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Everything posted by Shade939

  1. Although ability copier is probably a more accurate term.
  2. It might be a way to limit an ability thief from being too powerful by doubling an OP abilities usage.
  3. He's at least partially telling the truth as demonstrated by him actually using those abilities.
  4. Mojoman's at least done a full ability claim, and is actively working with us in that regard. You can pretty accurately picture how much a threat Mojoman can be.
  5. Yeah, and I want to go after even less helpful players.
  6. @Mojoman, your hammer can only stun a player correct? With a 50% chance to hit yourself instead?
  7. Was he lying, or simply unaware of the current CVC so he misquoted it?
  8. I don't think he'd be taking as many risk if he had a teammate to work with still.
  9. Save his day action for now, not go after a player voting No Lynch. He pretty legitimately went after the player he thought was most likely to be Scum with his action.
  10. Mojomans actions aren't really consistent with how I'd expect him to behave as one of the last two Mafia members.
  11. In which case, his argument would quickly fall apart as soon as Chopbam used his ability on someone else though.
  12. The point is I am, it's a really bad idea for Orange to lie about being targeted by Chopbams ability.
  13. Read the end of that @Category 5 Hurricane
  14. Mafia edit: same ability that targeted Orange or not.
  15. Don't know what Jeods complaining about. But it should obvious to anyone else in game if they're targeted by the sane ability that targeted or not.
  16. No, it's called reality, if you tell a player they notice someone watching them last night, then they know someone was watching them last night with an ability. And that's GM confirmed.
  17. That's why you would generally avoid giving out details about abilities as a GM since you'll end up confirming their use.
  18. That describes a different ability than the one that targeted me, so it obviously should be a different ability, and I really doubt Orange would risk lying about the made up flavor description for being targeted by an action.
  19. Since the only way to receive that flavor text is to be targeted by that specific ability.
  20. I'll point out something obvious that everyone is ignoring, but Orange recurved flavor text that he used to describe him being roleblocked, therefore, the GM basically confirmed that happened given those details.
  21. This is exactly what you did as the TP Loki when I asked you to clarify your character.
  22. To point out the obvious, only one of you is actively trying to hide here.
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