up to Crystal which was Gen 2.
  17. I forgot I'm not able to attack the turn I wake up. Man, I should really play pokemon again, I'm forgetting so many rules. Seismic Toss
  18. I'm happy I have seismic toss, don't have to worry about all these status effects :b Just my 27 flat damage.
  19. Seismic Toss on Alakazam How long is Slash disabled for?
  20. I gave Alakazam plus 50% defense with X-Defense, isn't that the case?
  21. 9.96 (rounded down to 9) without Sword Dance, 13.6 (13 rounded down) with Sword Dance.
  22. (2.4 x 70 x 110 / 50 / 67.5 + 2) x 4 / 3 should be the formula. After sword dance the 110 while be 165.
  23. Hopefully my fluffy ass actually manages to evade one of these day.
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