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Everything posted by TheIrishman

  1. So I think that proves you're not what I thought you were at first. Now we're down to 2 possibilities, 1 Town-ish, 1 more Hostile.
  2. Alright, explain your ability before I guess, because Third Party is generally considered Hostile and only in a few rare cases (CYOR I is the only I can think of and that wasn't intentional) can they win with Town. At first I thought I knew what you were but now you're talking about needing 4 days of Town being alive?
  3. I actually can't roleblock and take control of a NK because it would make me too powerful. And I only roleblock the ability they were going to use, so I don't negate passives. I don't know what the ability did. Think of it this way, I receive the PM that the other player would've received if they used it. So I don't get a full explanation of the ability, just that "[blank ability] failed due to such and such." Kind of, I have 3 different ideas of what the ability could do. 2 of them being more Town oriented.
  4. I did use it, but it failed due to other requirements of the ability.
  5. Okay, this is a lot earlier than I normally like to reveal and will probably do me more harm than good, maybe even putting me under the hot seat, but I think it's more important for everyone to put their focus in the right direction so I'll just come out with my ability. Basically I used a limited Witch ability. It lets me possess a player for the night, roleblocking their current action, and having me select a new target for myself to use their action. Hence Johnny Depp, because I can be almost any role It can be used for good or bad depending on who I block, but also works as a variation of an ability cop. And just to let a certain someone know, my item is kind of like rum, boosting your potential (don't argue with me on this one).
  6. Do the pies at least have some sort of benefit? Or are you just trolling? Because it mostly makes me think about some sort of Bozo the Clown/Arsonist combo.
  7. Yes, the one dealing with...*thinks of a vague term that won't give away too much information*...gathering?
  8. I'm not sure we're talking about the same ability.
  9. Alright back from the shit show and caught up. I initially thought Shade was Town due to me being able to discover what ability he has, but I only know the ability's name. My first thought basically was that it meant he was a Town role, but looking back at it now, it does sound a bit sketchy. ChopBam are you neutral?
  10. I think I can safely say that Shade is most likely Town. I'd love to talk more, but I gotta go and cover a shift.
  11. Unless he was able to use Light Meditation Technique for a full heal. Anyway, for once Shade is an actual suspect. I can...because I did.
  12. Time to see if FRAYDO still has bad luck after his win against Cat5.
  13. I want to link Cat5's argument for No Lynch but I'm also too lazy to find it. Basically, we're more likely to Lynch Town D1 while we'll gather more information at night with another player alive. And we've already gained the information about who voted who during D1.
  14. Oh, I misunderstood I think. Yeah he voted himself, just not the last vote.
  15. I think Retaliation is referencing when I helped convince KY that Retaliation was still a suspect when he was innocent and there were only 5 people left. Then Retaliation ended up voting himself, and I took advantage of the situation for an early hammer to win the game. So I think he's basically saying Shade has the wrong idea.
  16. Current Vote Count Category 5 Hurricane voted no one ChopBam voted no one FRAYDO voted no one Killing_You voted no one Nodlied voted FRAYDO OrangeP47 voted no one Retaliation voted no one Shade939 voted Retaliation Sunflower voted no one TheIrishMan voted NoLynch Tie votes. ~25 minutes to hammer. Btw Jeod, it looks like they got rid of the scroll bar for the format when posting, but you can still move down to Normal (DIV) using the arrow keys if you want the CVC to take up less space.
  17. To be fair, I'd do that regardless of my alignment.
  18. Yes...yes they did :b But Retaliation was Town in that game. I don't think we have enough information to go off of in either direction. The wording is suspicious for FRAYDO, but I don't think it's completely damning and I feel less comfortable about voting him off when he's not even given the opportunity to defend himself. For Retaliation, I'm a lot like Sunflower here, I don't quite see where Shade got his suspicions aside from his sketchy avatar. Citing cat5's reasoning behind why we should No Lynch from my CYOR Halloween Edition, I think I'm going to go for a 3-way tie. ##No Lynch
  19. Well, I promise I'm not Johnny Depp or any of his other roles.
  20. Not a bad guess, but no spoilers for now
  21. Very true. That's why I always have my avatar and/or profile related to my character. At most there will be some misdirection, at worst it'll only have some vague reference towards my character, like alignment or abilities. But I never place a completely false clue, because how can this be a detective's game without a trail for people to pick up on?
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